
22 Decks, 26 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks for the comment :D I took out a few creatures and put in some Primordial Hydras, it's really an awesome card, and it doesn't really matter how much mana you spent on it, cause even if it starts with only one counter, it soon gets massive, still, it's much more fun just to use a much mana on it as possible xD

Posted 31 July 2011 at 08:45 in reply to #186922 on X marks the spot


I just love that your profile says you registered four days ago, and you're already on the front-page, while the rest of us hardly can get any feedback on our decks xD I actually think it's cool and I love the deck :D Congratz, dude :P

Posted 29 July 2011 at 19:18 as a comment on PONDER FROG =)


btw, "Soulless one" is one of my favorite zombies, since it often gets very big.

"Bone Splinters" also works very well with grave pact, since you kill two of your opponents creatures by just sacrificing a single small creature.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 12:24 in reply to #186570 on Lim-Duls undead army! V2.0


I really love all the tokens you get with this deck :b
Due to all the tokens I think I would add a few grave pacts and some Nantuko Husk. It's just a great combo to kill almost all you opponents creatures while attack with one bad ass zombie. Ends the game most of the time.

Why haven't you added Gempalm Polutter? Craziest cycling ever! especially when your running a zombie token deck!!!

I can see you're looking for some nice low cost zombies? Carnophage is a nice aggro zombie. Works very well when your playing 1 on 1, but in multiplayer it's not that good later in the game. But by then you can just choose to tap it, or sacrifice it to nantuko.
Personally I also love festering goblin, since it's able to kill another small creature if it dies. Opponents tends to just let it pass their defenses in the start of the game, giving you a head start.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 12:10 as a comment on Lim-Duls undead army! V2.0


I'll take a look at it :D

Posted 29 July 2011 at 11:55 in reply to #186330 on Death and Beyond


Intruder alarm could also be a fun add to this deck :b don't know how well it would work though...

Posted 28 July 2011 at 20:09 in reply to #186315 on Tim-TIMMAH!


I would add some Chandra's Spitfire, cause in this deck you get one bad ass flyer very fast with it xD

Posted 28 July 2011 at 20:02 as a comment on Tim-TIMMAH!


If you wanna focus more on resurretion, then Woebearer is a great card, since it can get a zombie from your graveyard back in your hand almost every turn. It works well with gempalm polluter who is my favorite zombie card, due to it's awesome cycling ability... seriously, two black mana and you deal damage to an opponent equal to the number of zombies you control AND draw a card.... That's just mean... Works well with Lord of the undead too, since it also can get Gempalm back in your hand each turn. Some cards throws your creature back into the game from the graveyard, but with zombies like gempalm, it's way better to return them to your hand xD

Posted 27 July 2011 at 19:42 in reply to #185929 on Death and Beyond


I'm glad you like it :D I don't have any of the swords and they're a bit too expensive to buy at the moment xD I think I'll add some Darksteel plate to the sideboard, and maybe some white removal spells. Right now I don't need them since the guys I play with at the moment don't use that much removal, but then again, just a little removal can fck a lot up in this deck, so better to be safe than sorry xD

Posted 27 July 2011 at 17:59 in reply to #185903 on Kor Catsmith


Alright, I've changed the deck a little so it involves both Kor and Cat, hope you all like the change, personally I like the flow a little better now.

Posted 27 July 2011 at 15:30 as a comment on Kor Catsmith


Can't see it on your profile, can you post it? :b

Posted 27 July 2011 at 14:38 as a comment on Kor Catsmith


I'll try and take a look at it for even more inspiration :P

Posted 27 July 2011 at 14:35 in reply to #185861 on Kor Catsmith


Leonin is a crazy card! it's just so powerful together with puresteel! And I'm honestly starting to wonder why I like kor the most.... I think I'll try and make a sketch of how the deck would look with cats and see how it will work :b
Thanks for the comment. It really inspired me :D

Posted 27 July 2011 at 14:34 in reply to #185858 on Kor Catsmith


Uh, I like it. But I'm a little concerned about the cost. If if blocks or becomes blocked it's a 1/9 for 5. With Doran out it makes him a 9/9 witch is incredible, but Indomitable Ancients is a 2/10 for 4. So he's better in this deck, but I'll still consider adding Karn :D he's just not fast enough, and even though it's a defensive deck I need to act fast as soon as I get Doran :D
Thanks for the comment :D

Posted 25 July 2011 at 18:22 in reply to #185036 on Defensive Attack


I just love vampire decks xD ability to drain and kill at the same time with Highborn and Bloodghast is just awesome :b since your running Pawn of Ulamog in here I would suggest adding Bloodthrone Vampire since it make a massive monster for a final blow. to insure that Bloodthrone hits I would also add some more destroy target creature spells in case your opponent try to block it.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 18:09 as a comment on Vampyre


I did consider putting Kabira Crossroads in the deck. Put since my armored ascension depends on plains I decided not to. further more its a pain in the butt that it comes into play tapped, cause it's really important that I can play soul warden or Attendant as fast as possible.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 17:34 in reply to #181918 on Get a Life


I see your point :b But since I'm mostly playing multiplayer play, having a Felidar in the deck would be like saying: "I wanna be the first one killed." xD
Wow, Martyr of sands is a great idea, actually didn't knew that card! I'll make sure to put some in the deck when I get my hands on them :D thanks for the comment :D

Posted 25 July 2011 at 17:24 in reply to #181870 on Get a Life


I really love the idea, well put together indeed too.
I'm really looking forward to see what you choose as your deck number 200 :D

Posted 19 July 2011 at 08:38 as a comment on Charged and ready to *FIRE*


Since Dryad arbor also is a land, I would replace some forests with them. They even still counts as forests, so its basically the same. Except that they have summoning sickness and also are a 1/1 creature. My absolute favorite spirit deck card is Devouring Greed, it's just an amazing card for the final blow, and almost all my old spirit decks resolved around it. Won't do you any good in a mono green deck though. But i prefer two colored spirit decks, since it gives you more Zuberas. It could be fun building a deck around Zubera abilities :p

Posted 18 July 2011 at 21:39 in reply to #182149 on Ded's Spirit Tribe


I know myr landshaper isn't as good as Liquimetal, but I wanted a higher chance for splinter to hit. Still considering replacing it with something else, not sure what though.
Deus is an awesome card, and I seriously considered putting it in here, and I still do :D Put so far I think I'm good with the Wurm and Wumpus instead.
I don't have any Isochron at the momment but if I get my hand on some, I will definitely run it here xD thanks for the comment :D

Posted 18 July 2011 at 20:28 in reply to #182236 on Land Destruction


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