
8 Decks, 21 Comments, 0 Reputation

What LordOfWar said. If your manafixers/acceleraters are green, you must weigh heavier on those.

That, and instead of Scrapbaskets, I would pack Heap Dolls/Mothdust Changelings. You already have 11+(3 Sculpting Steels) ways to get creatures of all 5 colors.

Also, instead of trying to hunt up each basic land type, two words. Prismatic Omen.

Posted 11 June 2008 at 00:01 as a comment on Coalition Scarecrows


Hmmmm... I dunno. Seriously: Kinscaer Harpoonist? Mothdust Changeling?

You're better off making tokens, bumrushing with a huge horde, letting them block most, then turning them into something stupid, preferebly huge and with trample. Copying a Liege isn't quite good enough. Ghastlord of Fugue can be cast for mono blue - mirrorweave him. You'll only need three or so creatures total to completely change your opponent's strategy as you hit for super-card-advantage.

Posted 10 June 2008 at 23:44 as a comment on Mirrorweave


Extirpate = banned when playing this deck.

Ripple is an excellent idea - since every card in 3 is a Rats, ripple 4 usually means that you'll get another Rats... and so on and so on.

However, there is the question of cards. If you (gasp!) get Wrathed, whatcha gonna do? If you can squeeze it in, card draw or some way to recycle Rats back into your library (in black, though, which could be hard to find) would mean not rolling over and dieing to a Wrath.

Posted 26 February 2008 at 23:07 as a comment on Relentless Rats


19 lands? Your deck isn't THAT cheap, or fast. Most decks still need support from at least 20 lands, at the very least. Those 3 signets don't make much a difference, either. One of my decks runs 11 mana accelerating cards, 19 lands, and is STILL incredibly prone to self-destruct due to me not being able to play a single accelerant.

Squeeze in a few lands. It'll help a lot.

Posted 24 February 2008 at 02:24 as a comment on




Seriously, though, I find that this deck needs another land or two.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 23:34 as a comment on


With a superfast, superaggressive deck, Plover Knights fails with its beastly mana cost. Like it was said before, Knights of Meadowgrain are THE deadliest two-drop beater in Standard right now. Harbingers simply slow you down, as the card goes on top of the library, not your hand, and they don't have enough attack power to fight. Galepowder Mage, on the other hand, can bounce any blocker, which is all a horde of Kithkin needs. Finally, put in a fourth Wizened Cenn, and consider Cenn's Heir.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:34 as a comment on Divinity


The large size definitely removes it for contender as a great duel deck. It will be slower, harder to draw exactly what you need against your one opponent...

In multiplayer, though, don't try to play the least bit aggressively. Pass without even playing anything if you think it'll remove the heat from you. Whenever you draw flak from another player, play a card to hose an opponent for him. Then, rise up and beat the last man standing. Fun.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:31 as a comment on BW Solution



I take offense to the twenty lands, four of which come into play tapped. Playing a seven mana creature is going to be tough.

The Sparkspitter is going to be mainly redundant, with most of your current temporary creatures being much more efficent. Maybe drop him for three more lands, but perhaps keep one.

Heat Shimmer is going to be painful, though.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:28 as a comment on


I hate to say it, but Purity's ability simply stinks in this deck. Why? Because without flash or a similar ability, no one will bother attacking you with Purity to give you life. While this may seem great (no one attacking! sweetzorz1!!) , there are much cheaper ways to stall for a few turns before removal is drawn.

Purity is a great way to take advantage of cards that are extremely powerful, but hit you hard in payback. You won't find that much in mono-white.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:26 as a comment on Standard White Control


And believe it or not, now that I think about it, if you put in Protective Bubbles, you could actually hope to use Wanderwine Prophets, or use it to protect the Drowner.

Just my thoughts on your Merrow Mill.


Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:20 as a comment on MillFolk


Springleaf Drums are unnecessary with only two colors. Four Wanderwine Hubs should provide all the necessary fixing.

And now, may I suggest Merrow Harbinger? When your Drowner just got Terrored, or you need to gain life with Judge, or a fatty is looming next turn, or you need to get extra milling in with Merrow Commerce, the Harbinger can find it.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:20 as a comment on MillFolk


Broken Ambitions are great counterspells, and Ponder is simply a great curvesmoother, even letting you shuffle in a jam. Summon the School can get out two or four merfolk tokens a turn when there's nothing better to do in late game. However, Pollen Lullaby is a bit antsy, as your opponent will often anticipate it, and it as a singular combat trick may not be enough against countermagic. Merrow Commerce is a must, while Forced Fruition is simply a great way to lock down your opponent.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:16 as a comment on MillFolk


Drowner... umm, this is Merrow Mill. Duh. MAXIMIZE

Wanderwine Prophets is a silly card to even think you can use. Without haste or islandwalk, it will almost always splash against a larger creature, and that's a dead draw right there. AXE

Judge is, like the Douser and Surgespanner, a method of defense by simply having too much life to kill. MAXIMIZE

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:13 as a comment on MillFolk


Surgespanner is a bit clunky to work around due to the need to pay extra mana to get his ability. However, in late game, it can become, like a Douser, a way to establish defense against a fatty. TWO

Reejeery is god. Not only does it almost make all Merfolk cost less mana (by untapping your lands when you play them), but when you don't need the mana, you can untap Merfolk after they mill/attack, tap blockers, and also makes your Drowners more resistant to burn. MAXIMIZE

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:11 as a comment on MillFolk


Tips on a Merfolk Mill Deck:

Tideshaper Mystic serves no purpose in a mill deck whatsoever. AXE

Stonybrook Angler is an overcosted Master Decoy at worst, an extremely expense way to take "when THIS Merfolk becomes tapped" only one step further. AXE

Douser, on the other hand, can stonewall fatties cold for -2/0 as early as turn 3 opposing, and in late game can be your only defense to a 30/30 trampler. MAXIMIZE

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:08 as a comment on MillFolk


Actually, when I looked at all the Extended-Legal cards that could ping, Prodigal Pyromancer and Sorceror are too vanilla. Who doesn't like haste/being 3 and 3/having an untap clause/being cheaper/being a super cantrip? That what all my pingers are, and all of them are worth the increased mana cost or clunkier color requirements.

Posted 09 January 2008 at 04:04 as a comment on Firing Line


In order to kill on turn three, you will need an additional three mana. This can come from many sources, such as delaying the combo by a turn or three (depends on how many other sources you receive), mana acceleration on turn one (or two or three, if delaying), or addtional mana boosters such as having an extra Desperate Ritual or three in your hand, and don't overlook Seething Song.

Nevertheless, the combo takes six mana to kick-start once the Guild Mage is down.

Posted 05 December 2007 at 22:57 as a comment on turn 3 win


If walls, fail, use Pyrohemia, Fireball, and Flamewave to blast enemy creatures to Kingdom Come.

Also, I've run proxy tests. It is extremely possible for this deck to kill on turn 5 or 6 with ONE X spell, and that's not using anything on turn 4 simply because you can't kill the player in one blow. On turn 4 and 5, one could instead direct a Flame Wave or Fireball, or play walls on turn 2 and 3. (And yes, it is extremely possible for this deck to play Flame Wave on Turn 4.)

Posted 29 October 2007 at 02:00 as a comment on Mana Burn


Hmmmm... I'm not sure I like 20 lands. In a deck that needs control, 20 lands without acceleration seems a bit short...

Posted 29 October 2007 at 01:57 as a comment on Cant Touch This


Hmmmm... one thing that worries me is that I think you can still be hurt by Karma. If I recall correctly, just because Karma is doing damage to you, doesn't mean it is targetting you, meaning that the Mask does nothing, and you end up killing yourself. Now, if you could find a way to destroy all your own lands, while saving your opponent's, then play the Urborg...

Posted 23 September 2007 at 02:29 as a comment on Karma Swamps


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