
12 Decks, 9 Comments, 4 Reputation

hey sure.....i wanted to ask this question before, but i know youll look at the comments of this deck, also btw, amazing deck as always, you always know the right mix of messing with someone and shitting on them at the same time.

ive looked all over, you seem to be the Stompy deck champion of the ages, and i really really love the idea behind it, what is the TRUE definition of stompy? i have a very good idea, but i dont want to make a stompy deck just to have its stompy-ness disproved by others....weird as this request sounds, id really love to hear the answer

Posted 26 June 2011 at 01:02 as a comment on Seeing Double


Extinction (tempest):

"I once had an entire race killed just to listen to the rattling of their bones as I waded through them."


best ever, gets me more than "Catch" on lava axe used to

Posted 26 March 2011 at 14:21 as a comment on !!**Card Flavor**!!


its the lands, also look at clarion ultimatum:) it stops the "into play tapped" from that too.... great to cascade in or grip on your first turn. Mainly tho it serves its purpose for almost half my land having to come into play tapped

Posted 18 March 2011 at 02:06 as a comment on exalted hotness


all of the giants in the deck are giant "warriors" so it counts to the reduction of the mana cost. plus they are in there for championing my nova chasers....that way i can attack/fling real fast if i have fervor out, it works rather well. mostly tho i find them just reducing the costs of my giants which is severely needed since aside from brion, the lowest casting cost giant in it is i believe 6:)

Posted 18 March 2011 at 02:05 in reply to #142316 on 8'90" mofos


mana isnt usually an issue in this deck, i thought it would be at first, but ive won games with 200+ tokens in play all beefed by joraga w/ just two forests and a oren reif. the arch druids and the priestesses usually keep me good on mana

Posted 16 March 2011 at 10:07 as a comment on Elven Facial Defication


Im not usually a big fan of artifact decks, but wow, this looks like a lot of fun. i took a long break in playing between roughly mercadian and the zendikar block, so seeing cards like door of destinies make me quite happy. big fan of tribal decks.

question for you tho, sure, none of my decks pop up on searching or anything else, i have to directly link them. do i have to have a minimum post limit before they will start showing up?

this was the first tribal based deck i made here, then went out and put it together, i have a vast love for elf decks that dont make you bored as crap to play.

Posted 14 March 2011 at 16:30 as a comment on Constructive Criticism


should think about using rocks with liquid metal...WHERED YOUR LANDS GO

Posted 06 March 2011 at 05:41 as a comment on Liquimetal Coating abuse


a couple of my friends had crazy wizard decks that i just couldnt beat, so i had to join in the wizard rape fun, heres my version(without the horrid cheapness of Sen Triplets)

Posted 12 February 2011 at 18:26 as a comment on wizARDZ


i really wish i could "dislike" comments like this, you had NOTHING constructive to say about this deck only to try and promote your own deck...way to go, prick

Posted 30 January 2011 at 01:48 in reply to #106401 on Quick Mill Really Effective
