
2 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

I was wrong when I said that switching life is not the same as gaining life. Per MotM ruling:

When the life totals are exchanged, each player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other player's previous life total. For example, if player A has 5 life and player B has 3 life before the exchange, player A will lose 2 life and player B will gain 2 life. Replacement effects may modify these gains and losses, and triggered abilities may trigger on them.

Posted 23 July 2015 at 18:31 as a comment on The Undying Lich


Doing a little further research. From MotM ruling:
If an effect says that a player can't lose life, that player can't exchange life totals with a player who has a lower life total; in that case, the exchange won't happen.

And Lich: If you would gain life, draw that many cards instead.

Lich doesn't prevent you from gaining life, it just swaps life gain out for card draw. I think it is still legal.

Posted 23 July 2015 at 18:29 in reply to #364115 on The Undying Lich


I've just started looking into Lich decks, and I know I am responding to this two years after it was posted knowing chances are slim anyone will read this.

That said, I believe the above statement is incorrect. I believe you can switch life totals with someone. Switching life totals is not the same thing as gaining life - gaining life is a specific keyword function. Using Mirror Universe + Lich was a very common tactic back in the day.

So it would seem that Magus of the Mirror is the equivalent of Mirror Universe. CMC is the same too.

Posted 23 July 2015 at 16:10 in reply to #364115 on The Undying Lich
