
531 Decks, 573 Comments, 114 Reputation

Personally I would get this down to 60. I also think I would just remove the whole Memnite/Galvanic blast idea and just run more guides and Gaveleers.

Posted 17 June 2011 at 16:40 as a comment on kuldotha goblins!! (standard)


Hi there. Figured I would give a few suggestions for you to consider. I know you made this out of what you have but I think its a bad idea mix this with infect. You could still have a use for proliferate if you goal is to pile counters onto Jace asap.

Personally I would take out Geth. He really isn't that effective and if you have Leyline of the Void in play he will be crippled.
Leyline of the Void is a great card for mill but since you are running extraction cards it probably should be taken out.
I would go with mana leak over cancel since this your deck is multi colored.
Hedron crabs love as many fetch lands as you can run to make full use of landfall.
Tezzeret's Gambit and Jace's Erasure would go well in this deck.
I don't know what format you play in but if you don't want to keep this standard then n my opinion the most powerful mill cards are black and blue and they are Mind Funeral and Glimpse the Unthinkable. You will need to get these cards for your deck to be the best it can be but they are not cheap.
Eradicate and Wind Zendikon is a great combo to stip lands from their deck or you can use it defensivily and help fuel landfall for the crabs. Mind funeral after pulling off this combo and it will mill all or most of their deck.

Good luck!

Posted 17 June 2011 at 15:49 as a comment on Yet another Mill deck...


Ha ha you are in luck I have actually been messing around with different builds of a Torpor Orb deck. I think that it has turned out pretty well on paper but I haven't ever played this type of deck before.

The link is below.
It is basically a revamp of the Stifle/Dreadnought deck.

I went with a blue deck with a white splash mostly for enlightened tutor.
I don't think that a mono black deck is going to get the most out of Torpor Orb without a blue or white splash. You will need to get Torpor Orb in order for any of your creatures to be playable so you will need some good tutors or more cards like Torpor Orb or both. You will also need to protect your monster creatures once you get them out. Once any of these creatures are in play and protected your opponent is most likely done for.
You have 8 Dark Rituals in this deck btw.

"Torpor Orb Shenanigans"
Deck link:

Posted 16 June 2011 at 18:17 as a comment on • HEAVY METAL •


This looks like a really fun goblin deck. It would be great if you could fit a few Goblin Piledrivers in here. Maybe take out empty the warrens. But overall looks great.

Good luck

Posted 15 June 2011 at 04:10 as a comment on goblins:D


This is a great deck and the build looks great. I agree that Death's Shadow is at least worth a side board. Idyllic Tutor also works nicely if you decide to change to legacy or vintage and take out some demonic tutors.

Have you ever though about running Dark Confidant?

Posted 11 June 2011 at 07:25 as a comment on Near Death Experience


This is a great build. I think you could up your creatures to 4 of and back down to 18 mountains and still be fine. Your mana curve is pretty nice and you have a lot of colorless spells, it should run fine with 22 lands.

Posted 11 June 2011 at 01:11 as a comment on Red deck kuldotha


Looks like a pretty solid burn deck. I do have one suggestion though. Since you are running Shrine of Burning Rage and Pyromancer Ascension I think Volt Charge could fit really nicely in here.

Good job and good luck!

Posted 09 June 2011 at 21:20 as a comment on Yet Another Burn Deck!


Looking good but I have a few suggestions.

This deck needs Worldly Tutor and I don't think you need more than 2 Liliana Vess

Good luck!

Posted 08 June 2011 at 17:22 as a comment on Death's Shadow


looks like a fun deck and props for running Leeches.

Since you are running green and white with Melira, Sylvok Outcast I think 1 or 2 Phyrexian unlife is a good ideal. Also Green Sun's Zenith would be a nice add too.

Good luck!

Posted 08 June 2011 at 17:15 as a comment on Anti-infect


Looks really great. Only thing I would suggest is, if you have the money obviously add in Stifle. If not Trickbind is pretty cheap and worth putting into the deck. I would probally go with either -2 leveler -2 despise + 4 Trickbind. Or if you can part with the hymn put the trickbinds in its spot.

Good luck!

Posted 06 June 2011 at 21:25 as a comment on Torpor Smash


Yup thats a flash deck. lol I really hate flash hulk decks because they are so broken and ultimately unfun to play with or against. Sounds like your making it just to spite your friend though, so I approve. lol

I don't really know if its needed or not but you could consider running City of Brass and Gemstone Mine instead of darkslick and underground.

Good luck with against your friend and look out for people running Leyline of the Void.

Posted 03 June 2011 at 17:44 as a comment on Flash Hulk


Interesting looking deck. I'm not sure that Gilded Lotus is needed and Clarion Ultimatum seems completely out of place.

I feel Preeminent Captain would be very useful in this deck.

Good luck!

Posted 02 June 2011 at 21:45 as a comment on Soldier # 2


Shaping up to be a nice zombie deck. I have some advice that may help you make it better.

1st you MUST get this down to 60 cards, decks over 60 will never run well and will be too inconsistent.

I think you need to focus a little more on speed. Your mana curve is kinda high, you need to do some trimming to get this deck running consistently.

Lim-Dul the Necromancer is legendary and has a high casting cost. You don't need more than 1 in your deck.
I also feel 2 Nim Deathmantle is enough.
Twilight's Call has a high casting cost and can bring back a lot of creatures for your opponent. Better options are Patriarch's Bidding and Balthor the Defiled.
I like Cover of Darkness in here and since you are running 4 Zombie master I would run 1 or 2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to give you another way to make your creatures unblockable.
Crypt of Agadeem can help you take advantage of having a lot of creatures in your graveyard.
Withered Wretch is a decent 2 mana drop and he can clean out your opponents graveyard.
Festering Goblin is nothing special but he is cheap to play and helps a lot in the early game.
Personally I would much rather run Doom Blade or Go for the Throat over Cruel Revival. Most of the time it will be more useful.
Gempalm Polluter is great because he can do direct damage for his cycle cost and then you can keep bringing him back and doing it again or he will come to life as a 4/3 creature.
I am also not a fan of Rise from the grave and I would either cut it from the deck or run animate dead in its place.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 01 June 2011 at 19:25 as a comment on Zombie_combo_killer!


This is a neat deck but I must agree that sword of vengeance seems like it would be great in this deck instead of 2 sword of body and minds.

Also why not add Puresteel Paladin in here because leonin shikari and puresteel paladin work great together.

Check out my equipment deck if you like.
Raising Kaldra (Equipment Deck)
Deck link:

Posted 28 May 2011 at 18:48 as a comment on Seven Swords


Saw that you posted a deck so I figured I would comment on it. Can't believe you posted this trash on here! lol j/k I hate this deck just because it is probably the most broken deck in the game. :-P

Despite that I will still try to give you a few things to consider.
Obviously if you have them Force of will should go in here. I do like the addition of Gitaxian Probe however.

I know you are probably going for a turn zero win the best you can but my friend made a variation of this deck that has some extra tricks and defense.

After he flashes hulk he gets Viscera Seer with his disciples so he can sac 0 cost creatures or he can play them for defense if he needs too. He also added in Woodfall Primus and Twilight Shepherd as alternate cards he could flash for. It actually worked out really well but did slow the deck down just a little bit.

Here was a little older version of his deck if you want to take a look, I think he tweaked it a little bit since this build though.
4x Lotus Petal
3x Phyrexian Walker
4x Memnite
3x Ornithopter
4x Simian Spirit Guide
4x Protean Hulk
3x Disciple of the Vault
1x Woodfall Primus
1x Viscera Seer
2x Twilight Shepherd
6x Island
1x Swamp
4x Darkslick Shores
2x Drowned Catacomb
1x Rootwater Depths
4x Gemstone Caverns
2x Brainstorm
4x Flash
3x Impulse
1x Mystical Tutor
4x Demonic Tutor
3x Merchant Scroll

Also if you are interested here is a link to my best broken deck that can do a 1st turn win and is actually pretty capable at shutting down a flash/hulk deck because of the Leyline of the void, Gemstone Caverns and Pyroblast.

Into the Void (Mill)
Deck link:

Posted 26 May 2011 at 23:13 as a comment on Flash Hulk


I wasn't sure about Sulfuric Vortex and put it in in case of a deck with lots of life gain or a counter balance type deck. I doubt my girlfriend would like it anyway so I took your advice. I am still a little worried about life gain but just knowing the play styles of the people I play with it probably wont be a problem. Guess if she runs into a life gain deck she will just have to hope that her board wiping spells will have to be enough.

Thanks again for all the help,

Posted 26 May 2011 at 21:23 in reply to #165919 on Fastest Burn II


I'll try to help you out a little because I love kithkin. I am not sure what your budget is and I have plenty of suggestions but some are pricey so Ill suggest a few cards that aren't too much.

1st you should get your mana curve down a bit. Kithkin only thrive as weenies that come out quick with lots of abilities.

I don't like Ballynock Trapper and especially Rhox Pikemaster need to go. I think Goldmeadow Harrier is a good pick to replace ballynock trapper. Generally I think you need more 1 drops. On the cheap my favorite is Cenn's Tactician on the expensive I like figure of destiny.

I also suggest Militia's Pride. Once you get some quick creatures out play Militia's Pride and your army will build quickly.

Brave the Elements is a good way to push damage though or protect your creatures.

Once you mana curve is down a little you could probally get by with 20 lands.

Good luck with your deck and if you like take a look at my kithkin deck. It isn't a cheap deck but is very effective.

Kithkin Beatdown
Deck link:

Posted 25 May 2011 at 20:20 as a comment on cheap Kith


I have the new deck list up at this link:
Fastest Burn II (Legacy)
Deck link:

You can reply on that deck list instead of this one if you like. I am going to leave this the way it is because that is how it was played at that tourny and what most people have commented on.

I had thought about blood moon but I am not positive that he will even run his dark depths deck, he may play something different so Needle is probably my best option against more decks as you suggested. I also don't know if its fast enough to stop it because as you said I would probably need mana acceleration and I am afraid that would mess with the deck too much by adding that many non burn cards.

Posted 25 May 2011 at 16:21 in reply to #165605 on Fastest Burn Deck


Was curious to see how you could pull off a decent white infect deck. Looks like you did a great job and props for being quite different than most infect decks.

Nice job and good luck with the deck

Posted 25 May 2011 at 16:08 as a comment on non pump infect?! who would think so logically?


This is a cool deck. Like the combo you have going. My only suggestions are that I don't think you need so many equipment and need to run a few more creatures. Also try to get some fetch lands or dual lands in there to help with your mana.

Nice deck and good luck

Posted 24 May 2011 at 21:43 as a comment on infinite damage5


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