
162 Decks, 622 Comments, 96 Reputation

what made you decide on running a playset of Advent?

Posted 04 May 2013 at 04:41 as a comment on Bant Mid-Range 2.0


Maybe I should......

Posted 04 May 2013 at 04:15 in reply to #348056 on Mono-White Midrange 2


Actually, gather the township doesn't seem that bad, and oh my god, I really need to put down that this deck is Standard. Blade Splicer is illegal in standard, but thanks for the information.

Posted 04 May 2013 at 02:13 in reply to #348056 on Mono-White Midrange 2


Oh, and also, I have a new deck I want you to check out:


what do you think?

Posted 03 May 2013 at 01:01 as a comment on Bant Mid-Range


Yeah, prime speaker can be really good especially when you have resto in hand.

Posted 03 May 2013 at 00:33 in reply to #347536 on Bant Mid-Range


You might as well actually, since even 4 Sphinxs could be too much. Strange since I take that risk in my Esper Control.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 21:22 in reply to #347515 on Bant Mid-Range


I like it! Plays big creatures fast and can get some great draw power! If I really have any problems with it, it's more of a control than it is a midrange. Not saying that's bad, infact, it's good. Maybe 1+ Resto would make this deck better.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 20:51 as a comment on Bant Mid-Range


So a list of stuff I'd recommend: Putrefy, Life's Finale, Devour Flesh, Swiftfoot Boots, Gaze of Granite, Thragtusk, Terror, Elixir of Immortality, Phyrexian Processor, Increasing Ambition, Arbor Elf, Gyre Sage, Strangleroot Geist, Predator Ooze, and Primordial Hydra. Just thought you might like those options, and I hope this comment helped!

Posted 30 April 2013 at 03:58 in reply to #346012 on Varolz The Scar-Striped - EDH


Seems pretty nice! Render Silent is a good counter spell that can literally render them silent! As much as Aggro decks are a threat, I'd suggest only sideboarding the Essence Scatters and the Negates. 4 Ultimate Prices? Geezz, someone here must really hate aggro decks. I'd run those actually, but cut down the number by 1 or 2. Have you considered Planar Cleansing in the deck? Terminus can be better in some cases, but Planar Cleansing can get rid of the annoying planeswalkers as well. I like the AEtherling in the deck as an option if you want to go life-punishing, so you might also want to consider Obzedat, Ghost Council since he'll let you gain life as well. So I like the deck, it's very nice for an Esper Control ife-oriented deck, and I hope this comment helped!

Posted 29 April 2013 at 23:59 as a comment on Esper Control


This is standard, you know that right? I'f it wasn't, I'd probably recommend it.

Posted 29 April 2013 at 20:10 in reply to #345908 on Blood Artist!! a THIRD DECK!?


Well that will officially changed my deck idea. Actually, I thank you for saying such words because I'm sick of having to run 2+ colors and then I have to go get shock lands. So thanks a lot! :D

Posted 29 April 2013 at 20:09 in reply to #345541 on Blood Artist!! a THIRD DECK!?


lolz, I bet the opponent must have been upset in that case.

Posted 29 April 2013 at 03:24 in reply to #345541 on Blood Artist!! a THIRD DECK!?


Really? Someone got in 14th place pro tour with a deck like that? Huh, strange.

Posted 28 April 2013 at 05:10 in reply to #345541 on Blood Artist!! a THIRD DECK!?


oh, I totally forgot about that. Thanks! But I'll make that once I make the 4th attempt to make this deck. That is, if I'll remember, but thanks again!

Posted 28 April 2013 at 01:13 in reply to #345521 on Blood Artist!! a THIRD DECK!?


Oh thanks!

Posted 24 April 2013 at 01:36 in reply to #343867 on Blood-F**king Vampires


Ooh, I like those ideas. Next time I get into that I'll try that. So thanks!

Posted 21 April 2013 at 14:32 in reply to #343111 on Blood Artist!! Deck?


I have been thinking about it, but what if my opponent plays an aggro deck, which happens a lot actually. Should it be a sideboard card? Although I do like the sound of Cartel Aristocrat, thanks! Also, I have just updated the deck so if you want to see it, go ahead.

Posted 21 April 2013 at 00:21 in reply to #343111 on Blood Artist!! Deck?


You're Welcome!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:54 in reply to #343101 on Blood Artist!! Deck?


which will be why mentor of the meek should be in here. I'm running / testing only 2 because they seem a little expensive to pull off thier effects and themselves, but they were still a good call.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:43 in reply to #343082 on Blood Artist!! Deck?


Syndic of Tithes is good, but I'd rather use Thrull Parasite. There's already 4 Champion of the Parish's in here, but I do somewhat like the idea of mentor of the meek in here. Actually, I'll go try that. Thanks!

Posted 20 April 2013 at 22:08 in reply to #343071 on Blood Artist!! Deck?


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