
70 Decks, 168 Comments, 12 Reputation

hmmmm you have a very sound statement sir. I actually will probably make Changes to the deck now that i think about it hmmm. The mana base is pretty good i think though because you dont really need an abundance of land but depending on how well it runs i might change it.
Thank you very much for the helpful insight it really means alot

Posted 29 May 2012 at 16:59 in reply to #259873 on Shuriken Resonance


you cant have any cards in here that are not blue or black just a heads up they all have to be the color of your general

Posted 28 May 2012 at 17:29 as a comment on Oona, Queen of the everything


Oh and archwing dragon would perfect for this deck 4/4 flying haste return to your hand at the end of your turn

Posted 27 May 2012 at 19:11 in reply to #259569 on Endless Destruction


This looks like a really fun deck. if you need more remove, that sounds really dumb but hear me out, i would put in some damnations ,which are black wrath of gods. Since your running iso's i would probably run some oram's chants too just to be a dick to other player. But i love the deck like i said looks very fun to play.

Posted 27 May 2012 at 19:04 as a comment on Endless Destruction


its more like a legacy combo/ extraction deck but its pretty fun to play

Posted 26 May 2012 at 20:41 in reply to #259287 on WorldGorging Extraction


hmmm maybe haunting echos? its probably not as good concidering it cost five but if you mill atleast half their library then haunting echos them, then they would be drawing nothing but lands until you finish them off. oh and if you use haunting echos then you have a reason to play archive trap for its 0 cost.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 13:53 as a comment on That Moment When...


They are in here to bounce ninja back to my hand so i can ninjutsu them back in to play and activate their ablilies or i will just ghostform them to make them unblockable.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 13:46 in reply to #258834 on Shuriken Resonance


hmmmm in my opinion i would take out some land... maybe 3 or 2 depending but i would add some harrows and fetch lands to activate the expeditions faster and to thin out your mana base. then i hate to say this... but instead of gravity wells i would put in some mana reflections if your really hurting for mana. and i would take out 3 of the phyrexia hydras to put in 1 primordial hydras and 2 knalni Hydras because their over all effectiveness is alot better in my opinion.
Also to be safe i would put in some plains and Mountains for your fetch lands and harrows to get if you decide to put them in. because in all reality in a 60 card deck the chances of pulling a abundant growth is kinda slim i mean you will probably pull one, which, is good for your apocalypse hydra but you still have a dead card because of the phytohydra.
But over all this is a very good base for a deck it just needs some tuning and i think it will run great and more consistant. Great deck i wish i could play against it =)

Posted 24 May 2012 at 08:07 as a comment on Hydra


Thank you sir, Do you have any suggestions to make it better?

Posted 24 May 2012 at 06:05 as a comment on Shuriken Resonance


No problem dude i do what i can to make any deck the best it can be =)

Posted 24 May 2012 at 03:06 in reply to #258069 on Giving Up All That You Own


I believe carrion feeder would work wonders for this deck. 1/1 for one black that you sacrifice a creature to give it a +1/+1 counter. Thats my only suggestion though because this deck is very solid. good job my friend

Posted 22 May 2012 at 04:59 as a comment on Giving Up All That You Own


This is really really good. And i completely agree with wither thing. Maybe adding some dark rituals would speed it up? and add another flourishing defence? i just a thought to consider.
But hey if i could ask some advice on my Hellion Explosion deck? I need some input so if you have the time please take a look.

Posted 06 May 2012 at 21:26 as a comment on Let it Bleed


Just commented on your deck and left some suggestions =)

Posted 05 May 2012 at 17:24 as a comment on Misthollow Restoration


Very nice, I really enjoy the concept of it. One card would be really nice in this deck, I'm not sure what you would take out for it but, killing wave would be excellent with all the undieing in this deck. Another idea maybe putting in a trecherous pit dweller just because i didn't see a two drop undieing creature in there? Very good deck +1

Thanks for the comment by the way=)

Posted 05 May 2012 at 17:23 as a comment on Netherworld's Gate (standard)


The scholar is just in there to help me get the griffin into my graveyard, but i can see your point on how its not a win condition. Thanks for the comment means a lot =).

Posted 05 May 2012 at 17:17 in reply to #253130 on Misthollow Restoration


if i had to take a guess its probably because it has protection and first strike and once it hits the board like the other creatures in the deck its an instant target you have to deal with. I like the deck tho very nicely put together i have a feeling that black control will be one of the most used standard decks but this is very nicely build. good job!

Posted 07 June 2011 at 17:36 in reply to #169410 on MBC


sorry to say but it takes four turns and thats with an awesome hand what i would do is replace the serpant and some phantom warriors with trinket mages that way you can search for the chalice and not have to molagan down to two cards

Posted 27 May 2011 at 02:18 as a comment on Fourth Turn Win!!!


Hey my extraction deck isnt creature heavy it just likes obliterators haha

Posted 22 May 2011 at 22:56 as a comment on God's Final Damnation


So could you guys tell me what you think?

Posted 14 April 2011 at 14:03 as a comment on -Wolf Swarm-


ok here are the changes ive made please comment and tell me what you think

-1 arbor elf
-2 druid of the anima
-2 elvish aberration
-2 tolsimir wolfblood
-2 leyline of the meek

+1 Beastmaster acension
+2 primeval titian
+4 Harrow
+4 forests

Posted 12 April 2011 at 03:44 as a comment on -Wolf Swarm-


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