
22 Decks, 9 Comments, 3 Reputation

Take a look at my sacrifice deck... pretty sure you will find sveral good ideas/cards :

Posted 09 July 2013 at 20:29 as a comment on self-sacks


You got 26 lands + 4 llanowar, so basically 30 mana sources... if you look at your mana curve, if you exclude for primordial hydra, more than half your spells cost 2 or less + nothing cost more than 4... I feel you have way too much mana.

Another thing : you have no removal (except Master that could be considered helpful). I would add some countering or some removal spells.

Hope it helps

Posted 08 July 2013 at 15:33 as a comment on I Be Upkeepin


It's a must to run Crystalline Sliver in the deck, put at least 2, if it's not 3.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 22:08 as a comment on Slivers


As most of the cards in the deck are low casting cost, I would add at least 3-4 cards to draw cards ; 2 ponder and 2 curiosity isn't enough. Otherwise, I feel you will quickly have no cards in your hand.

Posted 18 September 2012 at 21:56 as a comment on W/U Stay in control


Nice deck. I made a shadow deck last week. I saw yours and took 2-3 cards from your deck to upgrade mine!

Suggestions : add some enchant creatures so you hit alot harder. See link below for my shadow deck. There's some +3/+1 enchant which make you hit alot harder. I added boots too to protect my creatures...

Posted 13 August 2012 at 14:28 as a comment on Shadow


Go see my reanimator deck :

I strongly suggest you add cards like demonic tutor or vampiric tutor, helps alot! And keep in mind that you absolutely need to protect the creatures you reanimate, so creatures with hexproof should be included...

Comment mine!

Posted 10 August 2012 at 20:10 as a comment on Reanimator Legacy


To buy you more time, statecraft could be a good idea. All you creatures become infinit walls...

Posted 26 July 2012 at 22:01 as a comment on Manic will be my hero


Nice deck. Here's some comments:
- even thought your deck has really low casting costs, 16 lands is tight... I would put 18 I think.
- there's some better creatures to reanimate : go see my reanimator deck called ''Grave''
- add Vampire Tutor or/and Demonic Tutor : it's better than brainstorm or ponder in the way that you are sure to go deck your reanimate/animate dead cards.

My reanimator deck is all black. I use Last Rites which is really usefull to discard and at the same time, control your enemy, really good card for that type of deck. And, as mine is all black, running 4 Dark Ritual gives me the opportunity to put a reanimated creature on the 1st turn with entomb/reanimate or animated dead.

For creatures, look at my deck, somes are musts!

Hope this helps!!!

Posted 25 July 2012 at 21:40 as a comment on Reanimator
