
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Welcome to the wonderfull world of mill:

Here's my general advice.

Don't play counterspells unless they mill, (or unless they are remand and you also play surgical extraction/extirpate).

Jace is too slow, use ashiok from the theros expansion instead.

Echoing mage costs you a card, 2 turns and 5 mana to copy a mill-card. It's simpler to just let echoing mage "be" a millcard. Replace them.

You are probably miss-interpretating bitter ordeal. It's not storm, it's GRAVE-STORM. You need a way to get permanents into the grave. Replace it with 3 extirpate instead.

I specialise in creatureless mill, and have a nice deck for you to study:

Here's my newest modern mill-deck. It kills at turn 4 or 5 most of the time unless interupted in some way.

I've won against 3 out of 6 opponents in the two latest modern tournaments I've been in, and this sort of mill normally nets me a minimum of 2 victories at every tournaments, though 3 victories twice indicates that the deck is close to being good.

Also I'm a lousy player so a skilled one should get 4 wins with my deck instead of 3, and I know this for certain as I made a really bad mistake costing me a game I should have otherwise won...


Posted 14 October 2013 at 10:29 as a comment on Mad?


I see you've gotten a bit into mill, so here's my best modern-mill ever...

Here's my newest modern mill-deck. It kills at turn 4 or 5 most of the time unless interupted in some way.

I've won against 3 out of 6 opponents in the two latest modern tournaments I've been in, and this sort of mill normally nets me a minimum of 2 victories at every tournaments, though 3 victories twice indicates that the deck is close to being good.

Also I'm a lousy player so a skilled one should get 4 wins with my deck instead of 3, and I know this for certain as I made a really bad mistake costing me a game I should have otherwise won...


What's with the negative ranking? Have you pestered too many people?

Posted 14 October 2013 at 10:10 as a comment on Infinite Life Mill


Here's my newest modern mill-deck. I've won against 3 out of 6 opponents in the two latest modern tournaments I've been in, and this sort of mill normally nets me a minimum of 2 victories at every tournaments, though 3 victories twice indicates that the deck is close to being good.

Also I'm a lousy player so a skilled one should get 4 wins with my deck instead of 3, and I know this for certain as I made a really bad mistake costing me a game I should have otherwise won...


Posted 14 October 2013 at 10:03 in reply to #403023 on Mil Deck, Terrible Pointers!?!


If you play legacy, someone made a werewolf-stompy deck for legacy, based on dragonstompy but with werewolves as creatures.

Posted 11 October 2013 at 16:49 in reply to #402647 on Sanguine Drogskol


Why the high tides?

Posted 10 October 2013 at 16:25 as a comment on Mesmeric Madness


Click my name and go through all the millposts. The old ones are the most detailed, but if you read them chronologically you should get an idea on what will work in either modern or legacy...

Posted 10 October 2013 at 16:19 in reply to #403023 on Mil Deck, Terrible Pointers!?!


Hmm! Illness in the ranks allows for heavier use of the forbdiden orchard

Posted 09 October 2013 at 12:03 in reply to #402655 on Modern Singularity



Posted 09 October 2013 at 11:59 in reply to #401332 on Modern Singularity


Hey, a friend once told me "Wicked is always right" He also added "At least once a day" so I guess you got lucky :D

Got 9 points with mill in modern, so will soon post the design.
Also got 9 points with an UG-merfolk deck, which I will also post, but it's legacy...

Posted 09 October 2013 at 11:01 in reply to #401332 on Modern Singularity


What I meant is:
Since wotc is constantly producing millcards each cycle, you will be able to play mill in both standard and modern, and all in all spend less than most in the long run. + by focussing on mill in standard, you will know what will be valuable in modern, and few will have your level of insight. Mill is the only reoccuring theme between sets, which makes it perfect to specialize in, compared to everybody else who will be starting from scratch every rotation.

No problem with the help there, but if you have a breakthrough with anything millbased let me know it as one of the first :)

I've recently won 9 points with mill in a modern tourney, so I'll soon post the design...

Posted 09 October 2013 at 10:59 in reply to #401193 on Esper Mill


Lifegain and evasion often works pretty good.
I made a UW soltari-based deck that went 8th place in vintage, without any power. (Back in the 2000 and somethings)

I can recommend azorious guildmage

Posted 09 October 2013 at 10:52 as a comment on Sanguine Drogskol


Some have all the luck! I bought 6 display boxes, and I got 2 ashiok too, want 4 though :(

Posted 09 October 2013 at 10:46 in reply to #402101 on Crank Mage


You could put in some specialised removal. For example, the horror makes green tokens, and you play black, so you could play the black removal card that lets you draw a card if the creature removed is black. Stuff like that to exploit that you know what they get.

Posted 07 October 2013 at 09:59 in reply to #401332 on Modern Singularity


Playing standard? Then you should go BUW, because the mill cards in theros lets you move that direction. And when a standard set rotates out it's still modern legal, so not a bad idea. Ever since the llorwyn cycle wotc has printed some millcards in all other sets, some better than others, but in the long run it might pay of to play modern mill, not many know this, so you should pat yourself on your shoulder for taking that approach. Moderns a small format but still rising in popularity.

Posted 07 October 2013 at 09:53 in reply to #401193 on Esper Mill


Theros has some mill...

How about throwing out jace and buy Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver before it becomes too expensive ?
By the time jace get's to play his mill, ashiok have exiled 12 cards!

Theres also a 2/4 creature in theros for 3B (or is it 2BB?) that mills 4 when comming into play.

Posted 07 October 2013 at 09:45 as a comment on Crank Mage


Take a look at my esper version in modern.
I have many other mill-decks, all with deep explanations on what worked and what was removed and all that.
Click my "name" to see them all.

What format do you want to end up in?

Posted 03 October 2013 at 14:05 as a comment on Esper Mill


Well, you'll never know untill you've tried it. That's magic in a nutshell. A constant work in progress.

Posted 02 October 2013 at 11:20 in reply to #384712 on Crank Mage


The best card against aggro so far connected to mill is crypt incursion. However it demands that either you or your opponent gets critters in the grave as fast as possible. I have had games where I got 28 life when drawing this card.

You might also want to replace 4 thought scour with either 4 jace's phantasm or 4 hedron crab.

I generally don't recommend counterspells in mill, but Remand is actually great if you play with surgical or extirpate AND you mill fast enough to hit what they have in their hand, otherwise it's just stall.

You got unblockables, so why not try to use the cipher spells that mill or create creatures?

Also, mesmeric orb has always been one of my favorite cards against creatures, and in your deck it may boost your own creatures. Your deck is mainly avoiding leyline of sanctity in general. Throwing 4 glimpse the unthinkable away for the orb might be a good idea, plus it will make you able to use crypt incursion on yourself.

Control is trickier to deal with, especially with a focus on creatures, A wild idea may be æther vial to slip through their counters. You could also try to exploit a mesmeric orb + bloodghast/corpsecrawler angle, trying to hit them from your grave.

Posted 27 September 2013 at 10:28 in reply to #384712 on Crank Mage


It really depends on what type of meta you are in...
What format? (modern/legacy) and what are your most troubling opponent's playing?

Aggro, control or combo?

Posted 25 September 2013 at 12:00 in reply to #384712 on Crank Mage


no probs...

Posted 19 September 2013 at 10:40 in reply to #388253 on Legacy: Blood Fling B/R


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