
94 Decks, 28 Comments, 4 Reputation

I have been testing the list extensively (putting in about 20+ games every other night). The biggest thing that I find (which you have pointed out) is the lack of spell based interaction. Some number of counters or extra removal would be great, but I really can't make the red splash more accessible with this list. I suppose I could go more heavy into red if I took the more Zoo based route with Nacatls and Lightning Bolts, but I don't know if I am a fan or not yet. Although I might pick up some Nacatls and test it out. So if I decide to go that route, I could definitely see the benefit of using some Boros Charms as each mode is situationally relevant.

Posted 25 February 2016 at 18:39 in reply to #575986 on Bant Knightfall


While that may be true, I have yet to see a blocker that can stop a 20+ power trampling Knight. But also, I agree that the combo may be weak in games 2 or 3 so I typically board it out after it's been seen.

Posted 24 February 2016 at 22:17 in reply to #575986 on Bant Knightfall


That's not a bad idea! I really haven't tested with this deck or in this new format yet so I can't say for sure! But Loam is seldom a bad card.

Posted 24 February 2016 at 22:15 in reply to #575984 on Eternal Knightfall


Thanks for the comment. I thought the title was perfect too! Thought Scour has been wonderful in testing. Hitting a Lingering Souls with Thought Scour is great basically giving me 2 cards including the draw. The big difference between my build and Ichikawa's is that he didn't run Gitaxian Probe, which seems like an oversight to me, because its fantastic in so many ways in the deck. So far I have probably put in between 20-25 games against Jund, USA Control, and Abzan and those are pretty great match-ups for me. The only match up that I know I have trouble against is Burn, but have yet to test against it or other faster match ups. I definitely like Spellskite in my board (one already in there) and two couldn't hurt for sure, because it hurts a lot of decks. If Shadow of Doubt doesn't play out for me in testing I will definitely go for another Skite! Thanks for the feedback!

Posted 04 January 2016 at 07:09 in reply to #571676 on Mon-esper-y Mentor


I thought about using Cloudshift or Momentary Blink because they are cheap and MB has the flashback going for it. I actually feel like I have enough flicker effects at the moment however, but the more I play it the less I like Nephalia Smuggler. So I think I'm gonna look to replace him and maybe Cloudshift or MB would be good replacements.

Posted 18 November 2015 at 05:00 in reply to #568009 on Roon of the Hidden Realm EDH


This deck is super fun and is kinda my baby right now. I love the interaction between collected company, flickerwisp, and ETB effects. Venser is a fun-of in this deck, but whenever I draw him I am always happy because he is pure value, either letting me swing for lethal unblockable, or blink creatures for more value.

Posted 25 October 2015 at 02:07 as a comment on Bant & Co.


Thank you! I actually liked your idea and wanted to make it into a kinda zombie tribal-ish interaction with Tibalt. That way no matter what you discard, it can be recurred from the grave.

Posted 18 October 2015 at 02:47 in reply to #565435 on Flashback Graveyard


Agreed! There are a ton of options for Hatebears, so test them all!

Posted 13 October 2015 at 22:44 in reply to #564882 on Modern Ideas: G/W HateBears


This seems like a fun deck. Tibalt would be really cool with more unearth/flashback cards. I would see if you can pick up some Think Twice or Fatestitchers for more blue draw and shenanigans! +1 from me!

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:53 as a comment on Tibalt's Flashback


This seems like a fun deck. Tibalt would be really cool with more unearth/flashback cards. I would see if you can pick up some Think Twice or Fatestitchers for more blue draw and shenanigans! +1 from me!

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:53 as a comment on Tibalt's Flashback


I would suggest Voice of Resurgence if you can get them. Probably one of the best modern hatebears.

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:47 as a comment on Modern Ideas: G/W HateBears


These Turbofog decks are the bane of my existence. Seems like some fun though! +1

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:40 as a comment on Dark Fog


Seems like a cool deck! I like the synergy between Lab Maniac and Leveler! +1

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:38 as a comment on Laboratory Leveler


Aw dang, I thought he was too good...Thank you!

Posted 12 October 2015 at 22:28 in reply to #564834 on Snow White


Ill try it out! Thanks for the input!

Posted 31 July 2015 at 01:46 in reply to #557494 on Modern Mill


That may be a possibility. I've always liked Spellskite, but with the 3 mainboard Qasali Pridemages I actually haven't had too much trouble with Twin or Vial. I usually go 2-1 or 1-2 against it. It all depends on game one. I was thinking that the Hallowed Moonlight is a good addition to the Pridemage's (in the sense that they're my extra pridemages) slowing down Vial and Twin while I get my cat out. But who knows maybe I'll grow to hate the card lol

Posted 20 July 2015 at 01:25 in reply to #556742 on Bant Tempo


With the addition of Magic Origins I revamped this deck and had some new ideas. I think Hallowed Moonlight makes Detention Sphere even more valuable. Decks that run Abrupt Decay aren't a huge threat to D-Sphere because Hallowed Moonlight will exile whatever they want to bring back. Additionally, Hallowed Moonlight is awesome against Splinter Twin or even Merfolk and Death and Taxes as it stops Aether Vial pretty efficiently as well. With the addition of Sun Titan for testing, I am considering adding Kitchen Finks instead of Loxodon Smiter because of the value. I don't really run into to much Jund where I play so this might be a reasonable substitution.

Any comments are welcome.

Posted 19 July 2015 at 23:23 as a comment on Bant Tempo


Ill agree that Thassa is a bad top deck on an open board, but she is good to search for. I just think the scry is really beneficial and more often than not she is actually a creature due to the devotion.

I put a Rest in Peace in my board already I thought it was useful as well.

Counterbalance would be interesting to test. Ive not really seen it played before.

Threads would be good as always

Posted 07 July 2015 at 02:22 in reply to #555301 on Evil Emperor Zurg


Really would like to try out Hallowed Moonlight when it comes out! Sure go ahead and abrupt decay my detention sphere...and let me draw a card while you lose that Tarmogoyf!

Posted 07 July 2015 at 00:31 as a comment on Evil Emperor Zurg


Any suggestions?

Posted 07 July 2015 at 00:07 in reply to #555301 on Evil Emperor Zurg


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