
20 Decks, 235 Comments, 26 Reputation

I'd say you need some proliferation. Get a lot of counters on those Shriekhorns and your Jace. Possibly proliferate the infect counters for a win. You should look into getting some Hedron crabs.

Posted 19 August 2011 at 00:54 as a comment on Revenge of the Neurok


What is the Xenograft in here for? You have a good idea here with the Shape Anew. Get that Colossus out really quick. I think preordain or ponder may be good for this deck so you can control when you get things and to get the Colossus out sooner.

Posted 19 August 2011 at 00:50 as a comment on shape anew my splicers


I respect you for wanting to keep it your own way.

Posted 19 August 2011 at 00:40 in reply to #193667 on Sun's Dragons


Maybe you should splash some white to put Grand Abolisher in here. It seems like you are very open early game even with the 8 counterspells. Maybe Porcelain Legionnaire instead. Just seems like you need some early defense.

Posted 19 August 2011 at 00:38 as a comment on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


I think you could find a much better blocker for less mana. It's a good idea but all in all there are better things to use. If you want their creatures to take damage when they attack you may want to look into adding Norn's Annex. Vampire Nighthawk is a great attacker or blocker with flying deathtouch and lifelink.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 03:21 as a comment on Luring obliterator


That's sounds like a really good idea to me, though I'm sure you were directing the question to Awz?. As long as you play the stack right your creature would live, just make sure they declare who/what is being effected then do it.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:37 in reply to #193410 on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


Maybe switch the Divine Offering for Shatter or Crush. If you are worried about your life War Report would be amazing in here.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:27 as a comment on USA Golem/Myr (Revised)


Semblance Anvil could work wonders in here : ) Exile a splicer and then you have a lot of cheaper cards to play

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:21 in reply to #193407 on Gollum. I mean Golem


Xenograft might not be all that needed in this deck. You could trade Forced Worship for Pacifism. Same CMC but the creature also can't block. Preordain could work better than Foresee simply because it costs 1 mana, and you have nothing for 1 mana atm. Besides that everything looks really good. I like your use of Garruk's Packleader. I don't see that card around too much unfortunately : (

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:17 as a comment on Gollum. I mean Golem


Rather than Armored Warhorse you could use Whiteknight or Mirran Crusader.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:12 as a comment on Sunny Side Up!


What will you be sacrifing to use the Forgemaster? Well the Simulacrum I suppose, but everything else seems needed. Maybe toss in some Wellsprings and take out some See Beyond.

Hmm Birthing Pod, Forgemaster, and Quicksilver Amulet. Good choices IMO.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:08 as a comment on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


Since you have Dragon Fodder you may consider putting Voracious Dragon in to do some damage. Rorix Bladewing may also be a creature you could add in. Kuldotha Rebirth could be used to destroy your Wellsprings.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 02:03 as a comment on Sun's Dragons


Why Stuffy Doll?

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:57 as a comment on Luring obliterator


Mana Barbs would make everyone hate you quite a bit.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:54 as a comment on TROLOLOL


I could see this going alright. You may want to put in mana leak for the Ponders. Once they get creatures out you may be in trouble. Suture Priest may benefit you more than the Soul's Attendant. Perimeter Captain could replace your Pride Guardian. It's one more defense but 1 less health when you do block, that way it can't be lightning bolted.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:42 as a comment on The Invisible Deck


I like this deck but it seems it may be slow. Maybe throw in some goblins in exchange for the more expensive dragons. Then you can add in Voracious Dragon and do some pretty good damage with it. I also think 4 Warstorm Surge is overkill. Some red burn cards might be nice or some black kill cards.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:37 as a comment on Dragon Swarm


Well looking through here, and after reading these lengthy posts : ), one suggestion would be to trade Mind Control for Corrupted Conscience. It's the exact same thing except the creature gains infect. Then your opponent is in a world of trouble. Though if you are close to winning the infect might slow you down >.> idk. I think you should take Tower of Calamities out. It only has one use and by the time you have 8 mana the game should be closing down.
I think you need another Guile and Frost Titan. Also up the count of P. Dragon and Guard Gomazoa(I love this card). Phantom Warrior is pretty amazing as well. I don't think Aether Figment is very good and you could probably take it out no problem.
Dissipation Field is amazing in here because if you can't counter their spell then you just return the creature to their hand. I believe you need more of those in here, so possibly take out the Narcolepsy.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:31 as a comment on The Hate Machine - Blue Control


Wow I really like Darksteel Axe. I don't have any atm but I'll definitelly look into getting 2-4 of them. If not for her then for me : ) I do need another creature that can get very big like the Avenger can, but I'll probably wait for some Ajani Pridemates. I don't think I'll add in the other ones like Kiteshield because I think I need more pump cards rather than defense. Accorder Paladin is really good but I have the feeling I won't be attacking with a lot of creatures most of the time.
Also Perimeter Captain and Pride Guardian both have Defender : ) I'll check your deck out now.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 01:08 in reply to #193383 on Lifetouch?


I think Student of Warfare would be a better mainboard choice than the Outrider.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:27 as a comment on Ding!


Guard Gomazoa might be a better choice than Fog Bank, or a mixture of the two.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 00:19 as a comment on I want to play!


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