
65 Decks, 560 Comments, 228 Reputation

keep it in your pants man, it was a joke, and he doesn't have intangible virtue. It was purely 100% a comment which offered advice, I didn't say it was a bad idea, and I hit the like button. Let him comment, I don't need yours. He could use some earlier defenses, it quite literally makes sense.

Posted 20 May 2013 at 21:07 in reply to #354402 on INFINITE ELF TOKENS MWAHAHAHAH


How sad would you be if after you did all that, I tap two mana for an Electrickery? :( your elf tokens would be so sad. I might add some earlier buffs. Or at least 4 Sigil Captains, there abilities don't stack but at least you make your tokens harder to kill :p

Posted 20 May 2013 at 07:04 as a comment on INFINITE ELF TOKENS MWAHAHAHAH


yea I don't really need seething songs in here, ive seen this deck play really well on a regular basis. Balefire Dragon is just a beast, if you cant kill it, say goodbye to your creatures every time it hits you. The whole idea was to play big high costing powerful dragons that will hold there own once on the field. Bogardan is pretty cool, he would do well in here, but id rather have the one of the other dragons out. Bogardan serves his purpose once he hits the field and isn't much of a threat if im playing any sort of aggressive deck. He would be most useful in a Dragonstorm but I don't want to rely on that for him, nor do I want to make room for 4 of him. I would add cheaper dragons, but I have yet to see this deck have a hard time with casting costs. Thanks, im really happy you like the deck :p

Posted 20 May 2013 at 03:10 in reply to #347210 on Dragons (budget)


yes sir they certainly would, my friend tried that one and failed miserably lol

Posted 20 May 2013 at 02:28 in reply to #354344 on The walls make the deck


thanks! im excited to play with it, I just ordered my missing cards yesterday

Posted 20 May 2013 at 01:18 in reply to #354060 on Murder She Wrote


hearthfire hobgoblin would be pretty nice in here :p balfire liege wouldn't be a bad idea either

Posted 19 May 2013 at 05:44 as a comment on Boros Aggro


vizkopa guildmage.... 136 likes? it obviously works

Posted 16 May 2013 at 02:00 in reply to #352951 on Infinite Extort


couldn't agree more, he has too much of too little going on all at once and it needs to be condensed. I like your set up, and knight of meadowgrain is awesome. I would however still run the Quietus Spike, its too good in an exalted deck. Maybe run Tormented soul instead of Aven Squire. But I like the focus on the white cards, while still keeping black in all the right areas. xtitan is a buddy of mine that I play cards with all the time, and ive been trying to get him to condense this deck for awhile now. Simpler is always better, less card choices, but a more stable structure and a defined game plan. Needs to lose the little bit of this, and the little bit of that, that is in this deck. Good work on the deck set up :p

Posted 15 May 2013 at 06:00 as a comment on Exalted Victory


well not every deck you play against is going to have big creatures, urge to feed is definitely nice for early game, but wont be completely useless late game. I get the not likin the Feast of Blood, but in a vamp deck, having two vampires out shouldn't be a big problem. Id still look into some dark rituals and 1 drops like I posted above :p

Posted 14 May 2013 at 17:04 in reply to #352187 on Black Vampire's


I would however run some one drops, Guul Draz Assassin and Shadow Alley Denizen can be both really powerful and are one drops :p Also add some Dark Rituals so you can play some fatties earlier! I also wouldn't run Kalastria Highborn, shes cool, but she never worked out well in my deck. Your better off running Blood Artist

Posted 14 May 2013 at 16:54 in reply to #352187 on Black Vampire's


its not an instant but in my Vampire deck I ran Feast Of Blood instead of go for the throat. pretty nice :p that and Urge to Feed worked awesome and went perfectly with the vampire theme

Posted 14 May 2013 at 16:51 as a comment on Black Vampire's


This deck is mean lol :p

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:56 as a comment on VIntage Smash


Excellent points. My flaw with Ajani is not its cost, its its mana color. 2 whites are needed. my fear is that its going to sit in hand, past round 2, and be past its own uses, where I would much rather play another exalted creature, or High Priest of Penance. Personally I think he should be running 4 of the High Priests, seeing its offense is just as good as its defense. As far as indestructible goes, I like the idea, but for sublime to be out on the field, which can only happen as early as turn 4, I think most burn decks wouldn't wait until turn 5 to start killing off all the 1/1s. And when playing with this deck, you don't want to skip turn 3 just to maybe cast it if they decide to burn your creatures. A simple electrickery is this decks worst nightmare. I think Rootborn is too costly to be of any use, seeing as the early game is the hardest thing for exalted to deal with. Burrenton Forge-Tender is a solid defense for burn decks and can help you early and late game. while he is not exalted, I think he might be worth sideboarding. as for anything considered combat damage, I would run Dawn Charm, its versatile and cheap. It wouldn't be a bad idea to throw some Righteousness in the deck too for when your opponent is swinging early with 3/3s or 5/5s, turn that little 1/1 into an 8/8 for one mana.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:42 in reply to #351654 on Exalted Victory


oh excellent idea! that would be a pretty solid addition. And yea I hear you, I just really wanted to put a wither deck up here lol.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:26 in reply to #351719 on Budget Wither


awesome, looks very cool :p thanks lol

Posted 13 May 2013 at 21:22 in reply to #351690 on Dream of a Wizard


I don't get it. can you put up a description?

Posted 13 May 2013 at 04:58 as a comment on Dream of a Wizard


some pretty terrible ideas, no offense. Nyp Gwyillion is sideboarded, so no need for Ajani, and rootborn defenses seems pretty useless in here as well. its best use would be for defense, and in that situation you would have to know destruction was coming and have three mana untapped to do anything about it.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 03:54 in reply to #351654 on Exalted Victory


so is luvedics testsubject your only win?

Posted 13 May 2013 at 03:47 as a comment on Defend! Defend!


so your win is having blood artist, cartel aristocrat and a bunch of small creatures to sacrifice? I like it, especially with tragic slip providing a good defense. I would take out attended knight and put in gather the townsfolk. what do you think?

Posted 13 May 2013 at 03:25 as a comment on my 31 dollar deck it might win


well that's a damn shame lol

Posted 13 May 2013 at 03:11 in reply to #351637 on It's a Beast life


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