
17 Decks, 21 Comments, 0 Reputation

First off, more land. 24 is a good number to shoot for. I don't know what kind of budget you're working on, but the ever-present Baneslayer Angels is just too good not to use if you can get your hands on them. Also, take a look at Deft Duelist, she's a great control creature as she's nearly impossible to get rid of.

As for spells, ditch the ice cages, they're third-rate removal at best. You're better off looking to white for your removal (oblivion ring, path to exile, even excommunicate). Journey to nowhere is ok, but there are better options out there. You'll do yourself a favor with fewer creatures (Sierra Angel and Kraken Hatching strike me as good choices to lose) and more counterspells and card-draw spells. Jace, either version depending on your budget, is a great choice and finding room for cancel (maybe in place of unsummon) can really help your versatility. if Jace and Baneslayer are out of budget range for you, Mindspring is a fairly strong draw spell and the angels you have can work fine.

You've got a good start, but it needs some changes to be a really good deck. Best of luck!

Posted 03 April 2010 at 15:14 as a comment on u/w control(NEED HELP)


Weirdly enough, I was just thinking of making this same deck concept.

4x Mind funeral for sure on this one, no reason not to have them in U/B mill. Also, fetch lands are your friend when you've got the crabs out. 2 crabs+a fetch land can mean 12 cards milled for 0 mana.

Posted 03 April 2010 at 15:00 as a comment on UB Ally Mill


Nice, always glad to see something in standard other than Vamps, Jund, or the usual decks. Looks solid though I wonder how it fares against the agro-red match up.

Posted 16 March 2010 at 02:01 as a comment on T2 bombshell


As far as I know, I don't think you're allowed more than four of each artifact land. The unlimited copies thing only applies to BASIC lands. Artifact lands don't have the basic land type so they're capped at 4.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 16:08 as a comment on The Art of Blue and Black


I'd trade the flails for Basilisk Collars if they're in your budget. Cheaper mana cost plus a little bit of life for each ping. You may want a few more cards that let you untap your pingers. Cerulean Whips is a favorite of mine because it draws you a card as well. Twiddle, Twitch, and Tideforce Elemental can work nicely too.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 16:07 as a comment on Pingers


It's a bit high on the mana curve, but Gather Specimens is deadly alongside the hunted creatures. You get your discounted fatty AND the token creatures. Bonus!

Posted 14 March 2010 at 14:50 as a comment on Fugitives


No Putrid Leech? That's got to be the best 2-drop available to Jund. Try moving the sable stags into the sideboard and putting in 4 leeches. They rock, trust me.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 14:48 as a comment on Green Jund


I think Duress is slightly better than toll, especially in a 2 color deck. If they're stocked full of creatures, consider it free reign to burn/terminate the heck out of whatever they play without fear of any tricks. Perhaps some more kill-spells in place of Burning Inquiry? The deck doesn't field a huge army so being sure to torch anything that comes down is probably good. Doomblade, Burst Lightning, Hideous end: all good choices.

Rocking name by the way, you get points for that.

Posted 14 March 2010 at 00:14 as a comment on Hands to Ashes, Decks to Dust


do you really need Red in here? It gives you vengeant, chandra, and a little burn at the cost of really destabilizing your mana base. I say cut the red, replace the bolts with paths, the blightnings with tidehollow scullers, and vengeant with another copy of sanguine bond.

Also, I have a personal dislike of one-shot lifegain spells. They don't affect the board at all so unless you have sanguine bond out, they don't do much. Try lifelink creatures, life drain spells, and cards that have some 'bonus' lifegain along with another effect instead.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 16:59 as a comment on plainswalker 2.0 ( pls do feedback )


Felidar Sovereign or Test of Endurance may be a bit quicker (though less psychologically satisfying) as a win condition.

Posted 23 February 2010 at 05:00 as a comment on Ultimate Healing (Buy Next)


This one looks iffy to me. Hard casting Prog is so hard that it you shouldn't ever count on it, even with all your fixing and acceleration. Adding more power creatures like Leatherback Baloth, Wolly Throctar, Mosstadon, Terra Stomper, etc. Would help you with a 'plan B' should Prog fail to make it to the field.

Posted 21 February 2010 at 21:06 as a comment on Effective Progenitus


It's all about the Rogue Deck. The power cards from popular builds will always be too expensive. A bit of creativity can keep you competitive on the cheep. Mono-White equipment decks are a perfect example. A week ago they were an occasionally seen deck type and Devout Lightcaster and Stoneforge Mystic were junk-rares. Now all of a sudden they have shot up in price because of the deck's ability to beat Vamps and Jund.

Run through gatherer, find some sleeper cards that haven't been exploited yet and build outside the box. Save money, be original, and kick some net-decker ass.

Posted 21 February 2010 at 20:13 as a comment on I hate...


Hindering Light could be nice as negates 5-8. They protect your cards from spot removal and get you a bonus card.

Posted 21 February 2010 at 17:35 as a comment on T2 W/U Enchanting Angels


Shouldn't it be equipment en-Kor if it's a Kor deck? I thought Il-Kor meant enemy of the Kor. Totally unimportant, but I like the addition of Unscythe as a target for Stoneforge.

Posted 18 February 2010 at 21:10 as a comment on Equipment Il-Kor


Donno about that singleton Monument, mostly because you only have one of them. A few copies of Fabricate from M10 may be nice for finding a Lodestone or Monument (or Scourglass if you have any *nudge nudge*). Maybe toss those in instead of Stormcaller's, I feel like that's kinda an underwhelming spell.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 23:07 as a comment on Dragging the Lodestone


I think you're missing some of the greatest Red agro cards in standard right now. Goblin Bushwhacker is amazing and easy to pick up as is the ever-handy burst lightning. If you can get some Goblin Guides, i strongly recommend those too, even if they're a touch pricey. You could sub them in in place of Skitter of Lizards or Jackal Familiar. Might think about replacing the lightning elementals with some hellspark elemental. LE's toughness of 1 means it doesn't stick around very long anyhow.

I donno if Chandra Ablaze is right for this deck. Maybe the original Chandra Nallar (maybe) but Ablaze is a touch too slow for you here. Plus, Hellkite Charger is just fine as a bomby finisher on a budget.

Other than that, Quest for Pure Flame is nice for out-of-nowhere burn kills as is Unstable Footing. Those are more a matter of personal taste though.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 22:47 as a comment on Burn


Jacob Van Lunen actually did a very similar deck to this in his Building on a Budget feature for the MTG official site. If you haven't seen it, you should take a look. Even without the blatant R/B hate he runs in his, some path or o-ring would do you some serious good.

Here's a link to his deck.

Posted 17 February 2010 at 15:52 as a comment on Kor Equippers


It's looking a little top heavy mana-curve wise. You've got nothing that affects your board below CC3 (I'm not counting Dragonmaster Outcast because you've got to play him pretty conservatively). So that may be something to fix.

I don't think you need Eldrazi Monument in this deck, Monument tends to work best when you're swarming with little guys early and need a way to make them useful in the later game. You look like you're going to do more accelerating into fatties that make armies of their own, pretty dangerous as is.
Try some bolts/burst lightning to answer early-game threats and maybe over run/Garruk to compliment your finishers rather than comet storm (too mana-intensive) or whisper silk cloak.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 23:02 as a comment on ToKeN RaMp #2 (please comment)


low-cost spells are your friend here, especially if you want to trigger your own Erayo by playing stuff on their turn. Spell Pierce and Force Spike fit that bill well. Consider adding some card draw spells to keep your hand well stocked with burn/counter spells as well as to find Erayo more quickly.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 22:51 as a comment on direct counters


It looks a little slow. Lots of finishers, not much early/mid game. You'll be ok if you draw very well, but to be safe consider replacing some of those equipments (spike and hook in particular) and maybe some of the planeswalkers with more card draw/control spells. Your fatties will do just fine making the kill if you've properly locked down your opponent without the equipments' help.

Posted 16 February 2010 at 22:43 as a comment on Control Esper


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