
8 Decks, 73 Comments, 14 Reputation

I apologize if I came off a little snobby, but I felt I could make a more compelling case with examples.

I'm gonnna make another deck at some point. Black and Red. Sadistic Hypnotist + Act of Treason. For 3 mana, you kill a creature of choice and your opponent discards 2 cards. Toss in some more selective discard like make your opponent discard removal cards and you gain a massive advantage. Not to mention how quick black and red can mana ramp. The only problem I see with that combo is that the first card you'll want to play (Hypnotist) costs more, which makes Act of Treason a dead-ish draw. Conversely, if you play something like Mongrel Pack the turn before Sadistic Hypnotist, you can make your opponent discard his hand when you play Sadistic Hypnotist (assuming he doesn't get instagibbed).

I'm still gonna try to avoid the control colors as I tend to gravitate to control over agro.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 20:53 in reply to #511546 on Sleeper Agent's Act of Treason


I hate to be the baron of bad news but I do not like this deck.

The sleeper agent combos are simply extravagant, but the moment that guy dies you are in trouble. Not only that, but you will probably take a 2 for 1 card loss.

Death Watch actually is not good with Stab Wound.

Combo's are nasty business but they have weaknesses:
1. The combo pieces need to be good on their own.
2. You need tutor cards and/or cards that can counteract removal
3. And/or the combo needs to cripple your opponent... as in the game is over within a turn or 2, or you nailed massive control.
4. If you can, watch the CMC. A 5-6-7 drop should end the game, but it takes a long time to get there.

I feel some examples are necessary for you to fully grasp these remarks:

1. Lodestone Amulet + Prophet of Kruphix: Not only do you untap all lands and creatures every upkeep, but anytime you cast an instant or creature(now have flash), your creatures gain hexproof ueot. Those dead draw elves are now better than counterspells for targeted removal... Fauna Shaman, Elvish Piper, etc.

2. Cinder Pyromancer + Chandra Spitefire + shock: Cinder Pyromancer pings 2 damage. The spitfire is now a 10/3 flyer. Assuming, they can't block the spitfire... 14 damage for 1 red mana. I once did 60 something damage in a turn with 5 mountains (also had a guttersnipe out). I literally had like 2 life and the other guy had 50 something. He lost.

4. Inundate + Eternal Witness: Return all nonblue creatures to there owners hands (that includes ewit). Cast Ewit, put Inundate back into your hand. Rinse and Repeat to lockdown any nonblue creature based deck... Glen Elendra Prankster can also abuse Eternal Witness.

5. Any creature with doublestrike + Loxodon Warhammer + Cradle of Vitality. Let's just say that creature is a 5/2 with the warhammer. For 2 plains and 2 colorless you: gain 15 life, do 15 combat damage with trample, and the creature is now a 20/17.

*****You must must must have tutors or extensive draw*****

Posted 15 October 2014 at 20:17 as a comment on Sleeper Agent's Act of Treason


So just call them Brava (bray-va). That's like the non-racist way of saying it, right?

I think the whole controversy is silly... Unresolved anger from Manifest Destiny (centuries ago) turns into out of nowhere attitude about stupid shit. Next thing ya know the NA Braves fans will get angry at traffic cops for directing them to their parking spot because it looks like a tomahawk. Let's break down the word tomahawk: | --> Ayyyy-ah-Ohhhh. Ayyyy-a-Ohhhh... And then I found out Ayyyy-ah-Ohhh means Home-a-Walk in NA and I felt like a jackass.

Take the name Notre Dame Fighting Irish: Are they pissed that the name Fighting Irish "could be" construed as Irish stereotype of drinking and fighting. Freud wouldn't know, but that name stands.

Which leads me to my next point: To all you women out there, stop with the silent treatment, I don't know what you're thinking and I'm not gonna figure it out unless you tell me!? Or else I'm gonna make you go as Pocahontas for Halloween.. Then who won't know what the hell I'm thinking. :P

Posted 15 October 2014 at 18:39 in reply to #511456 on Is "Indian Giver' Racist?


I decided to combine our two ideas into one:

Posted 15 October 2014 at 06:22 in reply to #511245 on Is "Indian Giver' Racist?


I think this deck is a bit more cultured: haha.

Posted 15 October 2014 at 05:59 in reply to #511258 on I give your creatures Flying


predator flagship
ana disciple
could both be great here

Posted 14 October 2014 at 16:50 as a comment on I give your creatures Flying


hmmm. I like it, but what if you're against a creature-less deck? Tough to find that in anything but green though. But if you have something like Natural Affinity in here. Things can get real interesting.

But yeah, needs more control in there or you'll never get there unless its mp. pyroclasm/starstorm/counterspells/bounce. I always liked Inundate (because I use it in a simic deck that has eternal witness, tricky mean that can lockdown some decks). You could conceivably make Inundate + non blue when enters the battlefield... blah blah.

Simple unsummons work great with the Gilded Drake.

krocka's top 5 favorite green cards(in no order):
earthcraft: broken as all hell
natural affinity: just mean in a grave pact token deck. Creature-less decks rely on wrath of God types. The look on their face when grave pact triggers, and I cast natural affinity. They sac lands... I keep mine.
eternal witness: too good for card advantage
tangle: a 2 turn fog
force of nature: first big'un I ever owned even though it's really not that great. its still a sexy card.

The Auction card would be fun as hell to play.

What if in your flyer deck u made a bunch of flyers for yourself. Then traded them. Then wiped em with hurricane or twister or whatever haha.

On another note I'm really starting to love winds of change. It solves so many problems:
My first few draws have been shitty and I'm fiending for land. No problem: shuffle
My enemy just used a tutor and has his answer for me next turn: shuffle
I have my Psychosis Crawler out, all of a sudden its 5-7 damage for 1 red mana... and I might even draw another one in my shuffle.

Posted 14 October 2014 at 15:52 as a comment on Is "Indian Giver' Racist?


I came across some artifacts that could help a lot. I searched with probably the same search engine you use. I forgot their names, but one was legendary and I think it cost 5 colorless. And the other one started with a letter late in the alphabet. Sorry I don't remember names.

Posted 14 October 2014 at 15:26 as a comment on I give your creatures Flying


speaking of multiplayer decks, cultural exchange would be a fun mp card. I was thinking swapping something that has a negative effect? Like Lich or Force of Nature or something.

Posted 14 October 2014 at 03:11 as a comment on How to: Multiplayer Decks


I always thought Raking Canopy could be abused somehow. Defy Gravity? Zephyr Charge?

It's too bad you can't get Wonder into opponents graveyard haha... or can u?

Ignore that other dude. He doesn't understand that the best decks make drawbacks positive. As an example: Psychosis Crawler + Gush (the free way) + Winds of Change... That's a lot of life loss for 1 red mana + a new hand + it crushes combo decks that use search.

PS: could u check out my wardeR ed deck? I'm terrible at deck building for 1v1.

Also, if you really want a challenge: Make a deck that is based on the card: Cultural Exchange.

Posted 13 October 2014 at 07:28 as a comment on I give your creatures Flying


Nice AntiMagic deck :\

Posted 12 October 2014 at 09:57 as a comment on Animated Time Vault


I don't see how this deck actually wins. The only thing your doing early on is counterspells. Sure, on turns 4-6 u can pop out some nice creatures IF you have the mana for it. And then can't counter simple creature removal spells which just about every deck has.

There's no draw in here.
There's no mana acceleration in here.

Fathom Mage? Gyre Sage?
Bioshift? Forgotten Ancient?

You should have more Prophet of Kruphix in. That bitch loves counterspell decks.

Posted 12 October 2014 at 09:54 as a comment on Hail Hydra!


I have 5 counterspells in a 60 card deck. Count em 5. God forbid a simic deck has counterspell in it. I've met people that blocked me because I countered a spell!? It's one thing if a someone counters the first 3 cards you play. It's another story when you have 5 in a deck and the best blue/green has to offer in creature control is a bounce. I mean really?

On another note any card with mox or lotus in it, that isn't green, is a bullshit card that minimizes one of green's strengths.

Also, the fact that Twincast doesn't copy Storm abilities on a card is bologna.

Posted 12 October 2014 at 09:46 in reply to #510612 on How to: Multiplayer Decks


Most of my decks handle multiplayer quite well. I used to used to run a Prophet of Kruphix with Glen Elendra Archmage I think it was, eternal witness, and a counterspell. I ended up x'ing the archmage because recurrable counterspell every turn just wasn't fair. I found I enjoy Simic Charm much much more. Still have that GraveCraft deck (grave pact and earthcraft). Too much indestructible and such going on to not do so. Besides, Natural Affinity is funny after a Wrath of God with Grave Pact out.

Posted 11 October 2014 at 01:53 in reply to #510302 on How to: Multiplayer Decks


There should be a rule in magic if a player exceeds douchebagery in lifegain, he loses the game.

Posted 10 October 2014 at 17:44 in reply to #510302 on How to: Multiplayer Decks


How to win multiplayer games:
1. Prophet of Kruphix/Veilstone Amulet/Simic Charm. Keep that guy alive and cards in hand. Don't forget a counterspell for that Wrath of God around the corner.
2. Grave Pact: you're now the token for creature removal. no pun intended.
3. Chandra Spitfire + Guttersnipe. 1 Lightning Bolt later... and you might rub it in: don't fry, don't fry. It's just a game!

Don't have anything for you in white, but it probably has something to do with 1,500 life.

Posted 10 October 2014 at 17:29 as a comment on How to: Multiplayer Decks


Most of the time I don't really use the vampires as anything but sac outlets. What should I replace them with?
Better sac outlets?
More green removal?
More black removal?

Posted 10 October 2014 at 15:47 as a comment on GraveCraft


I finished the deck I was talking about. I have everything I want in there but I suck at mana, surprise, surprise, a 3 color deck.

I think you'll find it entertaining at the least.

Posted 08 October 2014 at 03:19 as a comment on Finish the Deck Challenge


I meant to say guttersnipe instead of cinder pyro lol. Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest + Vitality?
But they're so many ways to get in tokens that don't need to be infinite.

Kuldotha Rebirth
Empty the Warrens
Winds of Change/Skullclamp
Burn at the Stake

Turn 1: forest, some sort of artifact creature for 1.
Turn 2: mountain, earthcraft. Tap the creature to untap land. Kuldotha Rebirth. You can tap these 3 for more mana 3 mana. Maybe manamorphose, maybe Rite of Flame... Empty the Warrens. You now have 10ish mana to play with... On turn 2 and that's without broken artifacts.
Turn 3: If you didn't end it last turn, you'll have a boatload of 1/1's out and Earthcraft. You can pretty much play any red or green card in all of magic.

End it with Burn at the Stake or any X card with Vitalize

Believe me, this is broken. And there's a handful of red cards that say "Counter blue spell".

Posted 08 October 2014 at 02:11 in reply to #509591 on Finish the Deck Challenge


thanks for the help, I know they're smalltime combos, but I feel like it can end the game on turn 4. I like the manamorphose. I also am going to put in guttersnipe as opposed to young pyromancer. This way I can use green as well as red. I'll be making a fuller version soon. Thanks again.

Posted 07 October 2014 at 23:16 as a comment on Finish the Deck Challenge


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