Sideboard: 4 Island, 4 Swamp, 4 Chimney Imp, 3 Storm Crow?
You should splash black and blue for chimney imp and storm crow!
You guys should remember Loxodon Wayfarer, you slam it down turn three and then it's a solid 20 turn clock that survives lightning bolts and can't be killed by squadron hawks and other creatures all the "top decks" play!
Hexplate golem must be the best creature in standard right now!
Ye, you just need to tap your creatures until you win!
Awesome, i hate when i have to read the abilities of all my cards and explain them to my opponent D:
Jace, the wallet sculptor, fuck yeah
Awesome deck, best hand would be 4x Archive Trap and the opponent goes, fetchland, fetch. xP
you need DEEP SPAWN in the deck!!
Yea, Hexplate Golem is a real sleeper common, he will go up to like 20bucks once jace rotates out of standard!
Stormcrows works in any deck. ^^ Also you need more Hexplate Golems :p
Sick. I love crazy combos like this :p
Awesome man, I love lobsters!
What should I take out for the Magnets? -2 Journey -1 condemn/lifestaff +3 Tumble magnets maybe?
Updated now, i have added some more removal and less counters, this makes the deck less vurnable to aggro decks.
Haha, what a suprise, made this deck awhile ago, haden't noticed it going up on the front page. I have made som changes to the deck (I have it IRL) I'll update them on here right away.
Nice, I have a similar deck, real fun to play ^^ The joy of flinging a 10/11 steppe lynx at someone is hard to overcome :p
I tried playing with counterspells, but they mainly sat in my hand as I use almost all my mana every turn. I don't think I need more manaramp either, Hatchlings and Owls will turn into fine mana rampers when Grand Architect hits the battlefield. Maybe I should put in a couple of unsummons, I could use them on my own Mages so I can tutor up more arifacts.
I think it's a really fun card to use ^^ But I'll put it in the sideboard or something for now, I think I'll put in another Semblance Anvil.
Why not 2 myr galvanizers and a palladium myr for infinite mana? Also I need comments and criticism on my Uw Architect deck, thanks
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