
5 Decks, 18 Comments, 1 Reputation

You need blade of the bloodchief to really get the most out of hexmage and nighthawks-big first-strikers and deathtouchers are always welcome and with that much kill fairly easy to get.lilliana is at her best setting up your topdeck for vampire nocturnus which IMO is really a must-have for any vamp deck.feel free to check out my Vamps for ideas/give suggestions-can't direct link to it on my phone so find it from my profile :)

Posted 01 June 2011 at 15:54 as a comment on Vampire deck Please comment!


Affinity isn't cheating,it's just not standard anymore-my artifacts rarely ever loose though,can't link them on my I-phone so please check it out via my profile and comment-my advice baaed on mu own deck is artifact lands are Mox Opal,frogmote,mycosynth and Etched Champion's best buddies :) and who doesn't want a 10/10 flying indestructible trampling myr? :) also artifacts without lodestone golem or steel overseer is like cake without ice cream!

Posted 31 May 2011 at 12:33 as a comment on Artifact Heaven


green 1CMC instants eg Rancor,Groundswell,Berserk are surely the way forward for fast infect?good build though :) I can't link my decks on I-phone but would appreciate some feedback :)

Posted 31 May 2011 at 11:51 as a comment on Fast Infect


green 1CMC instants eg Rancor,Groundswell,Berserk are surely the way forward for fast infect?good build though :) I can't link my decks on I-phone but would appreciate some feedback :)

Posted 31 May 2011 at 11:30 as a comment on Fast Infect


All you need are 1-3 CMC black/green infecters,dark ritual,Infect blinkmoth manland and plenty of 1 green CMC instants that give +2-+4 eg might of old korosa,groundswell-try and stick to 3CMC infect flyers-oh and berserk of course-possible T1 infect win with my mate's deck,nasty!

Posted 25 May 2011 at 17:26 as a comment on Psycho Infect


Sorry,you can still lose to my Felidar Sovereign-he doesn't care how much life or poison you have,obviously would need to dispose of platinum angel through destroy or sac with vampires but they could have you too-add darksteel forge to make it a bit harder-phyrexian horror/eldrazi would ruin your day too,milling...Karn...there are ways,but a good build none-the-less :)

Posted 25 May 2011 at 16:37 as a comment on I can't Lose. No Plat Angel


Semblance anvil would horribly break it-maybe eldrazi monument as an alt. Win condition if you have lots of myrs out?hardcasting emmy is best done with doubling season in green IMO.oh and of course defence of the heart-I use that in the green deck i'm putting up in the next few days as a way to get progentius and novablast Wurm out T2 or T3,swinging my T4 for 17 unblockable and destroying everything else on the field :) my friend uses polymorph on his own spawn tokens and has nothing else but decksearch and garruk-he either gets 20 odd +3/+3 trampling spawn or polymorphs to a guaranteed Emmy,stormtide leviathan or shield of faith for the win (incase he draws one and can't play it).back to your deck,geosurge and Koth of the Hammer are the best red excel avoiding 3 drops ;)

Posted 20 May 2011 at 13:13 as a comment on myrakul


I think this needs cutting back a lot-choose the cards that do the job best and bump them up to 3 or 4 rather than 1 or 2 of so many,they may all combo perfectly but the reliability will not be good,also for beatsown I'd take out plains and get the odd one or two white you needs from birds of paradise or lotus petal,either way you need more land in general IMO.

Colossal might,groundswell,boartusk liege,knight of new alara,boggart ramgang,tattermunge maniac and rip clan crasher are all cards that might fit well here :) think there's a red/green 4 CMC devouring dragon too :)

Posted 20 May 2011 at 12:58 as a comment on Naya Beatdown


A nice idea,not sure there's enough deck search/tutoring to find one of the three win condition cards fast enough-I'd be tempted to add lotus petal-simply because it's a 0 drop that's hard to get rid of that you can use when you need it,or maybe mox opal if you think you have enough artifacts.maybe even lotus cobra to help with myr superions,which I may bump up to 4 as it's the only thing that can soak up damage until you get the big guns out.

Check out my artifact deck too and see what you think :)

Posted 20 May 2011 at 12:49 as a comment on So Fucking Many


Just realised if I could squeeze in iron myr and got an ideal draw I could have mycosynth T2-would destroy a well balanced deck for a very small chance of payoff but would be fun-

T1: artifact land,mox opal,ornithopter,ornithopter,ornithopter or free frogmite (affinity),tap land and mox opal (metalcraft triggers and not a creat so no res sickness) for iron myr

One card left in hand must be artifact land or mycosynth golem and you must draw the other

T2: artifact land-I now have 7 artifacts meaning mycosynth golem costs 4,I have 2 untapped lands,a mox opal and an iron myr which taps for R-hello T2 mycosynth,just for lol's :)

Posted 20 May 2011 at 12:10 as a comment on Artifact_Anarchy


You dont need anything bigger than 4 CMC to win easily with Vamps-blade of the bloodchief and cheap kill e.g. Disfigure/go for the throat will see you hexmage's and nighthawks at 6-10 power in no time and is perfect as a 1 drop along side Lacerator (the others seem so underwhelming)-IMO kalastria is not as good as the hexmage-Vamps tend to tap out so rarely have the spare mana for the effect-nice deck though,would appreciate feedback on my own vamp deck too :)

Posted 20 May 2011 at 08:57 as a comment on Vampires


Great deck but with Vamps,kill cards,hand hate and obliterator it's sinful not to run blade of the bloodchief-very cheap way to get hexmage's and nighthawks up to 6-8 swinging power ;) check out my vamp deck if you will for more of what I'm talking about!

Posted 20 May 2011 at 08:41 as a comment on Mono B Obliteration


Switched lightmine out for three story circle's,lowers the curve and it's just more reliable defence!

Posted 19 May 2011 at 13:25 as a comment on Impenitrable_Defences


It can happen, I was considering taking out Lightmine and bump the Day of Judgement, Righteousness and Holy Day up to 4 - it's difficult as they're all useful cards. As an alternative to Goldenglow Moth if you're playing a deck with little flying Stalwart Shieldbearers may go into the sideboard

Posted 18 May 2011 at 22:32 as a comment on Impenitrable_Defences


Much fun to be had with the 12 damage per turn facilitated by Kiki-Jiki, Murderous redcap and Lightning crafter :)

Posted 18 May 2011 at 22:29 as a comment on Goblin_Horde


They really won't want to swing... so throw down a luminarch and make them - all they're going to do is up your life points and get their creatures killed while you laugh maniacally. My personal favorite is T1 Plains, Serra's Ascendant. T2 Plains, do nothing... let them swing, block and play 2x Righteousness, kill their creature, gain 15 life.T3, swing with 6/6 flying lifelink, now you have enough life to win with Felidar Soverign, throw down some walls and see what wins you the game first - felidar, luminarch or swinging with Serra/Divinity. If times get tough, throw down day of judgement with a holy day and a wall in your hand - watch them squirm when Luminarch gets some free counters :)

Posted 18 May 2011 at 21:44 as a comment on Impenitrable_Defences


Use hexmage to destroy planeswalkers instantly, or equip with blade of the bloodchief for a stupidly big first striker or equip to Nighthawk making deathtouch lifelink even more fun! Disfigure, go for the Throat and the Gatekeeper will take care of your opponent's creatures (or even your own bloodghasts if you're holding onto a swamp) to power up your vampires. T2 Nocturnus is never to be sniffed at thanks to Dark Ritual and if there's a creature you really can't deal with tap five Vamps and steal it for your own with Captivating Vampire on the field! Switch out Gatekeeper for Blood Seeker when dealing with Elves and other swarm decks "and i play elvish promennade for 40 elf tokens"..."yes, and you loose one life for each of those tokens..." (target opp sacs a creatures is worthless if they're sitting back with 30 1/1's). Switch go for the throat out for doom blade depending on the black/artifact concentration of the opponent's deck.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 21:40 as a comment on Vampire_Perfection


Not only can you use your artifact lands for infinity, you can use them and your cheap/free weenie's to activate mox opal T1, Etched Champion's ability even with no other creatures on the field but also to tap to power up Lodestone Myr. Extra counters given to Arcbound worker by Steel overseer spill onto another creature when it hits the graveyard - ideal fro a practically unblockable Etched Champion, trampling lodestone myr or as a sacrifice for Eldrazi Monument. Lodestone golem really slows down your opponent and if you have one or two Overseer's out already they're real tanks. Killing your wurmcoil only makes affinity even easier, mycosynth golem can already hit the field T3 given the right draw!

Posted 18 May 2011 at 21:35 as a comment on Artifact_Anarchy
