
105 Decks, 363 Comments, 50 Reputation

Well, in that case.. many tribe builds are little more than creature tokens. Perhaps "No more than 4 of any combination of cards that could destroy all tokens" or some such wiley nonsense. On the other hand, this is what I like about your "10 of" rule, as opposed to what I mentioned on Gloom.

/shrugs/ All casual formats will find balance by all parties involved being able to have a good time ^-^ Not to be confused with Balance, which just pisses everybody off.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 04:11 in reply to #184658 on Green onions


Are you sure about that? I'm about 99% sure that "basic land" means either Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest. As in the name of the card. If an ability calls for such as "for a forest or plains" then and only then can you "cheat" in non-basics, provided they have either/or the plains or forest subtype.

Posted 13 August 2011 at 04:05 in reply to #191480 on Gloom


Like Germs :P

You have a well established format with players already knee deep in their own... meta! I was just pointing that out in case anybody else was interested in starting their own local Tribal format. The MTGO format seems like a good enough place to begin. I'd do so myself, but I'm already busy enough between my fiancee moving in and trying to start up a paper modern league ^-^

Posted 13 August 2011 at 03:59 in reply to #188264 on Gloom


This looks pretty fun! I've been thinking about building a similar casual deck in B/R, using spells like Mark of Mutiny, Act of Treason, and Gruesome Encore, and pairing Fling together with Rite of Consumption. I have to say I like your choice of spells a little better (Reckless Abandon? Sweet!), as mine would rely upon stealing creatures with high power.

My main concern is that you're running a total of 16 sac->damage spells and only 12 gain control spells. I'd suggest replacing 6-8 of your sac->damage spells with classic burn like Lightning Bolt, etc.. Also, you're running a low-moderate mana curve with 24 lands, and 8 acceleration permanents. You will have way more mana available than needed, I think you should at the very least replace your Myr with a decent creature (Moltensteel Dragon makes great end-game fling fodder), or even Goblin Assault for creature token generation. After that, I'd still reduce a combination of Red Medallions and Mountains by 2-4.

Hope this helped!

Posted 13 August 2011 at 00:13 as a comment on Fling!


I personally dislike banning any card, for whatever the reason (with a few exceptions, such as anything ante, and the original moxen in legacy because of their extreme power vs. rarity). If I had my way, there would be varying degrees of restriction and that's it, but then I guess that's why we have Vintage.

Maelstrom Pulse is very good for uses other than just ruining tokens. If Pulse were to be banned, Echoing Truth, Ratchet Bomb, Pernicious Deeds, Engineered Explosives . . . etc, should all be banned as well.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 20:35 in reply to #184658 on Green onions


Speaking of which, I'd like to see what a budget 10L would look like (if possible, if not then as close to as can be managed). So, stuff like Rancor is peachy, but no Cradles, Goyfs, or Berserks. Think you can do it, Wumps?

Posted 12 August 2011 at 19:29 in reply to #190708 on Gloom


There is an MTGO format called Tribal Wars. So there is actually a sort of official format.

"Tribal Wars is a casual Magic Online format that emphasizes creature combat: A player's deck must contain a minimum of sixty cards, and one-third of every deck must be of a single creature type. No sideboards are allowed in tribal formats.

Tribal Wars is based on the Legacy format, so all cards on Magic Online, including promo cards, are legal."

There's also a ban list, it can be found here:

Posted 12 August 2011 at 19:22 in reply to #188264 on Gloom


Huh. Good point :) It's hard to remember cards like that, when you've played with Unsummon for a decade or so :P

Posted 12 August 2011 at 18:44 in reply to #191462 on I-so Quit


Risky in that it requires more than two elements to combo, or that it completely flattens the board? For the latter, it does completely flatten the board, but gives me a 9/7 in the process, and perhaps a few 4/4 fears as well :) I think the effect of Bitter Bomb would be more or less to weaken an opponent's library when all I have is a DoM'ed Balance or Curse for removal. Each in their own right will mess somebody up, but in this case Bitter adds that extra umph should the cats prove difficult to herd.

I think it could be a great deal of fun, but it all falls apart without Stone/Sunforge. Another one of the biggest problems with the build is that the interaction between Gargadon and Balance precludes the use of both Bitterblossom and Bob.

So in your opinion, which is better? subTraction, or the redux without extraction, subModern?

Posted 12 August 2011 at 14:15 in reply to #190698 on subTraction (Help?!)


I'd drop the Training Grounds. Including them for only 2x Gilder Bairn is a wasted card. If you were also running Viral Drake (which IMO you shouldn't) then maybe it'd be worth it. But otherwise you only have those 2x Gilders with an activation cost.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 15:04 in reply to #191012 on Darksteel Reactor Proliferate


If you really want to be a dick, add 2x Magistrate Scepters. Also, Wall of Tears is hands down my favorite defender, ever, if you're looking to maximize defense while you proliferate to the win.

It doesn't work well in this deck, but Shrieking Drake + Inexorable Tide = Fun combo. Just wanted to share :)

Posted 11 August 2011 at 15:02 as a comment on Darksteel Reactor Proliferate


I'll go out on a limb -- It's expensive and only extracts creatures. There are more cost effective ways to handle creatures, and iso-seek is an infinitely better method of extraction.

Sure, keep an eye out for a deck I'm working on, called subTraction. I'll try to publish it this morning. It's a unique (and so far as I know, original) spin on extraction, but I'm having a hard time pulling it all together... so :)

Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:25 in reply to #190117 on Darkness shining out of Light


If you read through the comments, you'd know that Church posted this in response to the last person who made a 99 storm crow deck on front page. I don't think his intention was to make front page from people who don't know better telling him that the deck is illegal, but just to mock the last guy who did it.

If you don't like "that stupid system," then do you propose there be no front page decks in the first place?

Posted 10 August 2011 at 14:11 in reply to #190524 on BEST DECK EVURRRR!!!!1!!!!


I'm actually about to change this up yet again. I'm trading out an Obliterator for Batterskull, and maybe a second Obliterator for the vamp event deck. Finally finish my Bloodghasts and get another fetch land ^-^

Then I want to repurpose my Aether Vials for a white weenie deck inspired heavily by Joe's modern WW. I'm loving the idea of Leonin Arbiter and Aven Mindcensor with Ghost Quarter. So when that's all said and done, this'll be pretty much back to the way my last Bloody Fast was, except with 2x Obliterators XD

Btw, I'm working on a concept to run bitterbomb in modern, keep an eye out for it.. I'm going to need a looooot of help tieing it all together.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 07:15 as a comment on Bloody Fast


I think I might have one or two of them in my collection.. damn it! I just packed up all of my cards too >.<

There's something else I've been looking out for but so far haven't been able to acquire any, is a Lotus Cobra. I definitely like the three of them together. My favorite mana fixer with Bloodghast so far has been Gemstone Mines and Crucible.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 07:09 in reply to #190432 on Bloody Fast


No, Skullclamp is still banned in legacy. This deck is for my casual group which roughly operates under the guidelines of whichever is the least restrictive of the two eternal formats. In this case, Skully is legal in vintage.

Tormented Soul looks awesome, but I already have Bloodghasts and Nether Traitors which can't block. That'll definitely find a place in my suicide black aggro though!

Posted 10 August 2011 at 07:04 in reply to #190307 on Bloody Fast


Oh man. I forgot about this deck after having posted so many weeks ago >.> I'm glad you took my advice on the Storm Crows, though :D

Congrats on making front page. I'm sorry it was this one though, and not one of your other, truly worthy decks /-:

Posted 10 August 2011 at 01:23 as a comment on BEST DECK EVURRRR!!!!1!!!!


Err, just woke up so don't mind my half-formed thoughts XD

I meant, I always thought of Bitter Ordeal as being the more powerful part of the two and Pox as more of a fuel and annoyance. But losing 1/3 of everything is really kind of what makes neutering their library so great, that's kind of hard for anyone to spring back from..

Posted 08 August 2011 at 15:58 in reply to #189627 on Darkness shining out of Light


Ah, yeah. I never really thought about it, but now that you mention it I guess Pox really would mess with just about anything. I've always thought of it as just being "Damn that's annoying >.>" but I guess it's more like.. losing 1/3 of everything, including the best cards in your library.. Good luck ^-^

Posted 08 August 2011 at 15:55 in reply to #189627 on Darkness shining out of Light


How do you feel about Daze vs. Foil? You know, just general opinions :P I always go back and forth on their pros and cons so much I wind up just dropping them for Mana Leaks.

Posted 08 August 2011 at 07:36 as a comment on BUG Aggtrol


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