
105 Decks, 363 Comments, 50 Reputation

I tested this against a few of my other decks and found that BoP and Werebear were essential to keeping the deck running, esp. after Winter Orb was in play. This caused problems because it dropped the amount of buff spells I was running, so I struck a balance by reducing the ramp and running GSZ and Llanowar Augur. It seems to function much better now.. so.. I mean, it's not half as competitive as "Full Flavor" 10L, but I think it'll do well in casual.

Posted 20 August 2011 at 21:02 in reply to #194227 on 10L "Zero"


This is the zero version, estimating a cost of about $40 or less. It seems to work, thanks to the ideas Wumps presented here :)

Posted 20 August 2011 at 20:11 in reply to #193754 on Diet 10L


I know :P I was referencing my "five questions" to your last celebration deck, one of which I asked something along the lines of "Would you consider putting me in your will to inherit a portion of your collection?" to which you replied about your Bloodghast ;)

Posted 20 August 2011 at 19:41 in reply to #193423 on Diet 10L


Or you can add them to your will, next to those four Bloodghasts :P

Yeah. I was looking to trade for a pair of them.. I think a friend who quit a while back has one or two.. but not now >.>

Posted 20 August 2011 at 07:13 in reply to #193423 on Diet 10L


Well, and Gatherer now show Modern legality, so perhaps there's a push to make it an official paper format. It was around the same time I noticed that, that I also noticed Goyf jumped up from like.. $60 to $100.. so maybe there's a correlation?

Posted 20 August 2011 at 05:13 in reply to #193423 on Diet 10L


I've been fiddling around with Hollow Trees or bounce lands place of Gaea's Cradle, but haven't been able to make it work.. was hoping you might have thought something along those same lines when I presented the challenge :) But, I guess it just doesn't work without Cradle.

Great job cutting a whole $350 out of the budget :O !!

Posted 19 August 2011 at 23:03 as a comment on Diet 10L


Don't worry, it might have only been $300 when Wumps built it, but according to average prices listed at

Berserk: $47.16 (x3: $141.48) <- That's from FTV, if you got an unlimited Berserk you're talking another $60 or so.
Tarmagoyf: $104.24 (x2: 208.48)
Gaea's Cradle: $62.03 (x2: 124.06)
TOTAL: 474.02

Plus all the other stuff in there too :)

Posted 19 August 2011 at 22:49 in reply to #193423 on Diet 10L


This is very similar to my spawn raid deck, except that I never got any Broodwardens, and don't have a full set of most cards (I didn't buy much RoE). Instead I use a combination of Signal Pest, Might of the Masses, Untamed Might, Fling, and / or Hissing Iguanar, depending on what I'm in the mood to run.

In any case, it's a fun very deck for casual, no shenanigans. How did it fare in the tourney?

Posted 19 August 2011 at 05:55 as a comment on THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!


Imo, it's just not Zoo without Kird Ape, Wild Nacatl, and Loam Lion ;) It's pretty generic but super efficient and does it all by itself, as opposed to Burnwillows combo. With KotR, it's still worth it to run 1x or 2x Burnwillows and Punishing Fire, only because it's reliable recursive damage to control the board. Lightning Bolt / Helix and Path are great control as well, but once you fire them off that's it. The power from Punishing Fire is that, expensive as it may be to maintain, it IS maintainable and extends your control over the board to more and bigger threats.. that can win you the game!

One thing I've tried out to good success is running 1x Green Sun's Zenith, either mainboard or sideboard, and if you like an extra 1x in the side. The reason for this is because it allows me to a) tutor out Pridemage when I need to remove an artifact or enchantment, b) fetch a KotR for mana fixing and a beater, or c) fetch a goyf for a beater. In my build it also allows me to fetch a Bloodbraid Elf, which I've found to be amazingly effective for her cost.. there's almost no dead cascade in naya zoo.

And last, another card that you don't see too often, but works well in zoo depending on the build, is Sigil Captain. At the very least he turns mid-late game Apes/Nacatl/Lions into 3/3's before their +x/+y abilities happen.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 16:50 as a comment on Modern Naya ZOO


Awesome ^-^ I'm kicking myself in the ass now, looking back at the FTV set that had Berserk in it.. I should have bought 4 boxes while they were only $35 instead of $100 as they are now :3 I want to add another stompy deck to my collection, but don't want to spend the $400 or so like yours :P And I'm out of good ideas to make it function >.>

Posted 17 August 2011 at 18:25 in reply to #190708 on Gloom


Basal Thrull!!

I have a few specter decks, actually, they're my favorite tribe :) I'm working on merging two of them together at the moment, but I can't get over running Blizzard Specter & Recoil along side Warped Devotion.. and that pretty much precludes Doomsday Specter /-: I'll work on getting a list up, though, it's been a while since I played specters!

Posted 15 August 2011 at 12:31 in reply to #192033 on Too Many Elf Decks


I like the changes :) You said 2 GSZ, but I see 3 in the deck list.. 3x seems to be about the right number to run, imo, enough to consistently draw it or a Birds early game for mana ramp, and/or consistently draw one mid-late game for whatever creature you need. And in this deck, that's any one of them! :)

Good luck, hope this works out well for you. Come back and leave a reply about how it plays ^_^

Posted 15 August 2011 at 03:51 in reply to #192118 on a swing at bant


Ooh! Also, Ajani Goldmane is once again, a solid card to play with Stoic Angel. His minus ability puts a +1/+1 counter on your creatures and gives them vigilance until the end of the turn. I use him in place of Serra's Blessing, and to pump counters onto my Birds of Paradise.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 16:27 in reply to #192118 on a swing at bant


Looks pretty solid. Your mana curve could be lowered just a hair, but otherwise Bant is great for casual and competitive :) This is a bit more casual, but that's okay.

To fix the mana curve, I'd suggest 4-8x 1-CMC creatures. Gideons Lawkeeper is a solid choice with Stoic Angel on the battlefield, and Birds of Paradise is a classic 1-drop creature that helps to ramp into powerful early game drops.

To fit either of them in, you could drop Knight of the Reliquary, considering you only have 3 lands he can sac and only 4 other lands that can go to the graveyard on their own. He's going to be a fairly weak pick for this deck.

It's an older card, but Serra's Blessing is also a solid card to play with Stoic Angel.

I'm working on my own non-exalted Bant Deck, taking advantage of Stoic Angel with creature buffs and vigilance. One of the biggest assets to my build is Green Sun's Zenith, because it can fetch Stoic Angel out of my library, as well an early game Birds of Paradise or other multicolor green creatures I'm running.

Just a few thoughts :) Hope this helps!

Posted 14 August 2011 at 16:26 as a comment on a swing at bant


Ghost Quarter would fit in here to remove pesky non-basics, and if they search for a basic land, BAM! Archive Trap :)

Posted 14 August 2011 at 15:14 as a comment on Modern Turbo Fog


I'm currently running this with +2 Unsummon and +4 Soul Barrier until I can get a hold of Sunken Field and Winter Orb. I'm thinking +2 Propaganda in there somewhere too, for multiplayer.

This deck is the unTribe :) When playtesting against myself, Too Many Elf Decks can't even get more than one creature on the board until fifth or sixth turn, and by then /I/ rage quit against myself XD I get this feeling that any deck that runs Isochron will be hate inducing. Even if it's just Lightning Bolts.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 12:44 in reply to #192030 on I-so Quit


Hmm. You're right :) I really wouldn't mind saving DoD for another one of my tribes.. like Specters! Gawd that would be gross. A little slow, but gross!

Also, Savaj + Gaea's Cradle = Broke :( Really wish I could have gotten a box of Urza's when it was in print, but back then buying magic cards was limited to allowance money and gifts.. And most of my allowance went to getting drinks between martial arts classes XD

I freaking love Chancellor of the Tangle with Elves, though. Potential 2 mana elves or a Priest on first turn, it's like a Lotus Petal but still viable for Elves if not in the opening hand :)

Posted 14 August 2011 at 12:36 in reply to #192033 on Too Many Elf Decks


Looks like a fun little concept, however you have to be able to get every single one of your creatures into your graveyard. A few more creatures could go a long way to helping you get your cycle combo rolling, like Abyssal Gatekeeper and Diabolic Intent, to tutor a Fluctuator or Haunting Misery to your hand, and to force your opponent to sac a creature.

Also, it's not entirely unlikely for you to have a creature card on the bottom of your library. If that be the case, you will draw your last card, and have only cycling to get the creature into your graveyard before your next turn.. so that's a guaranteed loss, just by running only 20 creatures.

Another insanely powerful card in this is Words of Waste, it allows you to turn your cycles into discards. Which can save your life while you're waiting for a Fluctuator.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 15:05 as a comment on (Re)Cycling


At first I was opposed to the idea.. but the more and more I think about it, Winter Orb is just a huge PISS OFF to everybody else. Most likely, anything an opponent can do that's worth a grain of salt, I can undo for just as much or cheaper ^-^

Posted 13 August 2011 at 04:39 in reply to #191498 on I-so Quit


Absolutely. Terra Stomper is your cheapo Khalni Hydra, but one is definitely better than the other. Not to take anything away from Terra Stomper, though!

If it's something you want to pursue, improving this deck, then it's no big deal to wait every couple of weeks to buy something new for it. A lot of players, myself included, miss out on the "build over time" aspect of the hobby. We all want the best and we want it now! Just be glad nobody mentioned Berserk yet ;)

Posted 13 August 2011 at 04:29 in reply to #191595 on trample deck


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