
94 Decks, 190 Comments, 21 Reputation

Well I was speaking about those cards entirely. "Protection from" color specific things I try to stay away from unless it one color specific but that's just me.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:39 in reply to #252472 on The Holy Avengers


The fact that it shuts out a deck style makes it ruin the meta in my eyes.

The swords and the crusaders ruin a lot of what the meta is. By shutting down an entire deck style, you take the fun out of what standard still is. That's why I don't like them.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:22 in reply to #252472 on The Holy Avengers


I don't know about you, but this deck seems like it could have a lot more digging potential. Personally I'd attempt to add in Ponders somewhere.

Also, I like your reasoning for no creatures but it you might benefit from something like Restoration Angel. She'll turn your opponents big creature/good utility creature and use them for your own benefit. They can waste their time killing off the angel and/or their own creature all they want. it's still fun to take a Primeval Titan, increase your land base on your OPPONENTS turn and then swinging for 9 the next turn. It's fun to do sometimes, really.

Could you also check out my G/W standard build? Thanks! :D

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:21 as a comment on You Chose...Poorly


3 Batterskulls? That seems incredibly excessive. Most decks only need 1-2.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:08 in reply to #252471 on Wolf Run Ramp II


Damnit, I completely spaced on the Crusader. it might be because I hate the thing with a passion (ruins the metagame, imo) but sure, why the hell not. I might sideboard Thalia and add in 3 Mirran Crusaders. Thanks!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:03 in reply to #252472 on The Holy Avengers


As a 5 drop, I'm not sure. Silverblade offers an easy 10 damage for 3 mana where it also adds an ability that can make it so Geist dies (which normally is incredibly difficult to do).

And unfortunately my 5 drop is Sigarda, which is AMAZING.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 14:01 in reply to #251771 on The Holy Avengers


Hmm, maybe. I've never been too fond of the Abolisher. He's great counter bait, so I'd probably take out the Autumn's Veil for him but what I like about the Veil is that it's instant speed and they won't expect it. It also, forces a counter or I'm free to play things for the turn.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 13:45 in reply to #251843 on The Holy Avengers


My friend has a similar version to this and has been very very consistent with wins. He doesn't even use Huntermaster.

Put thrun in your side board and add one more Inferno Titan. Take out two Huntmasters to your sideboard and add in 2 more Birds of Paradise.

Other than that, he also uses Viridian Emissary so you could look at that too.

Hey, could you look at my G/W standard build? Thanks!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 13:43 as a comment on Wolf Run Ramp II


My friend has a combo with this type of deck. He utilizes Forbidden Orchard to give your opponent 1/1 spirits and in turn, giving you life with all your other creatures. Sleeper Agent might also be a good idea considering it's 2/3 life loss with your ability to easily gain that 3 back consistently.

Mind checking out my G/W standard build? Thanks!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 13:39 as a comment on Life=Death


You could really stand to take out the Trepanation Blade for something a lot more viable. The Blade is incredibly inconsistent while something like Feast and Famine isn't.

You also probably wanna take out Unsommong for Vapor Snag, which is strictly better.

Mind checking out my standard G/W deck? Cheers!

Posted 03 May 2012 at 13:35 as a comment on infect otk


They are now. They originally did not cancel each other out back when Wither and Persist was introduced.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 04:27 in reply to #251656 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


GG wizards for making something make absolutely no sense, especially since they originally stated back in Shadowmoore that +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters were different.

Posted 02 May 2012 at 04:10 in reply to #251656 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Also, I'd personally go

-3 Appetite for Brains
+3 Depise/Duress

Much better card, and you seem to be able to deal with reanimator type decks.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 22:30 as a comment on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Any particular reason you're NOT running the Maniac in here? It's a good win condition.

I'd also try Forbidden Alchemy. You may not be able to do it's flashback, but that's still pitching 3 cards to your yard on your opponents turn.

Could you also check out my G/W Aggro deck? Cheers!

Posted 01 May 2012 at 22:28 as a comment on Venser Restored


Mercedes, a creature can have +1/+1 counters and still have -1/-1 counters. They're counters, and they'll stay on the creature till it leaves play.

a 2/2 with undying, dies and get's a +1/+1 counter. It's a 3/3. You BZS for 2. That creature will go down to 1/1. That +1/+1 counter is STILL THERE. If it wasn't, it would die.

A +1/+1 counter and -1/-1 counter are two different types of counters. An Undying creature CANNOT return if it has a +1/+1 counter on it, so if you somehow give it a +1/+1 counter otherwise such as with Gavony Township, you will not get undying as it checks for +1/+1 counters.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 22:25 in reply to #251656 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


The only one I was really considering was the double strike one. Other than that, no since none of the others are really worth wild for straight aggro.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 20:45 in reply to #251771 on The Holy Avengers



Play Fiend Hunter, it exiled a creature. In response to Fiend Hunter exiling the creature, remove fiend hunter from play. The stasis that the card would be returned is no longer active after Fiend Hunter has been cloudshifted. Fiend Hunter returns to play and the original creature has been exiled and you nab another creature.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 19:29 in reply to #251747 on The Holy Avengers


It happens. Still a nice effect. The only way to remove counters is something via Heartmeder, Aether Void, or that legendary creature from Kamigawa.

Anyhow, I've been wanting to get back into standard with my old color combo (G/W) mind taking a look at this?


Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:43 in reply to #251656 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Cool R/B deck otherwise.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:08 in reply to #251656 on Hell's trickery(Standard)


Black Sun Zenith does not remove +1/+1 counters from undying. Those counters are still there, they're just taken out because of the zenith's -1/-1 effect. You do not get undying twice.

Posted 01 May 2012 at 18:07 as a comment on Hell's trickery(Standard)


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