
531 Decks, 573 Comments, 114 Reputation

Try out Brainstorm in place of gritaxian probe because it counts as drawing 3 and works great with Jace's Erasure. I also love Oboro, Palace in the Clouds with Hedron Crabs.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 10 October 2011 at 00:38 as a comment on Blueberry Mill


thanks for the suggestion. You may be right about the Harbingers I will test it some time soon. I added 2 in the sideboard for now. The only thing I dislike about them is that they put the card on top of my library instead of in my hand. However you are right that once a nova Chaser comes out, especially if mimic vat is out, then I am in a really good position to win.

Sol Ring is ridiculously good at speeding up just about any deck. However I am trying to keep this Legacy Legal. We were casual players until about a year ago when things got out of control and our game go stagnant. Just about every deck required a set of Sol rings and every black deck had a set of demonic tutors for example.

Thanks for the comments

Posted 09 October 2011 at 20:35 in reply to #205563 on Elemental Beatdown.


Thanks for checking out my decks and for the suggestions. I am always tinkering with different builds of this combo. Goblin Welder is awesome in this deck. He makes gamble work even if you end up discarding the card you need. He also helps recover cards and can play well with Lions Eye Diamond.

I think you are mixing up Vintage with Legacy. Divining Top and Lotus Petal are both completely legal in Legacy. Sadly Sol Ring is banned in legacy. Lotus Petal and Sol Ring are restricted to 1 in Vintage.
My play group was casual for a long time but it finally got so ridiculous that we all started playing legacy to bring some fairness back into the game.

Posted 09 October 2011 at 11:28 as a comment on Painter/Grind: Turn 1 win (Legacy)


This is a nice build. I particularly like shifting sky backing up the blue elemental blast and hydroblast. If you are splashing white in a painter deck Don't miss out on Enlightened Tutor, it can search for everything you need.

Check out these other painters servant / grindstone decks I have put together.

Funny to see you used Lim-Dul's Vault in your black/Blue version too.
Guess great minds think alike.

Posted 09 October 2011 at 11:20 as a comment on 2cmc inst vindicate +counterspell


Yes I did and I still may give him a try. It was a tough call between 3 Rift bolts or 3 Hellsparks. Rifts can target and can be played cheaply on turn 1 or payed for in the later game. However Hellspark helps clear creatures and is reoccuring for potential 6 dmg for 4 mana but makes bad fuel for Lavamancer. What card would you cut for Hellspark?

Posted 09 October 2011 at 11:05 in reply to #205646 on Burn Deck Wins


Great build! I really like the use of white in this deck. Only suggestion I have is to replace Dash Hopes for Green Sun Zenith. Melira is the engine to this deck and you really want something to help you search for her. Juniper Order Ranger is also great and plays backup for Melira. Also Viscera Seer is a cheap card you can sacrifice to and it will let you "search" your library for whatever you need. Also Autumn's Veil makes a great sideboard.

Here is a black/green version I made if you are interested.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 09 October 2011 at 07:59 as a comment on Persist for days


nice deck. I love painers servant / grindstone decks. You are missing a card you only have 59 cards. I would also suggest Ancient Tomb.

Here are 2 of my painter/stone decks if you are interested.

Posted 08 October 2011 at 08:09 as a comment on 3 turn mill clock


Nice build and congrats on 2nd. Have you ever thought about Oran-Rief, the Vastwood? Also maybe 1 Parallel Lives in place of 1 Parallel Evolution could be fun.

Posted 08 October 2011 at 07:51 as a comment on Elvish Tokens


That would be pretty funny. Gideon will work similarly but it would be great to have another mass tapping card. Thanks for the comment

Posted 07 October 2011 at 23:50 in reply to #205298 on Gideon's Army (standard)


I agree this deck needs Gideon to lead his soldiers and it has great synergy.

Nice deck though!

Posted 07 October 2011 at 16:27 in reply to #194470 on Tappy Stabby


oops i mean trickbind not trick bond lol

Posted 07 October 2011 at 16:10 in reply to #205252 on Can't Target my Blue Beasts!!


He is legal in modern, legacy and vintage.

Posted 07 October 2011 at 16:04 in reply to #190991 on Can't Target my Blue Beasts!!


Don't cut back on your number of Phantasmal Image, its a great card. If you play it to copy Lord of the Unreal it will become an illusion lord that protects itself with hexproof.

Also stifle and trick bond work great with illusions because they can protect your creatures unlike counterspells. They will counter the the illusions trigger that causes you to sacrifice. This could be very funny if someone tries to kill your illusion by playing a good creature enchantment on it.

Vapor Snag is better than Unsummon.
I'm not a fan of Draining Whelk or Phantasmal Abomination. Check out Æther Figment and Krovikan Mist.
Counterspell is better than cancel and mana leak.

Also don't think you need 6 draw spells for this deck so I would cut some of them. Maybe Halimar Depths would be a good trade off that wouldn't take a spell slot.

Here is a link to my illusion deck if you are interested.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 07 October 2011 at 16:03 as a comment on Can't Target my Blue Beasts!!


As others have said add parallel lives or doubling season. 4x Shrine of Loyal Legions doesn't do much in this deck i would take it out.

Also its a big worry that almost all your creatures are expensive to play, it will be turn 4 or more before you even start playing creatures and most decks will have you beat down pretty bad by then.

I suggest some small creatures with mana ramp like Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves and birds of paradise.

Alternatively you could look at stuff like Quicksilver Amulet or elvish piper. Maybe even something like Extraplanar Lens would help you out.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 06 October 2011 at 00:15 as a comment on Tokens Gallore!


Hi there. Nice looking deck! I know one card that I think this deck is missing. Blue Sun's Zenith is going to be a lot better than Mind Spring in this type of deck because you can use it to draw or you can use it as a win condition by making your opponent draw their entire deck.

I agree that this deck is a little too geared torward your combo. I don't think you really need 4 banefire and 4 comet storm. Once you get your infinite mana combo you only need one of them to win the game so cut 4 of them. Maybe 2 and 2 would be a nice trade off, one is instant but the other can't be countered.

Also like Setherial said this deck will fall flat if the combo is disrupted so consider putting in some alternatives. 4 Spellskite could help a lot.

Personally I can think of a few other cards I would rather ramp into play other than Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur. Especially considering its legendary and it cost so much you will never get to play it without your combo. How about a few other guys like Consecrated Sphinx or Frost Titan.

I have a deck with the pili-pala combo that uses infect creatures as a back up plan and ramps into Blightsteel Colossus. The link is below if you are interested. I had never thought about Memnarch in this deck untill now so I added one to my build. Thanks for the good idea and good luck with your deck.!

Posted 05 October 2011 at 21:06 as a comment on Grand Pili-Pala


nice build. Just thought I would recommend Vengeful Pharaoh for this deck. Adding 1 or 2 can really help you against creature aggro and help buy your time to mill.

Posted 05 October 2011 at 01:05 as a comment on Maniac Mill


Oh and Wilt-Leaf Liege may turn out to be better for you since its a 4/4 or if flash is that important to you you may consider Celestial Crusader

Posted 03 October 2011 at 06:10 in reply to #204318 on Modern W Knights w/o SB


Pretty nice looking knight deck. Only suggestion I have is you need 4 student of warfares. He is the best 1 drop for knight so take out the caravan escort. Also I prefer Angelic Destiny over Armored Ascension. You could also drop the number of 4 mana cards you have down a bit and make room for some removal like path to exile.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 03 October 2011 at 06:02 as a comment on Modern W Knights w/o SB


well it would be 22 damage actually, forgot bout the memnites.

Posted 02 October 2011 at 18:57 in reply to #204129 on Turn 1 standard deck until 30. september 2011


lol so let me get this straight. You would need 1 tome scour 2 memnite 1 mox opal 1 island and 1 might of the masses. Also there would need to be 4 vegevine on top of your library within the top 5 cards.

Turn 1 play 1 island 1 mox opal.
tap island play tome scour on yourself putting 4 vegevines into your graveyard.
Play two free memnites to put 4 vegevines into play.
Swing with 4 vegevines(16dmg), they go unblocked, tap mox opal to play might of the masses for 20damage total.

Pretty funny.

Posted 02 October 2011 at 18:55 as a comment on Turn 1 standard deck until 30. september 2011


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