
6 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Yes, it's 62 cards. Two more cards to keep your from milling yourself to death. I would probably take out the Strix's and put in Sleep and/or Darkness (black Fog!).

The idea is to mill under the radar until they get wise. I actually had a group that cleared everyone else out and left me alone because they were so addicted to the cards. Meanwhile, we were drawing 7 or so a turn. The last guy got wise when I was the only one left and by that time it was almost too late. If I had been more aggressive at laying out the walls I could have bought myself a turn and won.

Make sure you sit back and wait until most everyone else is out before dropping the power millers like the Orb and the Beads. Oh, also I think Memory Jar is restricted or maybe banned. You may have to replace it.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 12:35 as a comment on Group Hugs ... OF DEATH


I like this deck, but it's slow too. It gets a few creatures out then gets pummeled by board wipe. It's just not fast enough to blow out.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 12:24 as a comment on EDH Reki Legends


I like this deck, but it's slow. A couple of board wipes (which abound in our area) and it's hosed. I think I should probably toss some more counter magic in. But even then, it'd still be slow.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 12:23 as a comment on EDH Kangee


I haven't actually played this deck yet, but I have high hopes. Lots of graveyard recursion and a little bit of black countering to help against board sweepers. The 'Dread' is in there to help with milling, but it will fail if you're drawing 2 cards a turn from the Arena or the Mine, and our group runs a lot of Mines so I am probably going to switch out with Kozilek. Still, it would be awesome to be milled for 700+, then have Dread hop back into the library to give you that one draw to kick the miller with his pants down, esp. if you have a gy emptier in hand.

Posted 08 September 2010 at 08:33 as a comment on EDH Relentless Rats


Actually, according to the EDH rules board or whatever, multiple copies of Rats are okay "for the time being." So, play away!

Posted 08 September 2010 at 08:28 as a comment on EDH Rats
