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Simian Spirit Guide can help getting some spells a turn earlier.

Demigod of Revenge wants to be played as a 4 of because of its etb. If you don't want to increase the Demigod count, Stormbreath Dragon could fill the role and be more resilient against removal (Path can't target it).

Personally, I'm not a fan of Goblin Ruinblaster, and while it costs more, I'm a big fan of Goblin Dark-Dwellers as it not only replays land destruction spells, but almost any other instant or sorcery in your graveyard. I guess I like it for the flexibility

Speaking of other Instants or Sorceries, you may want to include something like Anger of the Gods. There will be matchups where they can get in under you land denial. Mana dorks, Aether Vial, most of RDW's spells, etc.

Posted 14 June 2017 at 11:41 in reply to #601743 on R/B Land Hate


The problem with LD in Modern is that LD on its own isn't enough. What Ponza does is it uses LD and Blood Moon to put the opponent off some / most of their spells while ramping into big threats to close the game. What I like about it is the flexibility beyond the core cards.

Plus, the Green gives access to Enchantment hate. I've seen GW Tron builds that have Sacred Ground in their sideboard.

Here's a Primer:

And my build:

Posted 14 June 2017 at 11:05 in reply to #601743 on R/B Land Hate


You may want to look into a deck archetype called Ponza. It does what you're trying to here, in my bias opinion, better than this :P

Posted 14 June 2017 at 10:42 as a comment on R/B Land Hate


True. Although, BU dual lands should serve the purpose without adding too much lands.

Posted 14 June 2017 at 07:40 in reply to #601143 on Relentless Milling?


Sadly, that land isn't Modern legal

Posted 14 June 2017 at 04:01 in reply to #601725 on Challenge Excepted


Dryad Militant is a must. One mana for a 2/1 that gets +2/+2 from the Liege is hard to pass on.

I'd replace Avacyn's Pilgrim with either Noble Hierarch or Birds of Paradise. They all serve the same purpose, buy the latter two can tap for either of your colours. Noble Hierarch is the superior choice because of Exalted, but it's price tag is a little ridiculous.

Rancor is an auto include in any green based aggro deck I make. {G} for +2/+0 and trample on a card that's hard to remove, can a green aggro deck ask for better at that cost?

I have a preference of Citadel Castellan over Wilt-Leaf Cavalier. Wilt-Leaf Cavalier may be easier to cast, but Citadel Castellan has the potential to be stronger.

While Dromoka's Command is a great card, I have another preference in Selesnya Charm. There's a fun little trick by enchanting the creature you want to exile with Rancor to make it a legal target for the Charm. You get Rancor back and the previously illegal target is exiled :P

Just checked the price tag on Voice of Resurgence. It's much lower than I remember. Would definitely be a strong contender for Fleecemane Lion's slot.

Posted 13 June 2017 at 14:27 as a comment on Selesnya-Aggro


I really like that you are doing this. Makes it easy to teach new victi... *ahem* players. I do have one suggestion though, swap out Terramorphic Expanse for Evolving Wilds to keep familiarity once they leave to join the big(er) leagues. Evolving Wilds has become a sort of staple reprint in Standard.

Posted 13 June 2017 at 11:00 as a comment on W/R Beginner: Batallion


I couldn't resist :P

Posted 12 June 2017 at 12:54 in reply to #601659 on DBC: RoR and A. Procession


Correct me if my maths is wrong, but the way I understand it, with Shaman of the Pack bring the only Elf in play when kicking Rite of Replication, the opponent loses 30 life.

L = S x E
L {life lost} = S {Number of Shaman of the Pack entering the battlefield} x E {Number of Elves on the battlefield when resolving}
L = 5 (from kicked RoR) x 6 (1 original + 5 copies)
L = 30

Posted 12 June 2017 at 09:55 in reply to #601659 on DBC: RoR and A. Procession


Can't believe I forgot about Biovisionary.

Another janky idea I came up with to make more copies of a win condition with Parallel Lives / Anointed Procession out and Saheeli's Artistry. Phyrexian Metamorph copies something, but is an artifact in addition to its other types, allowing you to target it with both of effects of Saheeli's Artistry. Similarly, Liquimetal Coating can turn something into an artifact in addition to its other types, allowing for the same trick.

Posted 12 June 2017 at 09:28 in reply to #601661 on DBC: RoR and A. Procession


If Kicking Rite of Replication is the goal, you will most likely have to go a third colour, specifically green. Now there's a few way to ramp into a kicked Rite of Replication and still get value of of the copies, but one of my favorites is Allies. Specifically Harabaz Druid to ramp and Halimar Excavator to target with Right of Replication.

Thinking about it now, you don't have to go white as there's a green card that does exactly what Anointed Procession does: Parallel Lives. Although, with the Ally idea, you may want to keep white for cards like Ondu Cleric and Hada Freeblade.

Another option is Elves. With thier natural mana production and Parallel Lives instead of Anointed Procession, you can go GBU with the Elves and target things like Shaman of the Pack with Rite of Replication.

Lastly there's the boring way of just playing a lot of land ramp spells, which works well with Archaeomancer, which can return a spell to ramp again. Eternal Witness helps here too.

Posted 12 June 2017 at 08:35 as a comment on DBC: RoR and A. Procession


Ah, the satisfaction of trouncing unfair, holier-than-thou, bigots :P

Posted 11 June 2017 at 17:02 in reply to #601638 on Beastly Challenge


Elves? Seriously? That's kind of like cheating after giving you those limits. Elves are always strong regardless of format. Props for wining despite the unfairness :P

Posted 11 June 2017 at 15:43 in reply to #601638 on Beastly Challenge


This is my current list: My current Ponza list is in the description of this deck.

I've also been commenting on this Primer:

Lots of customisation beyond the core cards, which you can see by the comments on the Primer.

Posted 09 June 2017 at 22:57 in reply to #601438 on Dragon Skred


Ah. I don't really play Commander and don't check all the banned cards often enough. But I can see why it is banned.

Posted 08 June 2017 at 20:04 in reply to #601528 on Tribal Gods


Homeward Path and Karakas can be used to deny the opponents the bonus from attacking with of Karona, False God.

Posted 08 June 2017 at 16:19 as a comment on Tribal Gods


The money limit was a pain. Had to replace Thragtusk and Obstinate Baloth :/

Posted 08 June 2017 at 12:13 in reply to #601512 on Beastly Challenge


Search for something else I came across a card that could be useful here: Viridian Revel. With this out, anything you destroy after turning it into an artifact would draw you a card.

Posted 08 June 2017 at 10:51 as a comment on Sucks to be an artifact


Cool. Give me a few hours and I'll post my take on the idea.

Posted 08 June 2017 at 09:20 in reply to #601512 on Beastly Challenge


Are you limited to only Beasts? Or do things like creatures with Changeling count? How cheap is cheap? Because I'd like to take on the challenge too.

Posted 08 June 2017 at 09:03 as a comment on Beastly Challenge


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