
100 Decks, 68 Comments, 5 Reputation

I like the idea a lot, but the card is too expensive for my blood. Besides Kefnet, the only cards over 10 dollars in the deck I already own. Maybe down the road I'll be able to add a Rack into the list. I appreciate the comment and idea!

Posted 30 May 2019 at 17:41 in reply to #625126 on Kefnet Commander


My play group has no problem with infinite combo's, I mean we'll complain at each other but we all play them in some capacity or another. Everyone also plays a ton of mana rock's so I just steal all their's constantly and Memnarch is just a big butt head. lol

Posted 28 December 2018 at 20:07 in reply to #620898 on Memnarch EDH


I'm going to be playtesting it tomorrow, we shall see how fast and ridiculous it can get lol.

Posted 23 December 2018 at 05:08 in reply to #620898 on Memnarch EDH


This looks the the best deck in the game! who is this Tyler fellow? I think I would like to meet him because if he made this deck he must be the best player in THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Posted 10 July 2014 at 08:31 as a comment on Tyler's Deck


Nice. My buddy played a similar list (he had three Sorin in his, I simply cannot afford them as long as they're 50 each, not worth it to me right now), and he split for first in our Monday Night Magic. It is what inspired me to make this list.

Posted 08 February 2012 at 14:10 in reply to #233255 on W/B Tokens


This is tooled for my current meta, the people at my local shop play a lot of aggro and chump blockers.

Posted 08 February 2012 at 10:03 in reply to #233242 on W/B Tokens


I've actually been playing Solar Flare for the last several months, even since states. I took 25th in Oregon, but not high enough, haha. Since then I've had nothing but success with it. I just like All America =D

Posted 23 December 2011 at 16:39 in reply to #223721 on All America control


I really dislike Divine Reckoning, because sometimes you have to wrath for a single creature, like a Thrun after your opponent taps out. Slagstorm is a sideboard option, I only have 11 red sources so double red turn 3 is quite difficult. Thanks for the ideas, though!

Posted 23 December 2011 at 00:31 in reply to #223721 on All America control


Of course. Well, if you insist on keeping the planeswalkers in there... you really only want defensive creatures to protect them. Two of your planeswalkers can't single-handedly win you the game (Gideon and Elspeth) but they offer great protection to the other three planeswalkers. So Wall of Omens/Overgrown Battle for more mana producers and they're a little more defensible than Birds of Paradise. Sun Titanx2 for recursion on your Walls. Sphere of the Suns can be dropped, throw in a playset of Preordains (I like it more than Ponder), Explore, a Day of Judgment or two (potentially three), and a playset of Mana Leaks. Tumble Magnet and Venser are stupid good together, as well as Sun Titan. Basically, all your creatures become a tool box for your planeswalkers to interact with. With all those planeswalkers, you're a very defensive deck. Good luck!

Posted 15 August 2011 at 10:41 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


You're looking at it too optimistically, honestly. You need to remember that you'll rarely draw exactly how you want, so you need to build a ton of redundancy into the list. Assuming you keep a hand with no birds or spheres but otherwise a good hand, you need to be able to stabilize against heavy aggro (RDW, tempered steel, vamps) and you have zero mid-game in the deck. Take a look at the list I posted under my original post, and basically you go from that idea. The shell is Birds of Paradise, Mana Leak, Preordain, and Explore. The land base you can go either with the speed lands (seachrome/razorverge) or core lands (glacial/sunpetal) it all depends on how quickly you want to stabilize (and you want to be stable within the first 2-4 turns, they're crucial against aggro). And against control like Caw Blade or U/B, you won't win the control war because they run counters and other forms of removal you simply don't have.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 10:18 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


Posted 15 August 2011 at 09:46 in reply to #192429 on Super Friends / Control


Your entire deck centers around the 5 drop, you need to be gaining control or have control by turn 5, not praying for a planeswalker. Pod and anything but a TON of creatures doesn't work. And 20 land in a control deck means you lose. I'm not joking, you'll lose in almost all control match ups. Super friends was an entirely viable decklist before JtMS was banned, but from personal experience I can tell you, there's too big a hole missing where he used to be.

Posted 15 August 2011 at 09:41 as a comment on Super Friends / Control


I could see it, I was going more for stompy control, than aggroing out. After I made the list I realized I have no answer for sligh or zoo besides turn 4 wrath, which can be fairly devestating. It still needs work, but I've got time before Modern becomes an actual format (which it's looking like it'll be) to tweak it.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 19:53 in reply to #180813 on Bant Control


Because this isn't legacy, it's a modern build, the (potential) upcoming format that will be 8th edition/Mirrodin block + . This is a rough draft... and I forgot draw. I do appreciate that idea, haha. But the manlands are for fixing as well as beating face. Misstep is in SB, I only like Spell Pierce in certain decks (not this one). But thank you.

Posted 14 July 2011 at 13:13 in reply to #180813 on Bant Control


I was just about to post that... you beat me to it! Niv Mizzit can still kill in one turn. My friend has done 126 damage in one go with the bitch, killing everyone... it was insane.

Posted 15 June 2011 at 11:15 in reply to #171908 on Niv Mizzet, the Ass Kicker, now in EDH!


Well thank you, I haven't taken it to any extended tournaments yet, but that's mainly because I like my Blightning Beatdown one even more (I almost exclusively play control, so it's nice to play just straight aggro).

Posted 28 April 2011 at 16:12 in reply to #155911 on Extended Turbo Fog


I used to run a mono-white lifegain deck, and the only problem I see with your deck right now is the unfocused nature of it. Ajani Goldmane is quite powerful in here, but I could easily see you dropping it to 2 or 3 of him. Go to 3 Survival cache, as it's your only draw spell in there right now. 2 Felidar Sovereign aren't a bad thing if you go straight lifegain, they're an immediate win-con if you get them out and protect them. The pridemate's are good, but they really only turn into big beatsticks or fabulous blockers, I ended up cutting them out based upon their non-trample damage being negated by any chump blockers. I ran a playset of Serra Ascendant's and a playset of Lone Missionaries, they were NEVER a bad thing to see in multiples, especially bringing yourself out of easily killed stage. Another idea is Emeria, the Sky Ruin which Resserect's creatures from graveyard every turn (assuming you have 7 plains out, but this card isn't necessary since you'd have no way of guaranteeing you'd have 7 plains and an Emeria turn 8).

Posted 28 April 2011 at 16:10 as a comment on Mono White Life Gain Flying


Treasure Mage + Contagion Engine = no need for board wipes, and they get around shroud and you get to keep your own creatures. I see the engine's, just no reliable way of actually getting them... also with enough proliferate you can Mindslaver in one go so it's a good one of... and Inkmoth Nexus. Get a single poison counter on them, and proliferate them to death.

I'd also consider clasps and necropede's for main/board. They should down aggro very reliably and are annoying as hell to deal with. Good luck!

Posted 14 April 2011 at 13:07 as a comment on Mono Blue Control


Fish in standard! I like it! Good job making a good mono-blue deck with merfolk.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 19:54 as a comment on Merfolks in Standard (again)


I understand why you're using Expedition Map, since it's your SUPER cheap Titan replacement (let's you get Eye of Ugin and all) but you're one Tectonic Edge or Spreading Seas away from being locked out of being able to ever get Ulamog or the other demi god Eldrazi, if you ran them. And with Ulamog, all it takes is a Journey, or an Arrest to shut him down. The deck is very vulnerable, but it could be decent against decks that don't have a lot of removal (basically, control decks will take it apart) but it's not a bad attempt at a budget Eldrazi Green deck.

Posted 23 February 2011 at 06:16 as a comment on Garruk's Eldrazi


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