
210 Decks, 55 Comments, 3 Reputation

That is true

Posted 02 October 2017 at 17:39 in reply to #607022 on Gishath EDH


True. And I do like it. I typically only include it when it's the only sorcery and no instants.

Posted 02 October 2017 at 13:45 in reply to #607022 on Gishath EDH


No. I just enjoy coming up with ideas for decks and putting them together. I do have ~20ish EDH decks though.

Posted 14 May 2017 at 19:37 in reply to #600309 on Meren EDH


In the "How to Play", I mentioned needing some assistance/ideas on what cards to cut.

Posted 10 May 2017 at 13:44 in reply to #600127 on Saskia EDH


There are token generators everywhere in this deck, so I don't see how it could have an issue of having a small number of creatures. Maybe it was just a bad hand?

Posted 09 May 2017 at 11:40 in reply to #600013 on Samut EDH


Trump, Tyrant of the Wall, I mean Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, to make people pay to come across the wall(s) or punish them if they don't. I like Wall of Hope, and would add in things like Wall of Souls, Souls of the Faultless, Wall of Essence, Perimeter Captain, Pride Guardian, to punish them even more for climbing over the wall(s). Add in some extra life gain like Wall of Reverence too. Lastly, Trump, I mean Kazuul, wouldn't win by going over to their side of the wall. Just stay at home and stockpile all your money, I mean mana/life and win with Helix Pinnacle, Felidar Sovereign, Celestial Convergence, Mayael's Aria, Test of Endurance, Azor's Elocutors (for extra political/bureaucracy flavor), or maybe even Maze's End (gates as part of the wall flavor). Or go more artifact wall focused and win with Hellkite Tyrant (more tyrant flavor).

Posted 12 May 2016 at 12:19 as a comment on Trump tribal


Mana Drain, Plasm Capture, Drain Power, Piracy

Posted 12 May 2016 at 11:40 in reply to #581994 on Trump tribal


Neither are Arcbond or Hordeling Outburst though. I assumed this was meant to be Modern...

Posted 04 May 2016 at 22:22 in reply to #581588 on Zada, Experience Grinder


I'd probably add some combination of Balduvian Rage, Crimson Wisps, and/or Expedite. All of them have utility with, and can draw you a lot of cards with, Zada.

Posted 04 May 2016 at 18:13 as a comment on Zada, Experience Grinder


Swift Kick and Tail Slash both have more than one target, so Zada won't copy them.

Posted 04 May 2016 at 17:30 as a comment on Zada, Experience Grinder


Ah, ok. I knew it was a theme deck, but thought maybe the intent was to play it sometime for fun, as well.

Posted 22 April 2016 at 18:30 in reply to #580855 on The Flying Dutchman


I would include some basic lands, so Star Compass isn't completely useless.

Posted 22 April 2016 at 18:16 as a comment on The Flying Dutchman


Well, it's a Doran deck, and it's spider tribal, so it kind of made sense to make it creature-heavy. Those are some good board wipes for the deck. I get that Kin-Tree Invocation could net me a decent number of creatures, but it doesn't quite fit the theme, I feel, and kind of goes counter to your comment about overextending; though admittedly it's good board presence for just a 1 card investment. I could toss in Descendants' Path and Lurking Predators to make the creature-heaviness more of an asset. Maybe an Epic Struggle and/or Mortal Combat as well; as alternate win-cons? One for when I'm doing well, but can't aggro, and the other in case of a board wipe.

Ideas for cuts?

Posted 18 April 2016 at 15:38 in reply to #580312 on Doran EDH


I agree about Commander's Authority. I wanted to hold it in there as long as possible, since it's one of the few things that makes human tokens that made the cut this long, but I suppose it is pretty slow for how much mana it costs.

Pulsemage is one of my few recursion/reanimator engines. It might not be very good card advantage, but assuming there is someone at the table doing some kind of mill strategy, there should be a decent amount of trash I can toss in someones hand to get back something worthwhile. It can even be used offensively in response to other targeted reanimator/recursion, returning something to their hand instead of to the battlefield. There are some strategies that depend on things being in the graveyard as well, like Wonder and kin. All that said, it is hard for me to cut anything, so if that's the best suggestion I'm good with it. I suppose the hope would be that the Path/Predators would give me enough stuff flowing onto the battlefield from the library that I don't miss the flow of stuff back from the graveyard to the battlefield. I can definitely see it being replaced by the Lurking Predators, but not sure about Path. Path is a maybe free creature into a play each turn, but Pulsemage is a guaranteed creature back from the graveyard (barring a graveyard hate response).

Posted 16 April 2016 at 16:03 in reply to #580128 on Sigarda EDH


Those all sound good. Thanks :) Any suggestions on what to cut? It was hard just getting it down to 100.

Posted 15 April 2016 at 19:03 in reply to #580128 on Sigarda EDH


Yeah, I think draw and ramp are both very important in EDH. And since Avacyn is 8 mana, you don't want to have to wait that long to get her out, so ramp is even more important.

Posted 01 April 2016 at 14:20 in reply to #578936 on Avacyn EDH


This was my take on Avacyn Angel tribal: http://www.mtgvault.com/raizieldragon/decks/avacyn-edh-2/
I left some cards out, like Homeward Path and Cavern of Souls because I did it as an all foil deck and Homeward Path isn't foil and Cavern of Souls is too expensive foiled. I also didn't do the typical Avacyn + Armageddon/Wrath stuff, because I think having Avacyn as your commander is enough of a kick in the tenders.

Posted 01 April 2016 at 13:33 as a comment on Tribal Challenge: Angels!


I haven't built/played this deck yet. In my meta, all the Mizzix decks have drawn a lot of hate. He's just so broken of a commander. Usually the hardest part is for the player to keep Mizzix on the field. Having to cast/recast him over and over really eats into the mana savings that he is supposed to generate. I tried to include some protective equipment for this reason. But you are correct that I probably wouldn't have any allies in multiplayer. In 1v1, I'd be surprised if I could keep Mizzix on the field. He's usually the only creature on the field, so my opponent can dump all their removal spells on him each turn. By the time they've run out of removal spells, I'm probably paying 10-12 mana for Mizzix, and still haven't gotten any experience counters yet. Granted, by that point, on the following turn, I'd have enough mana to go nuts with him, but if they haven't aggro'd me off the board by then, there's probably something wrong with their deck.

Anyway, I built the deck because I like the idea of burn being viable in EDH, and I think Mizzix is the best way to really make those X burn spells hurt. Rosheen Meanderer would be another option, especially Elf Tribal Rosheen, with all the mana production elves can bring to the table. Do some early aggro with the elves if possible, then start slinging huge burn to opponents faces when they try to slow your aggro down.

Posted 01 April 2016 at 11:24 in reply to #578898 on Mizzix EDH


:) no problem. Thanks for the input though

Posted 15 September 2015 at 11:07 in reply to #562143 on Riku EDH


sythe, I think you are listing a bunch of stuff for a typical "good stuff" Riku deck. You should take a look at the deck description. This won't be played like a normal Riku deck.

Posted 14 September 2015 at 11:36 as a comment on Riku EDH


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