
148 Decks, 417 Comments, 113 Reputation

Ditto. ;)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 17:40 in reply to #283734 on Merfolk Revenge


I had thought about those, but the way things are working right now i usually Max Level something in less than two turns, usually one. With 4 Venerated Teachers, i think its useful enough but taking a card out to add in removal/return wouldn't help much. However, if i did use something, id use Silent Departure, for its low cost and Flashback.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 17:14 as a comment on Corporate Ladder


Thats a cute little combo....I use the word cute to mean "WTF DID YOU JUST DO!? I HAD KILLED YOU, YOU SORRY DOUCHEWAFFLE"

I really like this deck...good WinCon AND things to annoy people, You Rock.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 17:03 as a comment on I died, but won doing so.


I totally agree...My wife has a scary little Merfolk Deck too: (i dont think she has it on her page yet)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 15:45 as a comment on Merfolk Revenge


I LOVE Isochron Scepter...In my head its like a Swiss Army knife. My favorite Combo with it is Isochron Scepter + Any Imprintable Spell = Echo Mage Fully Leveled
I made a proxy deck and tried it out once, and it was pretty horrible.
I imprinted Aether Burst, after playing the other 3, Then used it plus Echo Mage's last ability and sent 12 Creatures back to my Opponents hand by only Two Mana and Two cards tapped....It made his Eyeballs pop out.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 15:40 in reply to #283654 on Mea Mentis

This is my best Control deck. I use Charisma too, with a Twist :)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 11:41 as a comment on Sleep with me! ...Okay


I think it would be fun as all hell to play. If somebody isnt suspecting it, they will go all hog wild and make mistakes that would normally get them killed....But since they cant lose, it wouldnt matter to them till it was too late and you kill your Persecutor.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 11:16 as a comment on Platinum Persecutor


Granted its pretty old, but have you thought of tossing in a Leonin Sun Standard? With the amount of tokens you can crank out, you could use any mana left over to pump into Leonin Sun Standard and give them all that many more +1/+1s for your attack. The deck works without it, but i would still suggest taking out maybe a Gather The Townsfolk for it? Its a bit of a Sacrifice, but if you can get enough mana out you can really make a vicious charge.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 09:34 as a comment on Token's fury



No we dont want to draw them too many times, but we need to make sure we draw one as soon as possible. I was faced with Draw Frequency vs Speed, and since for now i dont play against too many really fast decks, I chose Draw Frequency. When i start facing faster decks, ill switch things around more to your point of view, and feel safer against them.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 09:29 as a comment on Mea Mentis


1. Tezzeret's Gambit....This is its only real high end purpose.
2. It doesnt mean just MY Instants or Sorcs. When it gets to max level, which should be quick, and somebody tries to spot remove something of mine, I may lose something, but they will lose Two somethings. Even worse if i Counter their spells, in which case i get Two for their 0.
3. Its a Leveling Card....There werent many to chose from...

Posted 21 August 2012 at 09:22 in reply to #283630 on Corporate Ladder


I love the deck....but the thought of Eating Wrexial is terrible. Lorthos just makes me want to chat Cthulu before eating him.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 08:26 as a comment on Here fishy fishy


"I see a great victory and rivers of blood. And . . . hmm, looks like a spleen."
—Grishnak (Goblin Soothsayer)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 08:18 as a comment on Flavor text challenge


3. Exactly three. I didnt feel i needed to put more than Three hamsters in any particular butt to get my thoughts across. I think 4 might be a bit much, considering the mana curve of your average Hamster, plus the capacity of any given butt.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 06:20 in reply to #283588 on Mea Mentis


Search These: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
Those are the Eldrazi Gods. What you have is their Heralds, awesome creatures, definitely, but when you take a look at the big guys, you'll see what i mean.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 03:43 in reply to #283483 on Eldrazi (Legacy)


Why no Training Grounds? Simple....I'd never seen it before. Since i know about it now....Its going in. Removing the Reejery really is the best way to do it also. What really bugs me is...How did i miss that card?

Oh and as for the Eldrazi, I'd like to keep it Mono. No really good reason, just do :)

Posted 21 August 2012 at 03:35 as a comment on Corporate Ladder


Master of Etherium most definitely works better than Qumulox. And if i were just making this deck online, i would use it, absolutely. But this is a case where i made the deck out of cards i had already, without buying more to add to it. This is exactly the deck that is sitting 5 feet from me....Not what i want it to eventually be :)

Mycosynth Lattice and Leonin Abunas make everything pretty much off limits to everyone else unless they are ok with sweeping the whole board. Add Platinum Angel to that and thats the only way you are ever vulnerable again.

Your deck is looking decidedly more scary now, and i like what you did with the sideboard.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 03:28 in reply to #283519 on Artifactory Prime


Ferropede can take a counter off of any permanant, but not a player. So its ALMOST useful.

Trusty Machete only gives a Maximum of 3 Poison counters per hit with Blighted Agent, Cranial Plating gives it +1 for each artifact i have, So if i have more than 3 Artifacts out at the time, Two cranial platings can make the agent +11/+0, thus a one hit kill. And by the number of Artifacts in this deck, its almost a 100% chance of having enough out to make him lethal in one hit.

Posted 21 August 2012 at 03:22 as a comment on Proflectorate


If you werent ignoring non-creature spells, I would suggest Circle Of Flame, seems to fit this one pretty nicely.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 09:49 as a comment on Scales of the Fire Dragon


As much as i love making them, I feel exactly the same way as you do believe it or not. I own ONE infect creature, Blighted Agent, and its in my Artifact Deck. Hes my secret weapon....Toss a Cranial Plating on him and i dont care if you have a thousand life....your toast.

Having said that....I really hate infect. Theres only one card that gets rid of Poison counters in all of magic. Leeches. Thats it. Ferropede can do it, but not to yourself. I think Poisoned creatures were bad enough, but with very little work, Infect can RUIN a game between friends. Ill never, ever make this deck....Its more of a practice in Theory :)

Posted 20 August 2012 at 09:34 in reply to #283350 on Proflectorate


Looks pretty good, Id throw in 4 Springleaf Drums, just to make double sure of your mana situation. Wouldnt help A LOT, but a even a little bit with this deck is scary.

Posted 20 August 2012 at 09:02 as a comment on Myr of nothingness


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