
98 Decks, 109 Comments, 8 Reputation

Wow...not sure what else to say but wow. Obviously, it can be altered and refined, but for what your trying to do, I say awesome. I agree with soulknife, IF you wanted to mix in some other colors, this could not only be faster, but in general, a more consistent deck. But again, thats not what you're going for, so Ill just shut up....Well done!

Posted 11 November 2010 at 12:17 as a comment on Turn 2 Infect Win


Wow...Ive read a lot of the suggestions, and honestly, I think this flows just fine the way it is! Adding black flavor might make it a bit more fun. The beauty of this deck is that, despite its uniqueness, you can swap several cards in or out for spice - just to make your own playing more enjoyable. If you don't mind, I totally plan on ripping this idea off and making my own - just to see how it really would slide on a table. B.E.A.utiful!

Posted 11 November 2010 at 11:58 as a comment on I'd tap that


Might be a bit weak on defense, but it will certainly be rough to play against regardless. Offensive milling is obviously your choice of defending, and there is none better in this deck, but it may be too offensively minded. I can see you getting hung up trying to get the right spells out and having your ass handed to you by a bunch of elves, or even a simple burn deck. Id round it out a bit more with some regenerating creatures like "Mortivore" (who is always beautiful in a discard/mill deck) who can hold the fort till you do get a big bang with "Traumatize". Oh, and Id certainly add "Haunting Echoes" as well.

Posted 11 October 2010 at 00:31 as a comment on I was milled to death


Not bad at all - personally, I think you need more protection in spells like Doom Blade, and I think that Megrim/Liliana's Caress is a MUST in the main deck - but that is just me. You mana curve is perfect and you have ensured that you will not be lacking in mana either, so the deck should move quickly. 6/10 - Id happily play with it!

Posted 27 July 2010 at 18:00 as a comment on Liliana Personified


Take my rating with a grain of salt - I'm fairly new to MTG - Love the Death Baron, Cemetery Reaper, and Infectious Horror - however, after that the creature section is left wanting. If you want speed, put out more cheap zombies like Rotting Rats in play (though if your committed to keeping it standard, you'll have slim pickings). That said, the Grave Titan will be a fantastic addition once that comes out.
Considering your limitations of keeping it standard, well done. 8/10

Posted 01 July 2010 at 20:04 as a comment on Zombie speed aggro deck


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