
81 Decks, 1,246 Comments, 346 Reputation

I'd at least find room for a Mass Calcify. It's a good value card in mono-white and in some games can be an ender.

Posted 23 July 2015 at 13:11 as a comment on Zuberi EDH


No Hero's Downfall? In mono-black it's strictly better than Murder.

Posted 22 July 2015 at 19:35 as a comment on EDH - Toshiro Umezawa


Kothoped has been amazing so far in my Silumgar all-fliers deck, I think you'll be happy with him.

I actually wound up taking apart my Kaalia deck because it just got so obvious to everyone that if I attacked succesffully and got rolling I probably won, and if I didn't I couldn't do anything, so basically any removal was saved for me. I even wound up running Red Elemental Blast and Pyroblast to deal with counterspells. It was just too frustrating to play a deck so reliant on the general being on the field a turn to do anything. That's probably largely a meta issue though.

Posted 21 July 2015 at 20:33 in reply to #556909 on Kaalia & Freinds


Joking aside though, I'd probably run Austere Command or Merciless Eviction over either one of your two wipes, or along with them. Austere is great because the "destroy creatures under 3 cmc" won't hit most of your dudes, and you aren't running many enchantments. For six mana it could easily destroy a dozen of your enemy's permenants without hurting you a bit. Worst case scenario you pick both the creature clauses and it's a 6 mana wrath, which in my opinion is still worth it to have the flexibility to also hit artifacts and enchantments if need be. And Merciless Eviction is just so flexible, and it being an exile is amazing, too.

Staff of Nin costs the same as Well of Discovery to cast, will draw you a card every turn without forcing you to tap out, can be used the second it hits the field, and can also be used to ping attackers or people if need be. It's much better for exactly the same cost to cast, and it's also a twenty cent card.

Dolmen Gate is just generally a good card, but it's especially good in Kaalia because it lets you attack every single turn without worry of her being blocked and dying.

Posted 21 July 2015 at 19:06 in reply to #556909 on Kaalia & Freinds


Trade your Damnation for a Scrubland and run a Day of Judgement in that slot. You'll never notice the difference and you'll thank me when Damnation gets reprinted and becomes a twelve dollar card :)

Posted 21 July 2015 at 15:31 as a comment on Kaalia & Freinds


It's not a huge deal, but Regrowth is slightly better than Treasured Find. It's a bit easier to cast, and doesn't exile itself in case you get to shuffle your graveyard back into your hand via some effect, etc. Plus it's like a buck.

Grafted Wargear costs nothing to equip, which makes it a great choice to slap on the dude you're about to sacrifice to Jarad. Plus it can double as a sacc outlet. I love it in my Brion version of this deck.

Cauldron of Souls is a nice option to bring back guys you just sacced to sac them again.

Posted 21 July 2015 at 13:23 as a comment on Jarad EDH


Also since you don't seem to be worried about cost you could swap Manalith for Chromatic Lantern. Same cmc, both tap for blue, but Chromatic would protect you against other people running stuff that changes your lands. Probably not going to matter 99.8% of the time, but if you have a Lantern lying around it wouldn't hurt.

Posted 20 July 2015 at 12:20 in reply to #556752 on Teferi, the stax master EDH


Quicksilver Fountain is pretty troll in mono-blue.

Posted 20 July 2015 at 00:53 as a comment on Teferi, the stax master EDH


Momentous Fall and Life's Legacy are stupidly good in Skullbriar. Playing against my friend's Skullbriar deck just yesterday he drew like ten cards with them two different times, recast Skullbriar and attacked immedietly and dropped a Berserk he drew. Stupidly good. Greater Good is also amazing in the deck, but it's nearly ten bucks, where as Life's Legacy and Momentous Fall are like a quarter.

Rogue's Passage is a great way to sneak him through for lethal if he doesn't have trample.

Posted 19 July 2015 at 22:08 as a comment on EDH: Underrated Commanders


Oh, and training grounds would reduce Jalira's activation cost by 2.I just had someone do that to me today

Posted 19 July 2015 at 02:48 in reply to #556535 on Jalira


I ran Mimeoplasm for awhile, but it was a +1/+1 counters deck not a graveyard deck, and I eventually converted it to Jenara since everyone assumed it was some degenerate recursion deck. Anyway, a few little things:

Consider maybe replacing one of the two signets for Rampant Growth and or maybe something like Wood Elves. Same cmc, and they fetch the same ramp essentially, but land ramp is a lot harder to remove, where as rocks can get taken out easier. Plus stuff like Wood Elves can get recurred. Then again you can drop a Signet off a Sol Ring on turn one.

I also run Homeward Path in literally every deck I have, but I also see a Merieke Ri Beret and a Rubinia Soulsinger deck weekly. Might not matter where you play.

Looks really tight beyond that. I'm all about gimmicky decks so just straight competitive decks aren't really my area of expertise, so I don't have much else to offer beyond that :)

Posted 18 July 2015 at 05:05 as a comment on The Mimeoplasm EDH.


Thopter Spy Network would give you a dude every turn to polymorph into a beast, plus it'll draw you cards. Skywise Teachings might be a look for a supply of dudes, too, as might Sharding Sphinx. Bear in mind the effect on Sharding Sphinx is for all artifact creatures, so it makes one thopter the first time it hits, then when it and the thopter attack (or if you have another artifact out) they make two thopters, then those guys make one next turn, etc.

Proteus Staff would give you a backup to Jalira.

I'd consider finding room for mana doublers. I run a mono-blue Talrand deck, and Gauntlet of Might, Extraplanar Lens and Caged Sun are kinda game-winning cards in it. You can even run Fabricate to find them.

Quicksilver Fountain is a really dirty card in monoblue, as is is Back to Basics.

Posted 17 July 2015 at 14:20 as a comment on Jalira


Nath is tricky. The temptation is go to all in on discard effects, but that will just result in a deck that's miserable to play against even if it's not winning. We had a guy at our store who had a crappy Nath deck with all the discard stuff he could run. It lost almost every game and was never really a threat, but it accidentally screwed up everyone else's game and just kind of ruined the fun for everyone. You don't seem to be running that strat, so you'll probably be okay.

I'd maybe find a slot for some overrun effects besides just Craterhoof. It's good to have other win-ons.

Posted 17 July 2015 at 03:47 in reply to #556444 on Dark Forest


I'd find a slot for Leyline of the Void over Relic of Progentius or Nihil Spellbomb. You don't have to choose who you're targeting, etc. Just set it and forget it.

Deglamer or Unravel the Aether over Naturalize, IMO. Sure, sometimes they get it back ten turns later from the shuffle effect, but the amount of times that happens is vastly outweighed by the fact that Deglamer and Unravel hit Darksteel stuff, hit Theros gods, and avoid graveyard recursion.

Fecundity is a cool card, but I absolutely HATE helping other people, especially when Deathreap Ritual will probably draw you as many if not more cards without helping anyone else out.

Posted 16 July 2015 at 14:24 as a comment on Dark Forest


I'd run creature land ramp instead of artifact ramp, i.e. Wood Elves and Sakura Tribe Elder and Yavimaya Elder in place of stuff like cluestones, just because Karador lets you recast them repeatedly. I've managed to recast the same Sakura Tribe Elder 5-6 in a game, and being able to put that many lands down is way better than a single 3 mana Cluestone.

Murder is going to be better than Neck Snap in almost every situation, and it's cheaper to cast.

Posted 15 July 2015 at 14:18 as a comment on Karador's Horde


Sudden Spoiling would make dudes a ton easier to kill with all your -1/-1 effects

Posted 14 July 2015 at 17:06 as a comment on Vish Kal EDH


The problem with steal-stuff decks like Silumgar or Merieke or Rubinia is they lead to brutally slow games because nobody wants to put stuff into play they'll just lose. I took apart Merieke and another guy in my meta took apart Rubinia because it just ruined entire nights with people passing their turns.

Posted 13 July 2015 at 14:37 as a comment on Silumgar EDH


I'm not a huge fan of mana dorks like Elvish Mystic in a deck like this because you lose your ramp with one board wipe. IMO run slightly more expensive dudes that ramp you land (Sakura Tribe Elder, Wood Elves, Yavimaya Dryad, etc. You can still hit them off Lurking Predators, but you get the ramp in the form of lands so it doesn't go to waste on a board wipe.

Also, in a deck with just 8 non-permanent spells Primal Surge could drop 40+ permanents into play pretty easily.

Posted 12 July 2015 at 02:48 in reply to #554839 on Fast Atarka EDH


Deathreap Ritual is like twenty cents too, which is nice if you're on a budget.

I'd also run a little more removal here. Murder and Putrefy are both under fifty cents to hit creatures, and Golgari Charm, Deglamer, and Unravel the Aether hit artifacts/enchantments. If you want a few board wipes In Garruk's Wake and Life's Finale are cheap, too.

You could probably pick up all of the above along with Deathreap Ritual for three bucks shipped online, which would be well worth it for how much they'd improve the deck.

Good luck with it!

Posted 11 July 2015 at 15:29 in reply to #555876 on Last Leaf EDH


If your play group is small, then alter that.

Originally I started playing EDH with one friend on Wednesday nights at one of our houses. After a few months we decided we wanted to play with more people, so we picked one of the local game stores and started showing up there on Wednesday night and playing each other. Same time every week. After a few weeks two other guys came in while we were there, asked us if they could play, and sat in. Now a year later we have about 20+ people showing up on Wednesday night for EDH, and the store owner changed the store hours to stay open until midnight to accommodate us. And it's not like I'm in Chicago or LA or anything; I live in a town of about 50k people in the midwest.

Now, have we had some dicks show up, or people looking to act like they're highly skilled for tutoring up Splinter Twin/Pestermite on turn three? Sure. But those guys don't stick around long when nobody wants them in their pod.

Posted 11 July 2015 at 15:22 in reply to #555901 on EDH, a "Casual" format.


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