
20 Decks, 19 Comments, 0 Reputation

Very nice draft :)

Posted 15 May 2012 at 16:40 as a comment on Acacyn Draft Deck


Yeah, I saw your deck, that's where I got a couple of the ideas for my deck...see the comment on your deck for more.

Posted 05 November 2011 at 00:25 in reply to #212156 on Mill-Blade


When Batterskull enters play it does create a copy of Essence of the Wild and it attaches itself to it see -

And as far as the townships go I don't really have an problems with the mana running 4, and generally I don't have enough mana to activate more than one because the game is generally over before I'm able to build up that high.

I am thinking of switching out the elves for land fetches because they die too much to removal but need to do more testing before I'm sure.

Posted 31 October 2011 at 14:22 as a comment on Essence Generator


I would recommend putting in more dual lands. Take out the pilgrims since you aren't running that many white mana casting cost cards, replace them with Elvish Archdruids. And as I said on the reply to your comment on my deck, I don't really care for very many creatures in the deck that lose their ability when Essence of the Wild is on the field. However I do like the fact that Ambush Viper has flash so you can cast it during their turn in a pinch.

Good luck with this deck though :) I'd appreciate it if you could take another look at my deck now that I made some changes to it.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 10:11 as a comment on Essence of the Wolfpack (suggestions?)


Thanks for the comment and suggestions. I really appreciate it :) I decided to take out the Shrines because I'd rather go for straight token production rather than something that has to build up to be effective. Instead I put in 4 White Sun's Zenith which is an instant as well so you can get the full effect at the end of their turn. I didn't really want to put in too many other creatures that had effects other than producing mana due to the fact that if even one copy of Essence of the Wild is on the field it would come in as a copy of that and I wouldn't really get the effect I put it in the deck for.

I'm pretty sure that they would retain their "token" trait because of how Cackling Counterpart is worded. But if not then Gutter Grime would be so broken in this deck, since even a Day of Judgment wouldn't be able to wipe the board.

I'm also trying to decide if I should run any Myr Turbines and if so what I should take out for a few of them.

Thanks for the thought on Gavony Township, that is a great addition to this deck.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 09:59 in reply to #206419 on Essence Generator



Posted 09 September 2011 at 02:33 as a comment on Turn 1 Win!


Update 08/26 - put the control mainboard, took out the sphere of the suns and tumble magnets and created a full Birthing Pod sideboard, so that after the first game I can side out of most of the planeswalkers and into the birthing pod.

Posted 26 August 2011 at 11:15 as a comment on Super Friends / Control


Thanks, can't wait to test it out tonight.

Posted 24 August 2011 at 21:32 in reply to #195159 on Warstorm Surge


You're right Wurmcoil Engine would be better...however I don't Wurmcoil atm, I will work on getting him, going to edit the deck list to add him for now though.

Posted 19 August 2011 at 07:13 in reply to #193610 on Super Friends / Control


Wow... all I can say... lol. I really like this deck, great idea and execution.

Could you take a look at the deck I created a yesterday and tell me what you think?

Posted 16 August 2011 at 10:23 as a comment on THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!


Thanks for the input, I was able to test this deck out today. I agree with you that it isn't as consistent with creatures as it could be but the consistency I found was in the planeswalkers, Birds of Paradise, Tumble Magnets, and Sphere of the Sun. It did perform exceptionally well and only lost 1-2 against one red deck wins I played today out of the 6 matches I played with it. I haven't played Caw-blade yet with it but I think that it should perform pretty well. The only real issue I found with it was that a lot of the time the lands came into play tapped, so I'm considering taking out a couple Seachrome Coast and a Razorverge Thicket and putting in another Plains and 2 Islands, not sure on that yet though, I'll test some more and see what I come up with.

But I do also agree with you about the Treasure Mage's, thus I will be taking them out and replacing them with Grand Abolisher. I did also find that I rarely used Birthing Pod so I will be taking it out and replacing it with Thopter Assembly to create some more tokens.

Just to illustrate, though, how well the deck works so far, I beat a 3-way multi-player game where I got ganged up on with a red deck wins deck and a U/W control deck being brought down to 10 life the second turn and going down to 2 life turn 4.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 09:09 in reply to #192564 on Super Friends / Control


Lol...but...but...I'm trying to make this a deck with cards that won't cycle out... :P so I can't really use any of those cards... otherwise I would've most likely gone that route in the first place.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 10:54 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


Well, thanks for the input, I really do appreciate it, but I would still like to keep all 5 planeswalkers in the deck. I also think that I have pretty good chance of drawing what I need to in the deck as it is, but to each their own. I would like your thoughts on if I kept the 5 planeswalkers in and made the rest just control, what you would do with the deck in that direction?

Posted 15 August 2011 at 10:36 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


True, the deck does center around 5 drop cards, my thought, however, was that I should have 5-6 mana turn 3 to work with, with the birds and the spheres, which means I could drop a planeswalker turn 3 or a contagion engine or a tumble magnet, all of which should keep me in the game long past turn 5.

So if I didn't run Pod and ran just control, how would you recommend I modify it to make it better, lands and everything?

Posted 15 August 2011 at 10:11 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


I like Thrun, but not sure what I'd take out for him and if he would be better than the "enter the battlefield" effects I have coming from any of the other creatures. Also I don't think Primeval Titan would be very good in this deck as I don't need too much more ramp than the ramp I have from birds and Sphere of the Suns.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 09:14 in reply to #192425 on Super Friends / Control


I like the deck, but I would take out the Searing Blaze for 4 Reverberates, use to reverberate a counterspell, ponder, one of your own burn spells, etc.

Please check out my new deck:

Comments, ideas, input are all appreciated.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 09:08 as a comment on Goblin Storm


thanks for the input, however this is a 60 card deck with a 15 card sideboard, also vapor snag does the exact same thing as unsummon for the same cost, except the controller loses one life as well. It does need some more creatures so I'm editing it now.

Posted 19 July 2011 at 16:25 as a comment on Merfolk Control
