
25 Decks, 91 Comments, 10 Reputation

maybe remove noble and add that wail for 1 red mana that can flip into 3/2 as well.

Posted 29 March 2012 at 09:07 as a comment on Delver RUG


I would maybe roll a hunger of the wolfpack in your deck, since you will have creatures dying every time, it wont be much of a problem to activates its morbid effect and remove the pyreheart wolf, because for 3 mana... its effect isnt that nice, imo.

Also, have you considered using 1 copy of gnaw to the bone and removing maybe 1 mist?

Posted 25 March 2012 at 16:52 as a comment on G/R Undying


ohhhh another important matter:
since counter based decks usually use only 2 copyes of dissipate and 4 mana leak, staying with 4 mana coast at most cards and with your actual mana ramp, means that it wont have much problems with counter once you get 7 mana resources.

Posted 25 March 2012 at 16:34 as a comment on Tournament RG Manabarbs


Well, if you feel going to something similar, no problem! go ahead and try it! Also remember to report your results.
But I would strongly suggest you to test this actual build first because it really works and I simply destroyed most of top decks in metagame.

About Titan, you can try it removing Curse of Bloodletting, but I would keep the deck with low mana curve because you WILL lay down manabarbs, and you need stuff that keep the pressure, something that deals more then you take for the mana coast.

thats why huntmaster is nice - you take only 2, and force him to do something or will flip and deal more damage.
thats why that curse of piercing heart is nice - keep pressuring every turn lowing your opponant resources.
thats why hellrider is very nice - because you take 4 damage, but since you will attack even with your birds, that can make cheap 3-4 direct damage plus combat damage.

well, keeping that in mind, feel free to test what ever you feel like =)
remember to report your results here.

Posted 25 March 2012 at 16:31 in reply to #243544 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


Hi, thank you for the support.
Well, I can tell you that the only thing that is actually expensive is the huntmaster.
And it is kinda important... but if you dont feel paying that much for this card, you can also try to put 2 huntmasters and 4 hellriders.
This deck showed up being very strong and easy to pilot.

Posted 25 March 2012 at 16:21 in reply to #243444 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


BW is the only one that can make some troubbles.
But, with some side board like ratchet and slagstorms, you can do it.

Others are piece of cake.
Gonna use it in a FNM tomorrow probably, will update my result.
Also my brother might use a mirror.

Posted 23 March 2012 at 04:17 in reply to #243091 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


I know it is called Burning Secrets

Posted 21 March 2012 at 03:34 as a comment on Secrets of Burning Vengeance


you wont have mana enought to cast curse of piercing at turn 2 anyway, because you will save it for mana leak, or to whipflares.
I know this deck is slow, but thats the point on being control.
All you have to do is controll untill you drop down a curse of misfortunes. Then you will have all your mana open to keep controlling while the curse triggers itself.

About mindrot, that card is really usefull to take take off those 2 cards that is in your opponant hands in mid game.
Also you can cast it twice with snapcaster.

but I might change some despise to distress with sideboard yes.

Feel free to argue

Posted 21 March 2012 at 03:18 in reply to #242736 on Curses Control T2


yeah, I have the entire deck, only missing seachrome cost... not buying it to see it drop prices in 2 months.

But well, deck works very fine without it anyway =)

Posted 20 March 2012 at 05:54 in reply to #242590 on T2 Hex Tokens


usually it isnt a problem once manabarbs is in game... since it cant really buff it or it will suicide.
or you can just burn it with a shock

Posted 19 March 2012 at 22:58 in reply to #241748 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


I would:
-4 blade splicer
-2 mortar pod

+4 midnight haunting
+2 hero of bladehold

Posted 19 March 2012 at 17:36 as a comment on Hell tokens


have to agree

Posted 19 March 2012 at 17:30 in reply to #242417 on Hell tokens


-1 MD Llanowar Elves
-1 MD Brimstone Volley
-1 SB Daybreak Ranger
-1 SB Norns Annex
+1 MD Norns Annex
+1 MD Slagstorm
+2 SB Ratchet Bomb

Posted 18 March 2012 at 18:11 as a comment on Tournament RG Manabarbs


usually, I dont need to get rid of kessig wolf runs, or moors, once you get manabarbs and drop down hes pool to 10.
every time he puts a 1/1 spirit, he takes 2 damage. wich is enought to get him close to a brimstone or incinerate range.

but yes I had it considered to add in, I just dont feel like it would be a good improvement for now.
thank you

Posted 18 March 2012 at 18:06 in reply to #241748 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


Made some few updates.
Added a little more protection vs aggro decks.
I´ve tested it out and seems like Norns Annex helps a LOT to slow down aggro decks.
Also added Ratchet to side, removed a daybreak ranger, removed 1 volley and added another slagstorm.
also removed 1 llanowar elve and add another slagstorm to md.

Posted 18 March 2012 at 18:02 in reply to #241734 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


Any other suggestions for the deck?
Help me what to side from main deck to get more slagstorms vs BW Tokens plz

Posted 16 March 2012 at 16:40 as a comment on Tournament RG Manabarbs


cool dude ;)
I will stay with standard for now ;)

Posted 13 March 2012 at 21:01 in reply to #241095 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


Thank you for the report.
Well, I can tell you that the combo is nasty, but you cant be dependant of it. Hellriders are kinda important to the deck,
but im thinking about add another manabarbs to the sideboard. (also, day of judgment usually dont makes any difference to my build, one I use Strangleroot and Predator ooze)

But indeed flashfreeze and timely reinforcements is a little problematic for the deck.

If people can do some tests againts that archetype, would be really good.

and if you know anything that could help to sideboard against your deck, also appreciate.

thank you

Posted 13 March 2012 at 17:47 in reply to #241054 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


yeah, thanks for the help! keep on testing and tell if you would remove anything from main or side.

but thanks again

Posted 13 March 2012 at 17:41 in reply to #240897 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


yes, I would need some tests vs BW Tokens. I think that would be the top problem for this deck.

Thanks for the help guyz.
Really appreciate

Posted 13 March 2012 at 17:36 in reply to #240686 on Tournament RG Manabarbs


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