29 Decks, 79 Comments, 2 Reputation

Agreed with that one. I only pull out the land destruction when I want to be a turd.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 06:40 in reply to #184755 on Lobbing Deathtouch


Unfortunately Extirpate, Sadistic and Extract don't put things in the graveyard, but removes them from the game which means Ascension doesn't do anything for them to be honest. Of course the ability to remove parts of their deck is great, but they don't work in the Ascension combo. There are a lot of other cards possible that removes cards from hand which might be of use... like Jace's Archivist perhaps (3 cost).

Posted 16 August 2011 at 04:08 as a comment on Extraction That Works


Agreed. The Splicers are really for a Golem specific deck. There are a host of token producing creatures out there that would fit the theme much better.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:58 in reply to #192680 on Age of Empires


I like the Praetor's Counsel/Multani, Maro-Sorcerer combination. Expensive... but could be fun to play.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:54 as a comment on Draw til you Fall!


Hmm... I like this, but I'd try to get more Guiltfeeders in there.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:50 as a comment on M1ND FUNER4L


Wow. Never thought of that combo. Ambush Commander + Wirewood Channeler + Seeker of Skybreak. Nifty. +1 from me.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:45 as a comment on 2HG


Dark Rituals and/or Cabal Rituals will help you out with the mana burden. Also, dual lands are useful... maybe a couple artifacts that produce mana... not sure here.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:43 as a comment on City Sinkers


Also, not sure why you need 26 mana here. I suggest dropping 3 of each and add other cards. There are a ton of low cost discard spells out there.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:38 in reply to #192681 on Discard once, shame on you.


Unfortunately Mind Crank does not work with Liliana's Caress as Mind Crank is a Mill effect, not a discard effect. Same with Archive Trap. For a discard/damage dealing blue/black combo, check out my deck here:

It's designed to damage your opponents by making them draw cards (Underworld Dreams) and by discarding (Liliana's Caress)... with all the supporting cards you need, to include little creatures for fodder if need be.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 03:36 as a comment on Discard once, shame on you.


You, sir... suck. This is why I must design decks just to be able to fight you, lol! Awesome though. Great infinite mana loop.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 13:40 as a comment on Planeswalkers Delight


Jesus man. You absolutely do not want to have any friends when you play MTG, lol. You have one of the most devious minds I know for this game. Very well considered here. I, sir... approve this message.

Posted 26 July 2011 at 20:34 as a comment on Jack of all Trades


I will once more say that you, sir... suck, lol. Very good idea here. I like the tie together with the Enchantments.

BTW, readjusted the Draw to Death deck... check it out!

Posted 26 July 2011 at 20:31 as a comment on Where X is Everything


Fox&Jackel, a buddy of mine on here, plays a deck with similarities to this one. If he would ever post it on here you'll see what I'm talking about. It quickly becomes the primary target of all players in a multi-player format when he breaks it out. Completely disgusting.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 14:52 as a comment on THE UNBEATABLE!!


With the Venerated Teacher card added... you can level faster as well. Made my "Level Playing Field" deck (W)/(B) Leveler.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 14:49 as a comment on Leveling Made Easy


You do what?! Forget you... I cast "Fog".

Posted 22 July 2011 at 14:44 as a comment on Death By Zero Cost


This deck is one of those decks that make me want to take Excedrin when I play them. Pretty effective I should think, but I would make a round 20 land & 1 more No Mercy really. I think this deck can suffer with 62 cards and not be affected at all.

Posted 21 November 2010 at 10:19 as a comment on Can't Touch Me


I would remove Underworld Dreams and Font for sure. Add in Geth... let's you use your opponent's graveyard against them... and it mills them at the same time. Useful. I'd add 2 to this deck. After that... add in Royal Assassin to control any creatures they might get out there... and you should be good.

Posted 16 November 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on I Can't Think Up of a Clever Name


4x Spawning Breath & 4x Brood Birthing will give you a total of 16 mana. Both cost 1R to play, so should help speed up the process. You have to have a token out for Brood Birthing to work anyhow. May want to look at Nest Invader as well. Low cost green Eldrazi that spawns a token when it comes out. My suggestion really would be to drop the higher cost Eldrazi and put in the lower cost items. This will speed up the Spawn production, even if you don't get out as many as you might like.

Otherwise, looks interesting.

Posted 16 November 2010 at 12:19 as a comment on Eldrazi Conscription Infect


Check out mcflyguy's Ally Mill Deck:

He's Milled me for 36 cards at once before. Highly effective... so good it'll make you wanna slap your mama.

Posted 11 November 2010 at 13:46 as a comment on Ally U/B Mill


Diabolic Tutor would work.

Posted 11 November 2010 at 12:41 in reply to #96423 on Turn 2 Infect Win


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