
162 Decks, 622 Comments, 96 Reputation

Wait. You've been here in 16 days, and you got 206 (207 you're welcome) likes on your deck? That's the most luckiest thing that's ever happened in MTGvault. Seriously dude, awesome!

As for my opinion for the deck, it looks pretty fine to me. So good work!

Posted 24 November 2012 at 15:31 as a comment on Warriors of Avacyn


"Beware the full moon"

Ironic since you have only 2 Full Moon's Rise, not 4.
Anyway, good work on the deck! I just think you need more full moon's rise and less rancors, and maybe main deck some daybreak rangers.

Posted 23 November 2012 at 21:44 as a comment on Werewolves


More Thundermaw's bro. More Thundermaws.........

Posted 23 November 2012 at 00:55 as a comment on Red: The Movie: The Game


Oh, and Aliski, thanks for the advice about the keyrune replacing.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 17:23 as a comment on All your W/B/U/G Control Decks! I hate you so much......


Well no! I'm not going to buy this!! This is just those decks that other people have that make control so damn powerful. All this expensive stuff is what you see at local tournaments. I hate it when I play those decks (not literally, it does give me a challenge though, just when they bring out Tamiyo THAT'S when I hate it so much.)

Posted 22 November 2012 at 17:22 in reply to #305489 on All your W/B/U/G Control Decks! I hate you so much......


Heh, LOL. well I like standard, but I'd rather go for a much less expensive deck I made (I just simply made this just so.....i don't know, for fun I guess. I just make random decks for the fun of it. This one is uspposed to represent those guys you see at a local tournament that people go to and these adults have enough money to play with decks as expensive as this. So yeah,

Posted 22 November 2012 at 17:19 in reply to #305468 on All your W/B/U/G Control Decks! I hate you so much......


Ah yes, the godd ol' combo of exiling creatures and putting them back onto the battlefield. My brother did that once only it was little more noobish since it was like a month or 2 since we got back into the game. Not to mention how expensive this deck is. Makes me think of the deck I just made:

Posted 22 November 2012 at 04:41 as a comment on NANANANANA BANTMAAAAN


Oh yeah, totally forgot about Sands.
and i'll think about that drawing stuff, thanks!

Posted 22 November 2012 at 04:37 in reply to #305417 on G/U Standard Milling


Well this deck does look good in a way and I like how you're trying to make this Blue and Green mill. Convenient since I was just making a deck like this. Now if you want to make this deck strong and not ust some random stuff, I'd say take out the cards that involve power, including Rancor and even Jace's Phantasm, and make it full mill. If you want to make this change, you may use my deck design for this:
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=407370 and if you can get your mana out, then this deck will be fun to mill the hell out of your opponent! Oh, and yes, you might need a 4th Jace.

Posted 21 November 2012 at 23:15 as a comment on U/G mill


I'm thinking maybe you should add more Liliana of the veil

Posted 21 November 2012 at 16:41 in reply to #305341 on undying


Still a good idea for undying, keep it up!

Posted 21 November 2012 at 16:39 as a comment on undying


You need more spells for delver (I'd say make the number of spells like 30). I really like that runechanter's idea and the fact that you made a deck based around one of the most used cards in the metagame today, I like that!

Posted 21 November 2012 at 16:38 as a comment on U/R Delver


Well the deck looks pretty good! You should really keep all the Red and Green Cards as they're going up money-wise. As for any advice with this deck, I personally think maybe use more red and add Thundermaw Hellkite mostly for the idea of a sideboard, it just rapes people in the air.

Posted 20 November 2012 at 21:42 as a comment on Humans and Werewolves


Because it's supposed to be standard format (Ok, it doesn't say that there I should probably say that and i'll go do that after this comment).

Posted 20 November 2012 at 21:23 in reply to #305012 on (Standard) Negate the Living Shit out of my opponent! Black Version


Well this deck looks pretty good actually! I'm not sure about 4 Scorned Villagers though, I mean they're good enough to be competitive, but the mana base seems decent enough. I'd run 2 or 3. I'm actually not sure if Mondronen Shaman is that good. Sure it burns, but I don't think just 2 damage per spell is good enough. I might recommend taking those out. Other than that and maybe some Huntmaster of the Fells if you can get some, the deck looks great.

Posted 20 November 2012 at 00:01 as a comment on Standard Tourny-Style Werewolves! HELP!


only 1 Immerwolf currently? You should have 4, becaUse not only do they power up your wolves, but keep them transformed until he dies. That's great! I don't think you know how good that is, so i'd recommend 4 please.

Posted 19 November 2012 at 23:51 as a comment on R/G Werewolf Modern


4 Thundermaws...........destroying spells......I like it!

Posted 19 November 2012 at 23:41 as a comment on Rakdos Midrange


Interesting card, though I can see why it's cheaper because it can only kill one creature, and although it could be nice, we need spells that can clear the entire battlefield so nothing can stand in the deck's path to victory.

Posted 18 November 2012 at 03:02 in reply to #304571 on Hydreigon's Origionals: Blue/Red/Green Werewolves


Alright, good things are 4 moonmist, 4 immerwolf, decent number of Full moon's rise, instigator gangs and kruin outlaws are all good. You should at least get more Mayor of Avabrucks and i'm not sure why there's a lot of cards you have 1 of. I think you need to increase that amount, say for example x3 or 2 scorned villagers, and what? no Reckless Waifs or Wolfbitten Captives? They're 1-costing 1/1's that can turn into something much more powerful, so I don't see the reason why to not have them in the deck. That's probably more important than what I mentioned before.

Posted 17 November 2012 at 02:54 as a comment on Werewolves of the Timberline


Snapcaster Mage. LOL Kidding, looks great! I wouldn't think Clone would be so good in tournaments because 1. completley depends on your opponent (unless you side it) and 2. I personally think it costs to much to even play it.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 21:56 as a comment on Spirit Bomb (Standard)


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