
60 Decks, 399 Comments, 45 Reputation

Guide and Bolt are both rotating, probably this is a post-rotation deck. No reason Lavamancer shouldn't be in here, though.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 17:17 in reply to #177966 on M12 RDW?


Are you kidding, Legionnaire is one of the fastest cards in recent magic. You're nuts to think they don't have a home here.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:55 in reply to #177304 on FNM Fail Why?


OP: Ignore this post. first turn mana that doesn't die to creature removal is infinitely better than a myr that can't tap for mana until turn 3. Herp derp derp.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:54 in reply to #177958 on FNM Fail Why?


Fling is bad, makes you 2-for-1 yourself since most likely you're just using it as removal. Use something like Lightning Bolt or, better, Arc Trail, which will let you 2-for-1 your opponent instead.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 16:53 as a comment on FNM Fail Why?


Blunt the Assault is just bad, same as Choking Fumes (which could be replaced with Marrow Shards for pretty much the same effect, for free). And Armored Ascension means that your mana base has to be way less than ideal, I don't see why you're trying so hard to run it when more allies would be just as aggro.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 15:16 as a comment on GRW Allies


If you add white, you can run Spitemare and two of the best cards to use with Stuffy Doll, Pariah and Guilty Conscience.

Also, where is your Pyrohemia?

Posted 30 June 2011 at 00:24 as a comment on Stuff the Stuffy Doll!


"with Cast Through Time out, that 23 damage has rebound"


Also, Scoria Elemental is one of the worst cards ever printed, don't disgrace yourself by putting it into a deck.

Posted 23 June 2011 at 17:58 as a comment on Rebounding Assault


Storm decks like this need rituals and the like to be able to fuel themselves. Rite of Flame and Seething Song both have a home here.

Posted 23 June 2011 at 17:57 as a comment on R/G Grapeshot


Where are your Nettle Sentinels? This kind of deck LOVES them! Or, rather, Heritage Druid loves them :D

Imagine, for a moment, the potential boardstate of 2-3 Nettle Sentinels, a Heritage Druid, and a Gilt-Leaf Archdruid. Tap the Sentinels for mana, cast a druid, untap the Sentinels, and draw a card with the Archdruid. Most of your druids cost less than 3, which means you will slowly generate a huge amount of mana, and so long as you keep drawing druids, you can keep drawing cards. Get out a second Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and it's pretty much guaranteed that you can draw and play your entire deck in the same turn.

And the thing is, a boardstate like that really isn't all that unlikely.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 19:01 as a comment on All your land are belong to us


Not so sure about pyroclasm, since it kills all of your creatures (including fire servant, since it'll deal 4 damage when he's in play).

Also with all of that bounce it's a shame you don't have a few counterspells too, since you know your opponent will eventually try and cast it again.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:56 as a comment on Draw Burn Bounce


Phyrexian Metamorph. You can cast it very cheaply using the Architect's ability, then tap it for mana since it's already blue as well. Use it to make more Architects in the early game, or more Spines in the late game. Plus, use your bouncing theme to have it re-enter the battlefield as something else if you need it later.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:50 as a comment on U/W Trampoline of Doom


Aim for around 24 lands, 30 is far too much.

Also instead of Earthlore, consider using more versatile, reusable, and cheaper spells like Rancor or any sort of equipment.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:48 as a comment on A Green Heavy-Hitter Deck


Looks like a pretty sweet deck. Perhaps run some more Living Weapon cards, since they do multiple things for you that regular creatures or equips don't, such as run up your metalcraft count, and have the versatility to act as a creature when you need it to be, and an equipment when you don't. Plus, being equipment, you get to draw cards off of them when Puresteel Paladin is in play.

I feel like some Bonehoards and even Skinwings could be good in this deck, Skinwing being good because with Puresteel Paladin that 6 equip cost suddenly doesn't matter.



Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:47 as a comment on Caw-Kittys


Instead of Scrib Nibblers, why not something like Shimian Spectre?

Also I can see that you added red for some removal, but black has decent enough removal as it is, so I wouldn't force yourself into red as you're doing. Instead, consider running blue. You can use cards like Lobotomy, one of the best extraction cards out there, as well as countermagic and other control-style cards.

Plus, you can add the surprise win condition of Cosi's Trickster. Every extraction card you have forces your opponent to shuffle their deck, including each separate copy of Bitter Ordeal that you manage to get off via Gravestorm. In other words, the Trickster will be BIG, very very quickly.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:42 as a comment on Removal


Morality Shift would be intense with any Yawgmoth's Will style card, especially with all of those rituals like Songs of the Damned.

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:32 as a comment on Obey!


Remember that Brainstorm is restricted to 1 copy in Legacy. I'd suggest you drop it to only 1 copy, but at the point it can't help towards your Ascension so you may as well look to use something else. The other obvious choice, ponder, is restricted as well, so you'll have the same problem.

You cold potentially try the card Portent, it's a slightly worse Ponder but it should still do what you want it to do, letting you draw cards while giving you another cheap spell to get Quest counters.

One suggestion: Why not experiment with Proliferation instants? That way you'll only need to get 1 quest counter onto your Ascension to make it active. The obvious choices are either Volt Charge, to combine removal + Proliferation, or Steady Progress, to combine that proliferation with more card draw (possibly as a replacement for Brainstorm).

I love this style of deck, so I hope that helps :D

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:22 as a comment on Legacy Pyromancer


Oh man, price of glory + them pirates is *amazing.* I'm surprised I haven't seen that interaction before. Loving it!

But, really, is strip mine + crucible REALLY necessary at that point? REALLY???

Posted 21 June 2011 at 18:14 as a comment on Hatred towards all


What are Caged Sun and Door of Destinies for? Elves are easily the best tribe at powering themselves up, you can get the same functionality, but cheaper, by running those elves.

Elvish Archdruid is an EASY replacement for Caged Sun in the this deck. Same as Joraga Warcaller versus Door of Destinies.

Also, Nissa without Nissa's Chosen = lolwat.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 23:20 as a comment on Elvish power


Then play an eldrazi deck, the whole point here is to abuse Eldrazi Monument.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 20:26 in reply to #173313 on New Elfdrazi


i see what you did there

Posted 20 June 2011 at 20:07 as a comment on WTFFFFFFFFFF


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