
14 Decks, 30 Comments, 0 Reputation

You should use Liliana... Use her -2 ability to tutor for Emrakul, put him on top of your deck, and then swing with Hellcarver to play him.

Posted 22 December 2010 at 16:53 as a comment on Hellcarver Fun


That's why it needs so much removal. Hopefully you'll only have to use the Temple Bells to finish off your opponent, but sometimes it's necessary to use them early, and giving your opponent free cards can hurt. I've been thinking of making a B/R deck with a lot of discard to counteract that, but I don't think it's totally necessary.

Posted 03 December 2010 at 12:30 as a comment on Burning Brains


Someone doesn't know what EDH is...

Posted 02 May 2010 at 19:30 as a comment on g/u edh kraj


Here's an article for reference.

Posted 30 April 2010 at 14:37 as a comment on Uber Elf-drazi


Sorry, I didn't realize there was a limit for tournament play.

Also, yes, each card gets cast seperately. Because of this, I think you should run three of each legend instead of four. Let's say you activate Spawnsire: First you drop an Emrakul, then a second Emrakul. You'll get two extra turns and they both die. Then you cast the third, you get another turn, and this Emrakul lives so that you can attack your opponent with it next turn. Do this with the other ones too.

You'll only get three extra turns, 12 extra cards, and destroy 3 permanents, but that should be more than enough.

Plus that frees up sideboard space for more Eldrazi. Artisan of Kozilek, maybe?

Posted 30 April 2010 at 14:27 as a comment on Uber Elf-drazi


Spawnsire doesn't play Eldrazi from the sideboard, it plays cards that you own that are literally outside your game. Like the stuff in your trade binder. Just keep a big stack of all of the Eldrazi and Changeling spells you own handy and get ready. Also, remember that Ulamog, Emrakul, and Kozilek are legendary.

Posted 30 April 2010 at 12:00 as a comment on Uber Elf-drazi


Nomad's Assembly would be a nice addition; although I'm not sure what you could take out for it. Maybe a couple of Coat of Arms or Conqueror's Pledges? Most of the white creatures in Rise were knights; soldiers only got Glory Seeker and Ikiral Outrider, neither of which really make the cut here. This deck looks pretty good as is.

Posted 27 April 2010 at 23:18 as a comment on Soldier aggro (WW)


Mayael's Aria activates at the very beginning of your upkeep, so you don't have an opportunity to pump up the Feral Animist, use Giant Growth, or anything else that would boost your power. You could try using Feral Hydra, though, although you'd have to worry about cascading into it. Also try using Quest for the Gemblades and Strength of the Tajuru.

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:46 as a comment on Aria


Run Font of Mythos over Grim Discovery, you're not running enough creatures to make it worthwhile. Also, try to find room for Blightnings.

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:26 as a comment on Parasitic Dreams


Run Nighthawks maindeck instead of Black Knight. Also, what's with the Dark Depths in an otherwise standard-legal deck?

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:25 as a comment on Persecutor deck


You should add more control to this deck to help you get your Zombies out. Run Doom Blade over Assassinate, but you can put Assassinate in the sideboard in case you face a black deck. Disfigure, Duress, and Mind Rot are also good options for mono-black. As for what you should take out, I'd suggest Drudge Skeletons and Demon's Horn, maybe even a couple of Infectious Horrors.

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:14 as a comment on Braaaaaaaaaaaaains (FNM)


Swap out Raging Goblin for Goblin Guide. Take out Goblin Artillery, maybe put in Ball Lightning? Not a Goblin but it hits hard and is pretty good for mono-red. Otherwise, run either Voracious Dragon or Burst Lightning main deck. Maybe even Predator Dragon?

Posted 01 April 2010 at 12:10 as a comment on Standard Goblin Deck


But if you didn't have Manamorphose, you would have drawn that card anyways. Why not replace it with a card that does something more substantial?

Posted 19 February 2010 at 08:27 as a comment on Lich's Burning Mirror - Extended Version V2


Agreed. Also, swap the Ice Cages for Crystallization.

Posted 18 February 2010 at 21:19 as a comment on my bant deck wins


I've tried out plenty of mill decks, and one of the things I've noticed is that you should really only run 1-2 Traumatize. You just get diminishing returns each time you use them.

Also, some of your creatures seem unnecessary. I think you should take out the Sprites and Owls and replace them with 4 Mind Funerals, 4 Hedron Crabs, and 2 Jace Beleren. Jace might be a bit hard to come by, but the other two should be easy to get your hands on. These cards are all much more focused on mill. Zephyr Sprite really does nothing for you, Tempest Owl needs to be a 7-drop in order to be useful, and Sage Owl isn't needed when you're already running Ponders.

Posted 27 January 2010 at 22:42 as a comment on Traumatize and stuff.


I don't think so... All he wants to do is remove the opponent's graveyard. Ravenous Trap is actually better in this situation, it costs less (even if you don't use the trap cost), it's an instant, and Haunting Echoes leaves basic lands in the graveyard. Haunting Echoes' second effect really does nothing for this deck, as you will have won by the time it resolves. I'd take it out.

Also, find room in the maindeck either for Ravenous Trap or Relic of Progenitus, Bojuka Bog isn't enough for grave removal.

Posted 27 January 2010 at 08:03 as a comment on Immortal coil trade off


Nice idea, but consider replacing Naya Hushblade and Greater Auromancy. Creatures with shroud seems counterintuitive in this deck.

Also, Bloodbraid Elf might make a good option. It can cascade into the Thoctar and most of your enchantments.

Posted 26 January 2010 at 23:29 as a comment on Thoctar Uber Buff


Good job, I was planning on building a deck based on this as well. A deck that runs Immortal Coil as a win condition? You've gotta love it. +1

Posted 26 January 2010 at 23:07 as a comment on Immortal coil trade off


You're currently running three cards over, you should try to fix that. If I were you, I'd remove two or three Ascensions and a Lightning Elemental. In fact, you should probably replace the Lightning Elementals with Ball Lightnings if you have the money. I've found that Pyromancer Ascension is usually best used as a one- or two-of card.

You should replace Shock and Lava Axe with Burst Lightning and Unstable Footing, they're very similar but their kicker effects make them better. Also, consider replacing Balduvian Rage with Fireball or Banefire.

You should probably have Volcanic Fallout and Magma Spray sideboarded. Unfortunately, I'm more familiar with Standard than Extended, so I'm not sure what a good sideboard for this would look like. Hope this was helpful.

Posted 24 January 2010 at 21:31 as a comment on Tournament option - Burn


He's got Convincing Mirage to take care of that.

Honestly, though, I think this deck would work better as a two-color deck. There's really no need to complicate it with a third color. I'd suggest you make it just blue/green and maybe add some ramp, some Fogs, and Jhessian Infiltrator/Aether Figment. A playset of Fog will also help you out; since you'll want to be attacking with your unblockable creatures every turn, you'll need something to protect you when your opponent hits back.

Posted 03 January 2010 at 23:44 as a comment on The Walkers


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