nice deck as always man. Hey I posted a question on your eldrazi stompy deck. If you can take a look and answer that for me, i'd appreciate it.
Question: you talk in a few of these post as if you power up your spawn tokens with oran-rief land, but doesn't that only work on green creatures? unless I missed something and spawn tokens are not colorless like the card says. Also you say you use the spawn tokens to subtract the cost of the hydra and yet again that is only from green creatures and the spawn tokens are colorless. I hope I'm wrong because I really like this deck and have the cards to build it for myself or at least come close.
question: when you copy a spell with pyromancer ascension, do you have to pay the mana cost again? In any cast. This deck looks pretty good. If you get a chance check out my decks. I would love some feedback.
I really like this deck. It is very similar to the deck I want to create using dragons. Please take a look at my decks if you get a chance. I would love some feedback.
I hate Grave titan. My friend uses it and just swarms me with little zombies! good job on the deck. Check out some of mine if you get a chance.
lol. I am thinking of building a deck like this. I would consider more creatures that have control abilities incase you run up against a pure spell burn deck. Conquering Manticore comes to mind. Also maybe some Mark of Mutinany's.
Cool deck idea. I love shenanigans :d Haze Frog does something similar with fog. I don't know if it's cost effecient for you deck, but just a thought. If you get a chance check out my decks. I would love some feedback.
I think I'm still a little heavy on the spell side. Might need a few more creatures. Any thoughts?
haha. That would be fun.
ok so after all that defending I did with my echo creatures, I took them out. lol. To Be honest my deck was just a little outdated. I simpley had some cards in there because it was all I add. Well I bit the bullet and bought some cards. Using some of LightningRing's cards I have redone my creature selection. I am still a little scared of not having any blockers if I need them other than fire servant. But the way the deck is working now, they should die before I that fear is realized. I still have the stunts and raptors in my sideboard for when I face my friend's burn deck. And don't worry about the spitefires and kilns, I already have another deck in mind for them. :D Thanks for the feedback guys. Let me know what you think of the changes.
ok the arid masa is in there for deck thinning. With all my burn cards, after about turn 3 or 4 I have no more cards in my hand. Plus I only really need 5 to play any card in my deck. Now at that time do you want to draw a mountain? or another burn spell? The answer is burn spell. The lands are in there to thin out my lands. So after I get esablished with my lands, I don't keep drawing lands. I draw stuff I really need. I have won and lost games against my friend's burn deck because of 1 turn. And it is usually who draws the next burn card first. With this he is more likely to draw a land, and i'm more likely to draw a spell and win the game. Other cards can do this I realize, but they make the land enter tapped which slows me down. Trust me, the 1 life is worth the 1 mana. I will admit I have the meteor showers in there and can go off with big damage if I have a lot of mana. The main reason they are there is because my frien'd burn deck contains mana flare. So my 5 mana would become 10, plus with fire servant, I can do 20 damage with that card with 5 lands out. Now for the echos. I have to say I'm not a fan of it myself. But these cards would be too badass if they didn't have echo. The champions are there for the 6 damage for 4 mana. On the next turn I usually don't pay their echo. But the raptors on the otherhand. They have first strike. With 2 of them on the field. I can block and kill anything with 6 toughness. Can take down some bigger monsters too with the help of a burn spell or 2. Therefore, depending on the situation, I may or may not pay their echos. If I know I don't have any more burn cards in my hand, I will pay the cost just to ensure I can do damage on the next turn. I can say its echo cost is annoying, but I make it work, and it works well in this deck.
Thanks for the tips man. I made the changes and I see a big difference. I never knew about vindicate. That is an amazing card. The nature's claim and esper charm was in there specifically for enchantments because my friends run a lot of them. But with vindicate and maelstrom pulse, I still get the job done. I do want to make a dragon deck, but not multicolored. I want it pure red. So left them out of this deck.
ok so I changed up my lands and tweaked a few cards. Plus added the birds, i don't know how I missed them earlier. Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming.
Thanks for the input guys. I realize the mana isn't axactly geared right for casting angels, but i'm not really trying to cast them really. The plan is the use fauna shaman to find a piper. I usually discard a big angel like akroma. Then get out the piper with asceticism out so its protected. Then use it to get out raya and bring akroma back for beatdown. I do realize that it can't always go like that so I need to gear my lands better to be able to cast some angels out right in the late game. What do you think about belbe's portal too? This could also help cast my big angels for cheap.
I really like it. You have given me an idea for a red/blue control deck. So thanks. If you get a chance take a look at my decks. I would love some feedback.
Please comment and let me know what you think. I am currently thinking about coat of arms for this deck. But I'm not sure if it would fit or what I would take out for it.
I can see what you are goiing for in this deck. It's a neat idea, because when you hear burn, you usually think direct damage spells. Just a question, with koth's last ability, does that mean if you tap your lands for mana, it deals the 1 damage. Or does it mean instead of tapiing for mana, you can tap for damage? If you get a chance, check out my decks. I would love some feedback.
It's got some nice ideas man. I want to build a dragon deck some day. The one's if seen are almost always more than 1 color. I want to build just a straight red dragon deck. Also good work on the mana ramping here. I have several of these cards and wanted to see how they could work together for red. good job.
no problem man. Oh I revamped my fire deck. Take a look if you get a chance. Plus I just made a w/g angel deck. Let me know what you think.
Oh and I forgot to ask, but if you get a chance check out my decks. I'm really curious what people think of my angel deck. Thanks
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