
137 Decks, 371 Comments, 38 Reputation

Thank you. Thank you. I really try sometimes.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 19:29 in reply to #392733 on A Curse Upon You


Maybe less blockable creatures and more counter spells or kill spells? The only thing I feel this deck needs is more control of the battlefield. Not only do you want to deny people for blocking, but why stop there? Deny them from doing anything. Much more fun that way.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 19:28 as a comment on Unblockable


Kessig Malcontents. Vigilante Justice. Burn at the Stake. Are you even trying?

Posted 29 August 2013 at 09:31 as a comment on Budget Decks: humans


I'm having a little trouble with the sideboard. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 08:40 as a comment on Vampiric Redemption


If anyone has any suggestions for the deck, I am more than willing to listen to them. Thank you.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 08:19 as a comment on Blood Frenzy


This deck is in serious need of a Grave Pact. Would make everyone hate you oh so much!
Mikaeus The Unhallowed would also make the deck that much more fun to play with.
But it is your deck. Do as you please.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 07:46 as a comment on Standard Sac Deck


I'm not sure if you want to keep it Standard or not, but Grave Pact and Blood Artist are amazing additions to decks like these. Grave Pact hurts opponents even more for killing your creatures, and Blood Artist gives you a way to get some of the life you'll be losing back again. Barter in Blood is also a fun card you can add to speed up the deaths of your creatures if you're playing someone passive.
The only other thing I would recommend for the deck, would be some land grab and lower the amount of your high drop creatures. But then again, it is your deck. Do as you please.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 07:43 as a comment on Budget decks: Undying


I can only recommend a few things for this deck. 1) Replace Haazda Snare Squad with Seasoned Marshall. Does the same thing without the pay cost. 2) You have 10 of each basic land you need, but if you were to add dual lands of some kind or another, and have less forests than plains, I guarantee that you'd get more land that you need rather than what you didn't.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 07:29 as a comment on Budget Decks: fencing ace


I like this idea. The burn seems like it would stop basically any deck before the game really started. I would suggest Brimstone Mage or Vulshock Sorcerer instead of the Blisterstick Shaman.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 06:57 as a comment on bombs away!


Might I suggest the shock lands instead of the guild gates. They can help if you're really in a bind. Also, You can use three different kinds if you really wanted to.

Posted 29 August 2013 at 06:44 as a comment on simi-gul


I like the idea for this deck, but why red? Why not blue? It would've been easier to take down an opponent, and you could've had a bit more control of the battlefield. Also, blue has superior draw power to red.
By no means am I criticizing the deck, I'm just curious as to why red and not blue.

Posted 27 August 2013 at 08:44 as a comment on Painted Stone


So, I know this is a w/b, but what exactly are you trying to do with this deck?
Is this a starting deck and you want help to cut it down/make it better, or are you just posting this for fun?

Posted 27 August 2013 at 08:38 as a comment on Bad Black & White Deck


This deck has changed a lot since I last saw it. From what I see now, I would drop Soul Tithe completely and add in Pacifism. With Soul Tithe, it'll stall them or they could simply not care that it died. With Pacifism, they really don't have a choice. I prefer that. The option of choice for an opponent bothers me greatly. I would throw in 3 Pacifism and 1 more Sphere of Safety.
Still recommending a tutor card of some sort to help you sort through your deck to find something you need right away.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:38 as a comment on Heartless indestructibility


Honestly, I would take them out for more Overseers or more Etched Champions. In fact, I would take out the Cumber Stones and the Myrs for Overseers and Etched Champions. Those cards are incredibly OP and with them together, you'll be hitting for massive amounts of damage.
My only other suggestion for the deck is, since you're using blue, I'd throw in some Stoic Rebuttals. I'm not sure what you could take out in their place, but to just say no to someone is the most pleasing thing you can do in magic.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:27 in reply to #390677 on BUW Artifact Control


I know you're trying to make it competitive and quick, but have you considered instead of Mana Cylix, try Chromatic Lantern. I'm fairly certain it's a 3 drop and it makes all your land tap for any colour and it taps as well for any colour, instead of you paying 1 for any colour.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:24 in reply to #390679 on Infinite mana control


If you're wanting faster drops, that'll count towards your wizard tribal, try Alchemist Apprentice and maybe some Howling Mines. They can boost your draw rates. I don't know too many wizard tribal spells, but I'm sure there are some good ones out there.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:21 in reply to #390680 on Life-Conjurers


To be fair, it only worked out so nicely because I was playing with low level players. And they hadn't put nearly as much thought into their decks as I did mine. Alcohol was also involved...

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:15 in reply to #390608 on Things Happen in 3's (Modern)


If you have any suggestions or comments on the deck, do let me know! I'm always happy to hear from the community on my decks to make them run smoother. Thanks in advance!

Posted 21 August 2013 at 05:21 as a comment on Time Is But An Illusion


The card he was thinking of was Emancipation Angel. It wouldn't die when it first comes out, and it would boost your creatures to only -1/-1 instead of -2/-2. Plus, you can keep that enchantment in your hand if you feel like putting it back out to play another big creature. It's also a lower drop, so if you couldn't get out Heartless Summonings then you could at least have a defense against whatever your opponent has out already.
I would also like to recommend a tutor of some sort or another, to help you search your library for things that you'd need. Your deck, your choice. Do what you feel is right.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 04:31 in reply to #390540 on Heartless indestructibility


How interesting. You've combined a draw deck with a wizard tribal. I've never seen anyone do something like this before. Great job on being original. As for the deck, one of my favorite kind of decks are pure blue decks that use alternative means to win the game. The drawing aspect for this deck is quite fun and the fact that you have wizards only makes it that much more enjoyable.
My only suggestion for the deck would be Intruder Alarm, that way you can tap all of your creatures and then lay one out, to just have them all untap for another go at drawing cards.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 04:27 as a comment on Life-Conjurers


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