
37 Decks, 281 Comments, 110 Reputation

Combo decks are always fun. However, this deck is completely devoted to your combo and has no board control spells, no card drawing spells (so that you never miss a land drop), no mana acceleration spells, and no hand disruption spells. The reason you might want some of these spells is because your mono black deck can be completely wrecked by single cards. For instance what would you do if somebody played Platinum angle? Or dropped tormod's crypt? What about Force of Will? Sure, you could wait until game two and reach for some ratchet bombs or oblivion stones.. but why not take out four cards and add four spells in order to help your game one to go off without a hitch? Goodluck and I liked your great combo!!

Posted 04 December 2013 at 00:56 as a comment on Sac: To infinity and beyond


I can really appreciate this deck thanks to your reply. I would agree that most pauper decks are not tier one viable. However, there are some exceptions, like the mono-blue classic "Fish" and red's "red deck wins" both of which can be quite good in the right metagame. However, I think your comment on big money cards in magic is completely understandable. If i hadn't been playing back in 1997 then I wouldn't have been able to trade or buy most of these big money cards for peanuts... or should I say candy bars. I once traded a candy bar for a survival of the fittest during lunch period in high school. Still got it. Cheers and goodluck!!

Posted 04 December 2013 at 00:33 as a comment on Exsanguicycle


The reason this deck isn't viable in Legacy is due to it being shut down by a single card. If the deck could use counterspells it would be at the cost of drawing them when it needs to combo out for the songs of the damned. The eventual conclusion it isn't a viable deck archetype. So where to play it? My friends and I have created a drinking game where we play purely agro combo decks (ex. Flash Hulk, Sneak Attack, Channel Fireball) and drink for each end of our turn phase. The winner then gets to hand out five drinks. Listen, I've played this deck for six years... if your deck can't win on turn one then your not going to make top eight in a real tourney. I get the idea for muddle... but its just too slow. If your going for the best cheap version of this deck then run all the cycle lands, four flux, two songs, one kill card. Then all cycle creature cards. Its that simple. Every card you add is a turn you'll have to wait before you combo out. The restless dreams are cool. I used to run a version with one copy of life from the loam. It was good... Sorry if I sound negative and I think the deck archetype could be retooled... but I wouldn't doubt "enter the infinite" or whatever new card could make the deck. But as to this archetype, I just don't think it can be improved. I used to run miscalculate but besides that... there isn't room for spells that do not cycle. Goodluck!

Posted 02 December 2013 at 03:28 in reply to #416987 on Exsanguicycle


I'd drop the dromar's caverns for two lotus peddles. This will help you go off on turn one more often. I'd also drop the muddles and restless dreams for streetwraiths. The sideboard should run pact of negation x1, misdirection x1, and pact of summoning x1. I like your variation because it avoids targeting the player and plays huge in group. Great deck!

Posted 02 December 2013 at 02:29 as a comment on Exsanguicycle


Great card choices! I liked the deck because its a fun alternative and can be made with stuff laying around. Too bad Oblivion ring is out of standard. Good luck and great post!

Posted 02 December 2013 at 02:17 as a comment on [Budget] Ordeals of Conclave


Welcome to magic. Monoblack's biggest failing is artifact and enchantment control. Until you add either artifacts or splash for a second color, you will be at their mercy:( I like your zombie theme and hope you use the awesome data base to brows cards like ratchet bomb and oblivion stone. Goodluck!

Posted 28 November 2013 at 04:41 as a comment on WIP B/U Zombies (help please)


Hi, THIS LOOKS GREAT. But I'd say the mana needs to be retooled. Run at least six sac lands, just to thin out your deck. Drop two wastelands and add one Nykthos, Shrine of whatever... its better than Tolerian Academy;) The advice to run more card drawing is pretty solid but I would only go down to 22 creatures at minimum. I like the classic design with the extra counterspells. I'd probably go with Arcane Denial over spellsnare but hey... Great post, Good luck!!

Posted 28 November 2013 at 00:47 as a comment on [Legacy] True Merfolk


I'm loving it! Fun deck with lots of answers. How's the pacing? perhaps more card drawing? Cheers.

Posted 23 November 2013 at 09:47 as a comment on Standard 'Taurs


I think its a fun idea, but if your hoping to win with this deck you'll have to add either the board control, protect creatures spells, or card drawing. Otherwise you're just playing an agro deck that can't handle or recover from the smallest problem... like when your opponent plays Worship, Platinum Angle, or Spike Weaver. The most common problem for this deck will be card drawing/ card advantage... like getting four of your cards wiped by just one of your opponents. Supreme Verdict, for example is in a lot Modern decklist. Don't get me wrong, I think this deck is cool and looks fun but I would recommend the following. Go with six spells in your main deck that handle permanents. These can be creature spells but they need to have the ability to remove enchantments, artifacts, or enemy creatures. I bet Qasili Pridemage (or however you spell it) would be a great boon when your opponent plays birthing pod. ANYWAY... that's what sideboards are for right? Goodluck and don't get caught flatfooted;)

Posted 23 November 2013 at 09:42 as a comment on A New Look at Naya


I made a deck that cast the Ox a thousand times then kills with grapeshot. Feel free to check it out. It's called combo Ox.

Posted 16 November 2013 at 07:57 as a comment on THE YOKED OX CHALLENGE


I love poison decks. I also like s0rin's advice about the creatures. My advice, double strike and inquisitors flail make infect decks twice as deadly and can do so in a single turn. Also, I'd drop the artifact creatures for instant card drawing. I'd also drop the socery and enchant creatures spells for either more card drawing and three copies of artful dodge. Goodluck!

Posted 12 November 2013 at 02:36 as a comment on dimir infect, $3.45


hmm, without any defenses your going to have to chump block in order to survive. Long story short, this deck is a sitting duck. Why not retool the deck to drop a combo on a single turn instead of trying to build up to it? Just look up "freed from the reel infinite combo" and find the legacy decks that made it shine, several years ago. I know your doing modern, but I bet you'll get some great hints. Hope I don't sound like a complete hater, but you must know this deck has been done right in the past. Goodluck, and props for reaching for the infinite!

Posted 12 November 2013 at 02:26 as a comment on Infinite Mana, Infinite Turns


Hmm, the white doesn't do anything for this deck and its holding up your mana curve. Why run four Barons when you do not have a life gain combo to make him shine? I'm confused what this deck does? What do you do if you run into a creature destruction deck like your own? You only run eight creatures and have no way of protecting them. My advice, go with a classic Radkos deck archetype unless your going to retool the deck. I like the idea of white giving you sideboard options because you need more board control, but if your just splashing for more creature control and flyers... then drop the color. Good luck!

Posted 12 November 2013 at 02:15 as a comment on Dega Affliction


delver of secrets is cool, but I would replace it with his best friend... invisible stalker. Hexproof and unblockable are very attractive attributes. Dig the concept and would be interested in testing against it. Thanks for the post.

Posted 12 November 2013 at 01:38 as a comment on Modern Kiln Friends


What a fun deck. It's awesome to see somebody playing with something that they created. This deck has a few weaknesses that could be addressed in the sideboard. First, your deck lacks any board control. This can be a problem because of the cards used in legacy/casual. Counter control decks run both enchantments and artifacts to control the board and gain card control. Therefore I would recommend using either mass wipe cards or permanent elimination cards (oblivion ring is a good start) to help keep control in game two. The next problem for this deck is hand destruction and lack of card drawing. You can't "not loose" if you don't have the cards. Perhaps using something like dawn charm (its good for creatures and target player spells) or library manipulation (sensi diving top/scroll rack) to keep what you need in your hand. Finally, land destruction and/or decking should be addressed by adding cards to your sideboard. I like elixir of immortality and sacred ground... but its a tough choice. Goodluck and keep posting fun decks like this!!

Posted 12 November 2013 at 01:32 as a comment on you win, you win, you win.


Nice casual deck! There are no defenses, but I like the idea of comboing out on turn two. I had a friend who played a similar deck but he splashed blue for daze, gush, and foil. I prefer your strict agro version, because it's all about the big turn. Great build! Good luck

Posted 03 November 2013 at 18:56 as a comment on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


No defenses? Unless your playing "emperor" this deck would have no chance in a typical legacy environment. I like the hideaway lands and enjoy the concept of winning with the door. If your going to play with hideaway lands, you should use cards that allow you to stack your deck at instant speed. Personally, I'd go with brainstorm or sensi's diving top because they are cheap. You might also want a back up plan in the likely event of getting wiped by a card like "pernicious deed" or "shatterstorm". Sometimes, getting stuff from your graveyard straight into play can be the fastest way to combo out. Goodluck!

Posted 03 November 2013 at 18:29 as a comment on Mana Win


Thanks... i agree, especially with dark rituals.

Posted 24 October 2013 at 02:56 in reply to #406388 on Candace's Vampires Two


My version runs two copies of "Pact of summoning"... but otherwise I dig your take. At my house we play this deck against "fluxuator" and "channel fireball" as a drinking game. lol. Good luck, liked the post.

Posted 21 October 2013 at 01:51 as a comment on Turn 2 Win?


I don't get the joke...

Posted 18 October 2013 at 05:48 as a comment on Control Everything(JK)


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