
41 Decks, 418 Comments, 45 Reputation

Look closely, he runs Fetchlands so that he can be 100% sure that he'll be able to pull off Searing Blaze's ability every time.

Posted 26 September 2010 at 09:08 in reply to #88678 on Koth of the Hammer


Go for Noble Hierarch instead of Birds of Paradise.

Posted 26 September 2010 at 05:30 as a comment on Bant SOM


Damn right man, I don't know if you noticed but I added some new cards in here. Took out Ajani Goldmane for Elspeth Tirel (taking advantage of Scars of Mirrodin), and got rid of Martial Coup for Rise of the Hobgoblins. Thanks for all the nice things you've said and all you've helped me man, you're a real good guy and just as good as a deck builder. Cheers and I'll be checkin your profile from time to time, man!

Posted 25 September 2010 at 11:52 in reply to #88938 on Boros Warfare


Unless this is a Deck Challenge, get rid of Disperse for Into the Roil.

Posted 24 September 2010 at 16:11 as a comment on The Art of Delay


Speaking of Control, I re-uploaded a completely different Grixis Control deck. Drumhead thought it was heaps better, so you might wanna check it out.

Posted 24 September 2010 at 09:14 in reply to #88723 on USA Control


Lol this deck would probably cost about as much as my Mythic Eldrazi Conscription. Glad to see my 2nd try at a Super Friends Deck is better.

Posted 24 September 2010 at 09:13 in reply to #88724 on Super Friends


Scute Mob is just a badass, man. Gotta love that guy. Also, Skeletal Vampire is your favorite card? Now that is epic as hell, seeing as how the Orzhov Pre-Constructed Deck was the first deck I ever played.

Posted 24 September 2010 at 09:09 in reply to #88725 on Naya Boss


Ahhh you're right, forgot bout good ol' Mana Leak. I'll add it right away!

Posted 23 September 2010 at 09:08 in reply to #88530 on Grixis Control


I actually made this specifically not to be aggresive, lol. Thoughtseize is definetely a good card, I'll be adding that soon. Idk bout Memory Plunder, I don't see many spells I want to use in other decks. I really, really, really, really, hate faeries, and they wont fit in too much with this deck. I forgot about Cryptic Command, I heard it rocked a lot of tournaments in extended, I'll be adding that soon. Like I said, I want to be Control, not Aggro. Do you think this deck is better than the old one?

Posted 21 September 2010 at 04:13 in reply to #88217 on Grixis Control


In the old version there were 4, but now since I got Fauna Shaman, I only need 2.

Posted 21 September 2010 at 04:07 in reply to #88226 on Mythic Eldrazi Conscription


If you wanna know what the cards I'm talking about are, check out http://www.magiccardmarket.eu/ , its where I order all my stuff from. I just go on StarCityGames for spoilers and stuff like that.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 10:45 in reply to #87979 on The Secret of Nim


He's probably the worse actually, but at least he regenerates, right?

Posted 20 September 2010 at 10:41 in reply to #87871 on Wolf-while Green Aggro


Lol I decided to say fuck it and I packed my bags cause I'm moving to Extended now, which is not a big problem seeing as how Time Spiral and Tenth Edition are leaving there, as well as Future Sight (meaning no Tarmogoyfs thank god), and besides I get Rise of the Hobgoblins for my Boros Warfare Deck now.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 09:53 in reply to #88191 on Mythic Eldrazi Conscription


Damn right. I'm sick of people coming to Tournaments with a net-decked RDW or Jund Deck that they didn't even tweenk. Those are the types of people that never win Tournaments, ones that make un-original, net-decked, and the same decks you see everybody else played. The last tournament I went to with my Boros Warfare Deck, 75% of it was Jund, and I wont even mention RDW since I made them scoop on turn 2 when I brought out Knight of the White Orchid. I eventually lost to a Zoo Deck, which I will be making one of my own possibly today.

Posted 20 September 2010 at 09:35 in reply to #88191 on Mythic Eldrazi Conscription


xD I'm not a big fan of sideboards either, I just like the thought of having an answer to Dredgevine Decks, those are a real pain in the ass to deal with, as is other decks like Super Friends and Control Decks. Thanks for the rate and the comment!

P.S Epic Relentless Rats story lol

Posted 20 September 2010 at 09:21 in reply to #88189 on Mythic Eldrazi Conscription


Nah that's just me, I've always been big fans of the Masticores just because of the fact that you get big guys on turn 4 or 5 with epic abilities, and the best part is they're colorless. It takes a while to like them, though. At least it took me a while.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 14:02 in reply to #87871 on Wolf-while Green Aggro


That's badass, good luck on getting Molten-Tail Masticore, the epic planeswalkers, and Mox Opal. Btw have you realized that Koth of the Hammer is an acronym of itself? Just look closely on the first row and you'll see Koth.


Cool, eh?

Posted 19 September 2010 at 07:37 in reply to #87871 on Wolf-while Green Aggro


Yo sTr8-jAcKeT! It's been a while, man, or maybe not, idk it feels like its been a while. Alright so here's what's up, since I'm moving to extended now, I've got some new choices open for my decks, the main one being Boros Warfare. I've already talked about the newer upcoming cards, mainly Elspeth Tirel and Koth of the Hammer. But now I'm gonna talk about the opposite, the past. I've been thinking about adding some Kithkins to the deck, and I've think I've got a replacement for Martial Coup, check out Rise of the Hobgoblins. I'm taking the deck to the next local tournament I can find, so please help out, that is if you care at all. But enough bout me, onto your deck. Idk who this Nim guy is, but he sure as hell gave you an idea for a great deck. A cool thing you could do since your using Fifth Dawn, Darksteel, and Mirrodin, is that you can add Sword of Kaldra, Helm of Kladra, and Shield of Kaldra. I know they're expensive and all but it would really make the deck look a lot cooler. I never thought of a Mono-Black Artifact Deck, but you sure as hell made it look good sTr8-jAcKeT! 9.5/10

Posted 19 September 2010 at 04:29 as a comment on The Secret of Nim


*facepalm* you're right, I'm an idiot.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 04:20 in reply to #87871 on Wolf-while Green Aggro


I know right.

Posted 18 September 2010 at 18:07 as a comment on Boros BushWACKer: A Collaboration with Aaboy66.


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