
9 Decks, 25 Comments, 2 Reputation

I really love this deck. The only thing I would change is maybe putting some evolve creates in over some of the undying creatures like Young Wolf and Stormbound Geist. They're great and all but you want some undying that you would love coming back like Geralf's Messenger and Vorapede. Maybe Cloudfin Raptor instead of Young Wolf?

It's still a great deck with an amazing idea that will annoy your opponent to no end.

Posted 22 February 2013 at 02:14 as a comment on Undying Midrange


Just wondering why you didn't add Thundermaw Hellkite?

Posted 12 February 2013 at 15:14 as a comment on Hasty Dragons


I will probably be putting in another Bonfire, but for Slagstorms. I really like Slagstorm compared to other burn spells. It might just be my meta loves running Weenies and Tokens that I just feel the need because Slagstorm wrecks them.

I'll probably be putting in a Tamiyo though, but I do like Inferno Titan. He's a great bomb that actually plays very well in my meta because of Weenies and Tokens. I'll see how he plays first.

Thanks for the help, I'll be sure to try out some of your suggestions!

Posted 09 June 2012 at 20:57 in reply to #262903 on Another U/R Delver! Neat!


Running 5 Viridian Emissary is kind of illegal.

Posted 14 May 2012 at 01:53 as a comment on i am so ready


I agree with Vorapede. He's a great card in a mono green deck.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 20:39 as a comment on DUMgrove!


So far, it seems to be fast in getting creatures out like Vorapede, turn 3. Which actually rams through must early game creatures. It's great against Infect decks because of Undying. If Vorapede is 6/5 and he get lets say -3 counters on him. So he's a 3/2. When he dies, he comes back as a 6/5 again.

It does have a problem with mana flooding though, At a certain point all I have is mana and nothing to do with it. That's pretty much the only problem I seem to have had with the deck.

Posted 25 February 2012 at 20:37 in reply to #237030 on B/G Mana Ramp [Standard]


Gravecrawler. You need Gravecrawler. He'd be great in your deck.

Posted 16 February 2012 at 12:53 as a comment on Re: Your Brains


Yes, he does do his damage again.

Posted 15 February 2012 at 12:58 in reply to #234794 on Zooooooombies...


You're missing out on a combo with Diregraf Captain, Gravecrawler and Grimgrin.

Also, you should think about taking out Liliana and putting in something that helps out your zombies more. I mean, yeah she's an okay planeswalker but, she doesn't fit the deck at all and for her to be useful, you would have to discard cards, which you have little to no way of getting back.

Maybe put a few more bombs considering you only have Grimgrin and as great as he is. He can slow you down with all the sacrificing you're doing. Whether it be with using your mama to get Gravecrawler back, or sacrificing something you might need. Maybe take out the Liliana's for Grave Titan? it's (4)(B)(B) for a 6/6 Deathtouch that keeps pumping out zombies. It's great. maybe fit a Mikaeus, The Unhallowed in. It gives all your zombies +1/+1 and Undying which improves Grimgrin's sacrificing.

Anyway, pretty solid deck, only a few things I'd change but it's pretty good.

Posted 15 February 2012 at 02:18 as a comment on The Walking Dead


Worldslayer is in M12. Which is in Standard ...

Posted 12 February 2012 at 05:25 as a comment on Helvaults - Elspeth (Standard)


Worldslayer is a great idea to put in the deck. Exile the cards you need, and bam get them back with a swing of something unblockable maybe?

Posted 12 February 2012 at 05:05 as a comment on Helvaults - Elspeth (Standard)


Take out heartless summoning. You have nothing extremely expensive creature wise so you don't need it. You're just making your weak creatures weaker, where instead of having Diregraf Captain, Cemetery Reaper and Mikaeus Boost your zombies up. You have them making sure your Zombies don't die instantly.

Like Arkas said, put in more land. Darkslick Shores and Drowned Catacombs are really helpful. Same with Alter of the Lost. It's not helpful at all. You also need kill cards. Go For The Throat is a lot better then Doom blade in my opinion. Standard right now has a lot of Black, so Doom Blade is a dead draw. Dismember is great too.

Also, if you're going to have a lot of blue in your deck, you might want to actually put so blue spells in your deck. Maybe some of the Skaabs for blockers. I'd also suggest Grave Titan. The guy is a certified mother fucker. He's popping out two 2/2 zombies and swinging for 6/6 Deathtouch. All that for (4)(B)(B) is the bees knees. Also, more Gravecrawler, he's annoying as dicks and will actually help thin out blockers for your opponents. Highborn Ghoul is okay, but you could replace it with better stuff. Such as Stitched Drake. 3/4 Flying Zombie. There you go, you can now stop Flying creatures from shitting all over you like they would.

Anyway, the deck needs a lot of work in my opinion. It's a great idea just not executed perfectly. Some minor changes and it should be great. If you want ideas you can check out my Standard Zombie deck.


Posted 11 February 2012 at 02:29 as a comment on Zombie Apocolypse


I see what you mean. I think I'll get rid of overrun. I like the Hammers because they give my Bears trample and I love my bears having trample. Plus, Garruk can give my bears overrun then, I could use Overwelming Stampede to give my Bears +5/+5 and up.

But yeah, overrun for sure. Thanks.

and also, just think of a Bear wrecking shit with a huge ass hammer. It's a pretty badass image.

Posted 10 February 2012 at 03:27 in reply to #233682 on BEARly legal


Good point sir, but what would I take out?

Posted 10 February 2012 at 03:18 in reply to #233678 on BEARly legal


Big, think about it though, Diregraf Captian, Grimgrin, Gravecrawler and Rooftop storm is an infinite combo. Plus he could think about Havengul Lich in order to get back some zombies he has lost. With Rooftop Storm it would be zero cost for all of that.

Again, I do see why it really isn't needed. I said Rooftop Storm because Heartless Summoning is main;y to cut down on cost which is what he wanted. So I merely gave a suggestion on something that would help if he wanted to cut back mama cost.

Posted 10 February 2012 at 00:07 in reply to #233617 on Diregraf


Take out Heartless Summoning. It will actually stop Gravecrawler from being useful and your creatures aren't all that high cost so it's kind of pointless. If you want something to help get your zombies out, think about Rooftop Storm.

Just my two cents.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 22:57 as a comment on Diregraf


I'd say Geth's Verdict instead of terror. Terror, you can only kill a limited amount of creatures which can get annoying if you're playing a deck where their bigger cards are Black or an Artifact and all you have is a Terror. With Geth's Verdict, they have to sacrifice a creature and lose one life. So either way, they're forced to kill off a chump blocker or an important card.

Just my 2 cents.

Posted 28 January 2012 at 05:24 as a comment on Vampirism


I think Call to the Grave would be a addition. It really helps thinning out your opponents field while you build yours up.

Posted 20 January 2012 at 01:10 as a comment on zombies standard


Glad I could help!

Posted 15 January 2012 at 15:46 in reply to #228043 on Mono Black Zombie


This deck looks pretty nice but there are somethings I'd suggest

1.) You might want to put Diregraf Ghoul into this deck. It's one for a 2/2 that comes into play tapped which is a nice first turn move. Maybe take out or replace Walking Corpse because it's kind of just a two for a 2/2. Nothing really special when there are better zombies out there.

2.) If it's possible go with 2 Cemetery Reapers, 1 Lord of the Undead and 1 Death Baron. They all give other Zombies +1/+1 but Lord of the Undead can bring zombies back from your graveyard and Death Baron gives them Deathtouch which is always a nice ability. Also, Undead Warchief is a great card. It does cost 4, but it causes Zombies to cost 1 less and gives them a +2/+1 which in my opinion really good.

3) I'd say replace Doom Blade with Dismember. Doom Blade can only kill non-Black creatures. So lets say if your playing a Black deck or someones best shit is Black. You can't kill it with a Doom Blade making it kind of a dead draw. I know this from experience and it gets really annoying.

4) Since this deck looks like it would lack on creatures for a few turns. It would be a good idea to put in a Grave Titan or 2. It really helps and it's a decent bomb. When I usually play Grave Titan, I can notice people start to get a little worried and sometimes try and figure out ways to get rid of it as soon as possible. It helps. Also, Endless Ranks of the Dead. It's a great card. You are constantly growing in zombie tokens so you can have chump blockers and still hit heavy. It usually bring me a win if you can overwhelm with zombies.

Those are just some of my ideas that I think might help. You can check out my zombie deck you want, you may get an idea. My zombie deck is Standard though, so I do not have a lot of the cards I mentioned in it. Hope it helped a little.


Posted 15 January 2012 at 15:19 as a comment on Mono Black Zombie


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