
21 Decks, 484 Comments, 34 Reputation

Believe me if it wasn't about 15 bucks. a pop for them id get them. I'm actually on a budget and got a load of shock lands and traded them off for a lot of these cards. i wasn't trading for value because i wanted this built i was trading for usefulness. i ended up selling an aether vial away for the avacyn the vial wasn't as helpful as it should have been to me. it was blown up the second turn and people just keept killing it every time i played it so i opted to take it out for another piper. Oddly enough they let the piper stay compared to the vial. I'm sure it's only because id tajke the damage over blocking with the piper but it stayed on the board and still does over the vial also it would still take only one turn more to use the piper as the vial has to "charge". u do see your point though but the group i play with runs too much artifact hate after the incident where there was 178 platinum Angel on one persons field...cough cough..

Posted 05 February 2014 at 18:00 in reply to #434828 on G/W Great walls assault


It does but there's a lot of elves that produce tokens also. it also quite quickly gets ridiculous with rhys the redeemed out. imax out calculators quite often..
also the growing ranks and parallel lives combo is what led a great deal of populate decks

Posted 05 February 2014 at 17:41 in reply to #434602 on Elves


Can't find the fourth one or i would easily trust me. that's why i don't have ps of all my creatures this has only lost a handful of times with a lot more wins. The win count is easily over a hundred without exaggeration. its to the point if if i pull out the box people say that's you win next game. i haven't play tested this list yet but if it doesn't work as well as i hope I'm definitely going to come back to your comment. as for what it has a problem with hug. after a few turns it gets hard to stop rather quickly I've rebuilt after messing around one the last turn of a game because of intruder alarm and creeping renaissance putting literally everything back out.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 17:33 in reply to #434827 on elven insanity!


Also would you mind taking a look at the other mill i have built on here? its an infinite combo mill and its blue green I'm currently working on building

Posted 05 February 2014 at 09:34 in reply to #434557 on out already?


I use a set up like that in my elven insanity deck with parallel lives.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 09:17 in reply to #434410 on Scavenge EDH VAROLZ


I'm pretty sure it would not as in a normal sixty card deck as doubling season is triggered when parallel lives would as well you would put all the abilities onto the stack as you see fit. then each would trigger once. so for instance if you had a parallel lives and a doubling season anf put a token into play you manipulate the stack so parallel lives triggers first then parallel lives. the parallel lives puts two in and doubling season triggers making it 4 instead. it would be the same in this situation you've given. you place the abilities a single time.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 09:08 in reply to #434410 on Scavenge EDH VAROLZ


Also out of curiosity personally believe it would do well in the tournament setting as far as modern?

Posted 05 February 2014 at 02:43 in reply to #432461 on G/W Great walls assault


I'm glad you like it! What was giving it problems exactly ?

Posted 05 February 2014 at 02:03 in reply to #432461 on G/W Great walls assault


I was just wondering because parallel lives is much better in my opinion because of how it works. I've seen rank ran over lives in a couple decks but the reason gave was simply so they can choose what to populate with.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 00:23 in reply to #434602 on Elves


I'm curious of why growing ranks is being use while parallel lives works a lot better in a token deck for the same cmc. It doubles any token production and stacks. put in one can become put in 16 instead instead of putting an extra two into play you put a crap load in instead id definitely switch the ranks for the lives. if you get a chance could you check out my elvn insanity deck and my green white deck? I love the input of others

Posted 04 February 2014 at 23:25 as a comment on Elves


Thank you for checking the deck out as eell as the advice. i changed a few things to it. i hope it looks a bit better from your prospective as someone who plays mill

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:29 in reply to #434557 on out already?


If your looking for something else to use try increasing confusion. you can flash it back as well making it possible ti mill two people at once per increasing confusion. Id personally run it over zenith if its in budget

Posted 04 February 2014 at 21:59 as a comment on Blue's Infinite Zenith


Before i say my suggestion for this i know why shredding wind is there but it might be better to run primeval titans instead to get lands pulled from the deck. And get the deck trimmed to get the creatures out with more frequency. Plus with the gravity well you'll be able to block the flyers anyway killing most of not all of them

Posted 04 February 2014 at 20:16 as a comment on Trying to think of something


I play modern usually i do have a couple legacy builds though but they are only for fun. And don't win often.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 18:53 in reply to #434386 on Auratog


I'm going to be honest i took a look out of curiosity of what auratog itself was but I'm glad i did this is an awesome deck! I thought it might have been like my friends enchantment deck that functions around enchanted evening. again awesome build

Posted 04 February 2014 at 07:25 as a comment on Auratog


Honestly if I'm able to i buy a booster box and avoid single packs. with my tax refund I'm planning on ordering some singles though. that's how i got so many though is buying a box

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:41 in reply to #433388 on demons shadow


Yeah but it is a good idea

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:37 in reply to #432754 on golgari snacks


I'm glad it helped!

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:36 in reply to #434296 on necromancer's playground


I don't like worldslayer cuz it kills my lands too

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:35 in reply to #433451 on the big BANG!


I have to give a bit of credit to my friend though..she wouldn't stop playing burn and mill lol

Posted 04 February 2014 at 04:28 in reply to #432461 on G/W Great walls assault


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