
54 Decks, 49 Comments, 5 Reputation

joosocrazy- Thanks for the suggestions. I just figured with the piper I would be taking no damage from my manabarbs. I'll try it out without them and see what happens.

Dedwards- I don't play multiplayer, so I always have all the Also, the inconsistancy doesn't come with my mana. I have never been mana screwed. The inconsistancy comes like one game I will only draw my red haste creatures, and no barbs. So its basically just beat down. Then other games I will get barbs and elves and birds, and thats it. It seems like I have never gotten a game where I get it all at once... Get what I'm saying?

Posted 28 January 2010 at 13:26 as a comment on Manabarbs


what's the point of having 4 birds in this deck? wouldn't 4 llanowar elves do just as good?

Posted 28 January 2010 at 02:21 as a comment on Mono Green


well if you notice, there are plenty of things I can sac. Some lands can be sacked, along with lots of the artifacts. I have never run into the problem of not having anythingin my gy

Posted 28 January 2010 at 01:58 as a comment on Mist of Stagnation



Posted 26 January 2010 at 17:19 as a comment on Member Database


Interesting deck. I have one that does the same thing, only with differant colors. The only thing I see is that you really have nothing to defend yourself with until you get your mist out. I guess the force spikes can slow them down a little bit. I will suggest this though, through the experiences I've had with my deck I've found that Memory Lapse is way better than Force Spike.

Check out my deck:

Posted 26 January 2010 at 16:01 as a comment on And It Stagnates


That looks like an interesting deck. I have one that does the same thing, only with differant colors. You should check it out.

Posted 26 January 2010 at 15:47 as a comment on mist of stagnation lockdown


ok, disregard my above comment. I should have just looked it up before posting. That sounds like an interesting game. I've never played it before, so I don't know any strategy for it, so I can't really comment on the deck.

Posted 26 January 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on EDH stall/ graveyard control/mill


Thanks for commenting on my deck. So, I've been out of the magic scene for quite some time now, and am getting back into it, so I feel like a newb again, but what is EDH? I don't understand why the deck has only 1 of each card, or that why it has over 100 cards... Maybe if I knew what EDH this would make more sense to me.

Posted 26 January 2010 at 15:31 as a comment on EDH stall/ graveyard control/mill


Like I said, its just for fun. The deck usually doesn't get going for a little while so it gives my opponent a false sense of superiority, then when he is locked down he will usually just concede instead of just being tortured for several rounds...

Posted 26 January 2010 at 15:23 as a comment on Mist of Stagnation


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