
9 Decks, 25 Comments, 2 Reputation

don't forget your land, and you should definately add some Goblin Kings in there

Posted 25 June 2011 at 18:10 as a comment on Black Red Goblin


From what I've heard, a large number of older cards are going to be reprinted for M12 so you may be in luck.

Posted 25 June 2011 at 18:03 as a comment on night of the livin-OH DEAR CHRIST!!!


I like the deck, very crafty. A good red deck would have you gone by the time you got to play anything decent though, and they just banned Jace from standard play the other day.

Posted 25 June 2011 at 08:22 as a comment on Proliferate


Not a bad first deck, looks somewhat similar to one of my first. Here's a few tips though:

When you make a deck on this site, to the left of each card you choose you can change the number so you don't have to keep adding the same card over and over.

Also, try to avoid the same mistake I was making when making my first decks. Don't put just one of any card unless you absolutely can't avoid it, try to get at least 3 preferrably 4 of each card. It sucks trying to narrow down which cards you don't want in the deck, but it's worth it in order to give your best cards more occurance.

And personally I like to keep my decks to 2 colors, 3 at the most. It gets harder to play certain cards when you can't seem to find the mana you're looking for.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 11:44 as a comment on ChrissyT1


Hadn't even thought of that, thanks.

Posted 17 June 2011 at 01:23 as a comment on Melira and friends


Yeah, makes sense since you have a bunch of cards that give everything else +1/+1

Posted 16 June 2011 at 11:21 in reply to #172006 on My Miraculous Merfolk


I do, but the deck is set up so I can quickly get the cards I need so I never have to "attack." I can just sit and tap creatures to do damage.

Posted 16 June 2011 at 11:20 in reply to #172016 on Myr Underdog


No Merfolk Spy?

Posted 15 June 2011 at 17:40 as a comment on My Miraculous Merfolk


You should also add Etched Monstrosity in there. At this point, why the hell not?

Posted 15 June 2011 at 17:32 as a comment on Rainbow of Awesomeness


At first glance it seems rather hectic but going through each card, I think it might have a chance. I can't imagine mounting any sort of defense when every card offers something completely different lol.

Posted 15 June 2011 at 17:31 as a comment on Rainbow of Awesomeness


Seems like you have too many random cards. Try focusing on one or two tactics you might use and narrow the deck down to just those cards.

For instance, you could use 4 of each Splicer which would give you 20 cards, then use the other 20 for "destroy target creature" and "return from graveyard" cards. If you have multiples of the same card on the battlefield kill one off and bring it back giving you even more Golem tokens as you replay it.

And I would replace Karn with "Elspeth, Knight-Errant" she would be of more use to you with this deck.

Posted 15 June 2011 at 17:12 as a comment on splicers


very nice deck and the best part is it's fairly inexpensive. I would suggest putting Leeches in the sideboard, just in case this deck runs up against a well built infect deck.

Posted 15 June 2011 at 10:23 as a comment on Life to the max!


...Wow...I smell win.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 16:49 as a comment on GW Winning


Updated and hopefully a vast improvement. Added 4 Shrine of Burning Rage and then couldn't resist adding 4 volt charge to pump it. Plus 4 priest of urabrask because it can't help but love free mana. From the looks of it, it's pretty close to being a standard deck as well.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 15:21 as a comment on Mountainous Rage


Are there any goblin cards that buff each other similar to the way Slivers or Elves do? I have tons of goblins, but their abilities don't really do much good for each other at this point.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 14:39 in reply to #171596 on Mountainous Rage


No, you're completely right. It is very scattered, but its mainly because these are the only ones I own. I was waiting until someone gave me some insight before I dropped any money on buying more of any card. I'm a huge fan of 4 of each card, I just don't have the stock in red cards to do so since my main focus is usually on milling other decks or making them discard their hands.

Thanks for the advice, I'll revamp this deck with the cards it should have and I'll go from there.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 14:37 in reply to #171599 on Mountainous Rage


Awesome deck, looks pretty powerful. I'm not too sure about Precursor Golem though. Since you don't have any spells that target single creatures you control it's ability is useless to you. And unless you play Darksteel Forge before it, your army could be wiped out with one single spell from an opponent.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 14:29 as a comment on Golem March 2011


Ironically I just posted my mono-red deck just after yours. Yours looks much neater though.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 13:38 as a comment on Phyrexian Flavor Deck: Urabrask


I ran this deck against my wifes creature heavy infect deck and Phyrexian Unlife would have saved my ass. Sadly she just overwhelmed me.

Posted 09 June 2011 at 14:26 in reply to #169830 on Anti-infect


Good call, I never thought to use Melira to take the five -1/-1 counters off Etched Monstrosity. Thanks

Posted 09 June 2011 at 14:23 in reply to #169870 on Anti-infect


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