
362 Decks, 2,044 Comments, 737 Reputation

just watch out for the fist that might come ur way hahahahaha people seem to hate LD decks >:D

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:33 in reply to #368040 on Liquimetal Budget


bahaha this is just as insane as using Exsanguinate to end the game combo hahahaha love it.

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:11 as a comment on Maralen the morningsong EDH


i had a deck based around Liquimetal but had to destroy it b/c no one would duel me with it. it used the coat to make lands an artifact and blow them all up using various destroy artifact cards mwuahahahahaha. i dont suggest doing that idea unless u want ur friends to hate u lol. this looks pretty kool to me. though personally i would drop the phoenix for more smelter. hes just a beast of a card when u drop him especially with the coat out.

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:07 as a comment on Liquimetal Budget


nah it isnt great, could always use some tweaks lol. haha that would get super annoying especially against me, most of my decks r creature heavy haha. u know ill keep posting wild crazy ideas XD been a while since u last were on maybe next time it wont be so long. u should totally let me know if u take the deck to a tourney and how well it does. hahahaha

Posted 19 June 2013 at 16:54 in reply to #367650 on Dragon Wars I


lol i do too. im a very large collector of dragons in magic XD this was inspired as a rough draft for the new big boy to be released soon

Posted 19 June 2013 at 00:58 in reply to #367650 on Dragon Wars I


i do like the wolf doesnt go with the overall theme i have of maybe using Civic Saber to push through for major damage hm...

Posted 17 June 2013 at 16:23 in reply to #366886 on Hellzone


braid of fire is a dead card here. right after ur upkeep u will lose that mana so it needs to go. y not just use some rampant growths instead? somberwald sage is a way better card here than scorned villiager if u ask me. i would also consider letting asceticism go for more growing ranks. world at war can be fun but overall idk how well it will work here. those few changes would really help out the deck. i would even look into rootbound defense and druid's deliverance to keep the populating up and defense up as well.

Posted 16 June 2013 at 20:09 as a comment on Dragon's Stampede


thx ill give it some thought.

Posted 16 June 2013 at 18:15 in reply to #366886 on Hellzone


as said before, a legendary creature must be in command Godhead is not a legend. it's easy enough to find a good Blue/White legend though. since u will have Godhead in the deck, u might want to make sure u have plenty of draw or digging power in the deck to get to her. i would also look into making a very tough defense to keep u alive while u look for her. u have prison, look into norn's annex and windborn muse to make it a triple threat and even copy enchantment can be fun here too.

Posted 13 June 2013 at 20:17 as a comment on Godhead EDH, Need help please.


soo how about letting go of the songs (as sad as it is..) and using mox opals?? also another dragonstorm might help get the combo going.

Posted 13 June 2013 at 17:09 as a comment on Mono Red Dragonstorm


wow interesting build but u wouldnt make long against most decks. sorry to say that. hexplate, hand of emrakul, and volcanic dragon all r pointless here 95% of the time to me. while emblem of the warmind is a great card, just 2 in here and the fact u need a creature to use it is bad. try using Fervor its a way better card to use. u deff need some better stall tactics to keep alive. lightning bolts are probably ur best bet here. just those small changes could really help out in the long run.

Posted 11 June 2013 at 17:42 as a comment on Quick! Dragons!


interesting build here sure. i have never seen a deck like this before. Pox pops in one phrase the second u read it.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to use.... MATH..."

Posted 11 June 2013 at 04:18 as a comment on Destroy something beautiful


overrun is easier to get and to me is a better card for the idea i have here.

Posted 10 June 2013 at 20:30 in reply to #364336 on Merciless Worldspine


hmm that might make for a fun SB. might be better to swap 1 swamp and 1 forest for the passage.

Posted 10 June 2013 at 20:28 in reply to #364301 on A Rogue Kill


uhm wow.. no offense but this is kind of a train wreck atm. ur mana curve is so high u will be lucky to drop even one dragon before ur dead. personally: caged sun, coat of arms, dragon roost, bogardan hellkite and slumbering dragon all need to go. yes each one is an amazing card but they make this deck bulky. if u ask me, letting go of 1 utvara for another kilnmouth isnt a bad thing to consider. crucible of fire isnt needed here either. another bolt, maybe some earthquakes and if u have the room some shock or searing spears would be great adds for the deck.

Posted 10 June 2013 at 17:49 as a comment on Dragon Deck


not bad looking so far. the sb is where u will put Damia just so ya know for this web site. now i personally dont like going against Damia due to my lil brother... -_-

he made an infect Damia EDH deck and its brutal. we had to bump the poison counters up to 30 just for him b/c he could get them on u so fast. anyways, this looks good so far.

Posted 10 June 2013 at 00:11 as a comment on Green Wedge EDH


u know with some stoneforge mystics ( i know they aren't cheap) u could have more fun with this deck and even consider calling it "All for one" lol

Posted 09 June 2013 at 17:42 as a comment on SWORDS!


its not a prob. haha though i have found that u do need a way to keep u from drawin out ur deck. my lil bro and i did a test one day to see just how many rats i could get before i ran out of the deck. it ended up being up over 9 trillion if i remember right. i have been thinking of remaking one and using hissing miasama to stall and a couple dash hopes just in case. add in one dread and u can almost go inf.

Posted 04 June 2013 at 16:08 in reply to #361359 on INFINITE UNLIMTED RATS


i understand that too many commanders not enough of the typical cards to go in them -_- o well lol. yah the mask will work just fine i think. haha welcome.

Posted 04 June 2013 at 16:05 in reply to #361355 on j-j-j-hoira


see i like this deck. its not abusing an insane number of relentless rats here like most other rat decks enjoy using. i think this is a pretty well built deck. ya got a +1 from me.

Posted 04 June 2013 at 05:19 as a comment on INFINITE UNLIMTED RATS


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