
6 Decks, 6 Comments, 3 Reputation

Alright, so I also found: Distortion Strike (with the Rebound it seems similar to your choice of Artful Dodge) and a little spell called Ghostform (which is dumb good) and also Crafty Pathmage! That's an interesting choice I think...let's me just leave it out and continuously set up unblocked creatures, or forces them to use crowd control! Finally, I remembered Marang River Prowler is in there, and I love that card. It does seem a little expensive for 4 copies though..Thoughts?

Posted 02 April 2015 at 16:43 in reply to #544080 on Ninja, ninja RAP


Wow, Greetings, indeed! I'm super new to constructed, and this site. It's really awesome that you took time to help me out with this. I see the logic with the Aqueous Forms...I actually thought of it at the bar last night. Basically it went: 1. Zone out for a minute while staring at my beer, 2. Girlfriend very very confused as to what I'm doing, 3. Back to reality and: "I know what's wrong with my NINJAS!" She was pissed I was thinking about Magic, but hey...whattaya gonna do? Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to add them immediately!

Posted 02 April 2015 at 16:34 in reply to #544080 on Ninja, ninja RAP


50th LIKE! WELL DESERVED, BABY! Now I want a deck to make Bebops and Rocksteadies.....pig people and rhino people hrm....i know there are rhino people already....

Posted 01 April 2015 at 21:54 as a comment on Mutant Ninja Turtle in Magic!


Isn't this almost exactly the starter deck they released for the Populate mechanic last year? I only notice growing ranks and a couple others being different....and none of those are all that helpful. Where is Trostani, Selesnya's Voice?! That card should be in this beast.

Posted 08 September 2014 at 19:40 as a comment on Populate The World


/nod got it. Thanks for the explanation! I do see that being able to pull out dual lands and use them immediately is key, especially in a deck like this where control of the opponent's hand / the board is so important. Waiting that extra turn to use a mana could be a game losing situation.

Posted 05 September 2014 at 15:39 in reply to #500716 on Life can be cruel


So i'm pretty new to the Vault. Also, I guess I feel new to Magic in general even though I played back in the day; the meta game is very alien to me. I just gotta ask, is the super high cost of the deck necessary for some reason or is it just a clever meta joke? Scalding Tarn, for example, seems completely ridiculous to add to the deck, since it's basically just an Evolving Wilds that costs a ton of money and makes you lose life. So....meta joke, or necessarily $700??

Posted 05 September 2014 at 14:40 as a comment on Life can be cruel
