
37 Decks, 281 Comments, 110 Reputation

So why aren't you running the infinite life combo? Yeah it requires some room but its infinite life!! Also this is the rare instance where assemble the legion is a great card and could make this deck roll over anyone not running enchantment removal. I'm digging the clone! The guildmage is too slow For the deck. I don't think your running enough board control though and would either add card drawing or some mass removal. Have you seen the stuffy doll Boros reckoner decks based around the Act? It's good inspiration. Goodluck!!

Posted 15 April 2013 at 04:43 as a comment on Boros Torturer


Drop the red... your Troll doesn't need it and neither do you. My advice include at least six creature elimination spells and think about evasion. You could sideboard "Gift of Orozo" or whatever for a flyer with lifelink. Goodluck.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 01:39 as a comment on [Standard-dm] Jund Zombies


lol, vexing devil is in NO WAY medicore. However, he might be kinda out of place in the middle of a black green deck.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 01:34 in reply to #341396 on [Standard-dm] Jund Zombies


Holy smokes... i somehow missed Warren Instigator. Nice card. Um, why do you need brightstone ritual in a deck boasting 12 goblins that allow you to put goblins directly into play? It seems you know all the good goblins.. but your main deck is kinda slow and doesn't run at haste speed. My deck is your typical vial goblins but its a great base for any goblin deck lover. Check it out. It was my first deck. Lastly, where are you Gempalm incinerators? Goodluck, and Thanks for the education;)

Posted 15 April 2013 at 01:27 as a comment on goblin overrun


It depends on when you want to win the game. Chrome Mox will make it possible to go off on turn three. As would mox diamond and mox ople. Because black/blue has instant mana sources, going off on turn three could be accomplished with two islands, a swamp, one creature and copy of 'Culling the meek (or is it weak)... the one that makes four mana if you sac a creature. However, turn four is a great turn to combo with because it would allow you to counter. However, I'd switch to "daze" or "misdirection" so that you could use all your mana on the combo and still defend. If you want to go off on turn four, you could use mana sources that would allow you to make more mana.. think cabal coffers, crystal vein, or ancient tomb. I'm not sure if this helps because I'm just suggesting using rare cards to do what they do... However, you could tap out on turn four for the win and not be slammed if you run disrupt (or any one casting cost counter) instead of mana leak.

Posted 14 April 2013 at 23:47 as a comment on Infinite Mill


No mana acceleration?

Posted 14 April 2013 at 22:08 as a comment on Infinite Mill


I like mind over matter in my high tide decks. Also... whats up with the obsessive search???... i'd run frantic research or vision of beyond. Goodluck and screw Camdelabra of Tawnos. Oh, one last thing...The problem with brainfreeze is that it cost two.. making it easier to counter. Have you considered Blue Sun Zentith? Goodluck

Posted 14 April 2013 at 21:38 as a comment on High Tide


i'd drop the synchopates for rewinds... otherwise this is a boilerplate bant deck. I love it :)

Posted 14 April 2013 at 19:01 as a comment on Bant Flash


Nice post.. update to let us know whats no longer available.

Posted 14 April 2013 at 18:12 as a comment on NON T2 COLLECTION FOR TRADE


Duress, is kinda lame in this format. I would sideboard at least two copies of it and then run something more distruptive to agro based decks... like murder. I love Lilian and ravenous rats. Goodluck:)

Posted 14 April 2013 at 18:08 as a comment on I will eat your hand!


wait...six mana on turn two? how does that work? turn one take damage play an untapped forest and then cast an elf... turn elf in play...three mana... cast a farseek and drop another arbor elf... Did you mean by turn three you could have four lands in play and two elves? I think this is a fun deck, but it looks like it would mulligan a lot because your only running twenty lands and therefore your depending on farseek or the arbor elves to be in your opening hand. I would be curious about your sideboard choices.. Goodluck and I totally agree with your comment about proxi cards!!

Posted 13 April 2013 at 23:57 as a comment on Four Color Ramp

Permalink not as common as I would hope;) Cheers and Goodluck!

Posted 12 April 2013 at 21:08 as a comment on Standard Defender Control Mill


Hmm, this is a strange deck concept.... cool. I would have gone the opposite way and gone with graveyard manipulation to pull the Reaver from the graveyard (unburial rites). I didn't know about mind shrieker.... it has some wierd combo potential with a graveyard manipulation. Ie. Cast a card that allows you to manipulate the top of your library (think index) hopefully putting a Reaver or Unburial rites on top then activate the Shrieker get the combat boost but more importantly you'll have the reaver in the graveyard or the unburial rites (which is the best way to cast it). My advice: splash black. It will give you faster ways of accomplishing your goal (get the Reaver in play) while opening up your sideboard to great target and mass wipe spells. Goodluck!

Posted 12 April 2013 at 20:55 as a comment on Life cards!


Nice. But why not run four stoneforge mystics? Two back to basics maindeck is a little much in a deck with fetch. I advise drop a enchantment and add a Stoneforge.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 20:43 as a comment on W/U Control


Lol, right.. you were very polite.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 20:25 as a comment on Standard Defender Control Mill


opps, i ment mizzium skins. It makes one or all of your creatures hexproof... you should protect your creatures more:)

Posted 12 April 2013 at 19:59 as a comment on Standard Defender Control Mill


I've always loved black pegasus. But does he get any cards???... any respect? NO! Well let me tell you.... He'd be a two and a black flier with "infect". His flavor text would read "Even mythical flying Horses can get STDs." ;)

Posted 12 April 2013 at 18:13 in reply to #340752 on A Glory of Unicorns


You should run Mizzium Mortars in your sideboard. You should come off one unsummon, one rapid, and one Negate. Personally, I'd drop two of your dimir charms for two maindeck because your counting on your doorman to mill and this format is full of bounce and target kill. Goodluck!

Posted 12 April 2013 at 18:09 as a comment on Standard Defender Control Mill


I like it. Its a good representation of the deck I know and fear. However, I don't think your taking the risk of "pithing needle" and its kin seriously enough in your sideboard. I'd recommend at least one more echoing truth at the cost of one of your defense grids. Goodluck!!

Posted 12 April 2013 at 18:05 as a comment on Sneak and Tell


Again, I agree with Aliski. However, I would also add that mugging is ok..but i'd replace it with Bonfire of the Damned... because that card is AWESOME!!!! 18 lands is enough

Posted 12 April 2013 at 17:38 in reply to #340472 on Standard BURN!!!


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