
19 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

The deck does have Birds and Caryatid to get black mana, though I agree, Haunting would be better here.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:26 in reply to #560937 on Gather the Forces


Oh, haha. Yeah. I just figured I'd end the post with that. I've only used it in the PPTQ and two small store tourneys. So at this point the sample size is still small.

Posted 01 September 2015 at 00:45 in reply to #560586 on GW Warriors


Any help is appreciated.

Posted 12 May 2015 at 12:49 as a comment on BW Tokens Standard


Any comments welcome. Thanks for looking.

Posted 11 November 2013 at 09:58 as a comment on Izzet Aggro FNM Draft Recap


With every creature being a white, why not run a playset of Brave the Elements? And without knowing what you'd want to target, I'd keep Detention Sphere for the sideboard. Then you could add in two more enchantments for your creatures. Maybe a pair of Ehtereal Armor.

If interested, you can check out a recent deck I built at

Posted 28 October 2013 at 08:51 as a comment on Heroes of Theros!


Just wondering why you insist on using Spike Jester over the Gore-House Chainwalker (a cheap card to obtain). Exava's ability gives an unleashed GHC haste, and with a 1R mana requiremant, it will be easier to cast than the Jester, especially in a three-color deck with no Overgrown Tombs, Dragonskull Summits or Woodland Cemetaries to increase your chances of hitting black mana on Turn 2.

The variance of the mana base will also cause problems with your one-drops. Try leaning mostly green or mostly red, rather than using both Experiment One AND the Cackler as your one-drops. Perhaps take out the Cackler for Dryad Militant (lean green) or replace Experiment One with Stromkirk Noble (lean red).

Posted 12 August 2013 at 03:28 as a comment on Jund Aggro (Standard)


You might also replace Spike Jester with Gore-House Chainwalker. It has no black mana requirement (so you could lean red to consistently play Ash Zealot T2), and it combos better with Exava's last ability. And possibly include Hellhole Flailer for the same reason. I might do something like this now that Flinthoof Boar is no longer Standard legal and I don't see a viable, big-bodied replacement in green.

Posted 21 July 2013 at 18:15 as a comment on Rakdos Aggro (M14 Revised)
