
33 Decks, 45 Comments, 0 Reputation

i think you forgot Painter's Servant

Posted 14 December 2010 at 20:08 as a comment on Legacy 2


well keep it t2 since it is the only format where jund is worth playing

Posted 30 March 2010 at 05:50 as a comment on First Attempt Jund


it will if this was a propper jund. but you are useing some crap cards in here. like Liliana Vess Terramorphic Expanse and you have no manlands. Soul's Fire not to sure that this card will work. Act of Treason wont work with jund. rly it wont.

Posted 06 March 2010 at 06:42 as a comment on Jund


and rite of replication isn´t rly a great card anyways..

Posted 26 February 2010 at 02:43 as a comment on Halimill Excavator (Extended) (Pure)


nop 5 EXCAVATORS takes 125 card. cuz they all eter the battlefeild at the smae time.. and this is if you don´t even have EXCAVATOR yourself. if you use rite on your own it will mill 216 cards.
5*5*5 (5 EXCAVATORS taking 5 cards 5 times) = 125 card

Posted 26 February 2010 at 02:42 as a comment on Halimill Excavator (Extended) (Pure)


get misty rainforest in there. also harrow works alot better then Khalni Heart Expedition. still 2 land drops but at instant speed, and not 2-3 turns after.. :D

Posted 25 February 2010 at 02:19 as a comment on Hedron, Land burst


Strength of the Tajuru realy is expensive(and crap) for what it does... i would go with some combat trix like.: Might of Oaks, Vines of Vastwood, Giant Growth, Groundswell.
2x Beastmaster Ascension
1x Quest for Ancient Secrets
OUT PLZ. ( Quest for Ancient Secrets there is only 1 competitive milling deck out there and it sux.. and getting stuff back from your graveyard doesn´t seam all that good )
Beastmaster Ascension ( yea it´s nice if it goes off.but it wont . but against vampires it crumbles and against jund the smae they just got a 1 mana destroy for it :D)
1x Terra Stomper
3x Birds of Paradise
OUT rly no need for them. ( they are way to slow and you rly don´t need the ramp here )
Explore in it works alot better.
Gigantiform( i know it goes 2 for 1 and it sux like that but... it makes something 8/8 and that´s rly hard to stop)
go Great Sable Stag sideboard, cuz it´s unblockable against jund and grixis. :D

maybe going to the endgame you can throw down a Sphinx of Jwar Isle, just cuz it´s big it has flying and he can´t do anything abute it :D.
that or Thornling( cuz it´s cool, and im a big fan of creature´s with ling at the end of the name :D)

also remove Wind Zendikon ( it sux and you don´t want a man land like that trust me :D)

and remove 2x Howling Mine
4x Ornithopter
you rly don´t want to give your openent cards you don´t( DONT DO IT)
Ornithopter does nothing other then get Beastmaster Ascension up and running. but im not a big fan of useing a crap card to get another crap card to get deacent....

use Treasure Hunt.
and take out Turntimber Grove for Halimar Depths.

thats it from me.. use it and this deck get deacent :D

Posted 20 February 2010 at 08:25 as a comment on unblockable biznatches t2 (help)


dmn i forgot Leatherback Baloth use it it´s big and you can throw it down turn 2 :D

Posted 19 February 2010 at 09:35 as a comment on Elf Allies for T2


hmm the manabase is just fine BUT i would use 4 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood. and the amount of mana is fine too.. explore would do nice here.. mostly it will draw a card but sometimes it will do great... yes Eldrazzi Monument would do alot here i would take out Scattershot Archer cuz yea it sux.. i would think abute splahing red or white cuz the thing with green is that it´s trying to be faster then anyother color cuz it can´t remove anything at all
Vines of Vastwood is a must for you.. cuz when he spends removeal you throw this down and punch him in the face :D
Overrun or garruk would match this deck like a glove :D (i would say garruk cuz overrun sux. and it gives you a nice finisher :D )
maybe( im saying maybe ) use Gigantiform ( i know it sux) but it´s a finisher and you are badly in need of a finisher :D

fyi.: i can be nice when you build deacent decks :D

ps. get some fetches :D

Posted 19 February 2010 at 09:30 as a comment on Elf Allies for T2


AGAIN you use Amulet of Vigor im sure i called it crap the last time.. and it hasn´t gotten any better.. ( okay rule wise and in theory this card is cool cuz it can stack with it self !!! nice but other then that why and it´s even 1 off.. you don´t want that if you playtest it you rly don´t want that !!!!!!) Enlisted Wurm ?? woot yea it´s big-ulishes and has cascade. but then again 6 mana to hit a bolt?????? Pilgrim's Eye?? dmn dude your running green the RAMP part of magic.. use harrow!!!!!! you manabase is bad AGIAN...... no fetches why??? you said you wherent rich but fetch are stabels they are useable in every format of magic..!!!! and useable in every deck. i´ll jump over the rest of the mana base just cuz you know what you should do better!!!! Blitz Hellion you can rly do without,,

a little more burn in there !!!
Ooze Garden would go well with all your emo animals ....

thats all i can say..

also get some fetchlands..(trade)

Posted 18 February 2010 at 17:53 as a comment on cascade. help?


oh yea srry for my rudeness. :D

Posted 17 February 2010 at 15:21 as a comment on G/W t2 deck (help needed)


noooooooo don´t do it it won´t work im telling you i wont:D.
i can´t even say verry mush to you abute this. it´s crap. if the guy your playing has just 4 removal spells for your Armament Master you going to loose. and also even with that guy every metagame deck will roll over you . thats a fact.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 15:20 as a comment on Kor Equippers


okay first things first how good do you think this deck will do against someone with removeal ??? / here comes a first time cuz there are so meany crapy cards in this deck i will make a list and then add a swear word in the same order for the cards :D) Prized Unicorn,Deadly Recluse,Nissa's Chosen,Leatherback Baloth, Amulet of Vigor,Graypelt Refuge,Novablast Wurm.
horsecrap, pissy spider, crap,crap,crap,crap(i couldn´t be assed with adding more swear words)(also your running tri lands and you use 2 of the mana types thats just stupid)
now something to you on the right lines :DDDDDDDDD. (goodtimes)
a few more Behemoth Sledge
Knight of the Reliquary
Steward of Valeron
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
fetchlands. ( 4-8 of them)
ranger of eos.

thats it.. (maybe splash black for Maelstrom Pulse) but this could make a deacent deck if you did all that:D

Posted 17 February 2010 at 15:14 as a comment on G/W t2 deck (help needed)


well this is not rly that great a deck, first off Liliana Vess is a bad card ... pick the new jace if you want controll you need card-advantage.( basicly you rly need that in any deck :D) now then the creatures .: Specter OUT both of them!!!!. put in celcite snapper 4 of them :D. Wrexial, the Risen Deep OUT!!!!!! NOW!!! it´s a bad card why use it ??? the manabase.. your runing blue and yet your not useing halimar depths ?? and you need duals(from M10) also 4 - 8 fetches is sooooooo nice and works like a dream with jace :D. Mire's Toll OUT get ponder in there. Mind Shatter OUT. for cancel( i know it´s a bad card but it counters everything and not meny things in standard do :D) Quest for the Nihil Stonedon´t even get me started on how absurdly bad this card is i mean look at it, it´s sooooooooooooooooooooo BAD!!!!!!!! with that fixed i think this is useable.. as it is now.. well srry(not rly) but it´s for the trash.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 14:51 as a comment on U/B Control


well you should use half fetch half Cycling lands.. works alot faster.:D

Posted 08 January 2010 at 06:08 as a comment on Harvesting Worms V2


yea it´s been bothering me for sometime..whats the idea of making a budget deck ???? you know if you make a budget deck it will loose most of it´s power, and if that happens youmight as well build any other deck. and if you build the deck cuz you wanna play the deck you wont rly get feel of it as it is. so again your back at the thing where you could build any old deck.???
im a totaly off with this??

Posted 21 December 2009 at 07:10 as a comment on hypergenesis (help me make it budget)


well if you must do it this way(im telling you all weenies will kill you) i would add Gargoyle Castle

Posted 15 December 2009 at 04:00 as a comment on Iona Ramp 2


this is so my type ofgame.. sooooooo my type of game.

Posted 15 December 2009 at 03:07 as a comment on the omega


well try with Doubling Season.

Posted 09 December 2009 at 19:58 as a comment on Planeswalker Loyalty Doubled you say?


nice deck maybe add Goblin Lackey +1

Posted 06 December 2009 at 14:28 as a comment on Radiant Goblins


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