
20 Decks, 78 Comments, 0 Reputation

I already got em :P Pulled two gideons from packs in two consecutive FNM's and when I top 8'd at my nationals qualifier. Was nice. haha.

Posted 25 May 2010 at 13:10 in reply to #66899 on Tap It


get rid of progenitus. Emrakul is much stronger. You don't need 4 awakening zones either.

I'd do:
-1 Progenitus
-4 Awakening zone
-2 Explore

+1 Emrakul
+2 Spell Pierce
+4 Deprive

Posted 06 May 2010 at 07:40 as a comment on Polymorph Fun


Nope... this will lose very quickly. You have nothing to do until turn 4... everything is faster than you except maybe control, but then they have so much removal and your piper has to survive a turn before it can do a thing. Polymorph is a better way to get the eldrazi's out and even it isn't that good in the current meta.

Posted 25 April 2010 at 14:52 as a comment on Elvish Piper - Eldrazi


Updated for ROE

Posted 22 April 2010 at 10:11 as a comment on Mythic Conscription


Goblin guide is 1000 times better than raging. If you go first and they get a land, chances are they then have to discard at their next turn. If it's not a land, you see a card going into their hand. It is an outstanding card. Drop the artillery and shortcutter for 4x burst lightning.

Posted 01 April 2010 at 13:33 as a comment on Standard Goblin Deck


I have to say I don't really think that identity crisis is a good play sideboard. Maybe go for stag instead for UW control

Posted 03 March 2010 at 09:19 in reply to #54672 on Ob Nixilis Knightfall


I really like the list. No real recommendations. I think the thing you'll be changing the most is the land base so it flows just so. Looks really good and I don't think I'd like getting paired against it :)

Posted 03 March 2010 at 08:58 as a comment on Ob Nixilis Knightfall


You're running loremaster for card draw I'm guessing, but he's the only ally in the deck. Don't you think mind sculptor or even just beleren would be much better?

Posted 26 February 2010 at 12:27 as a comment on Zendi/world block deck mill


you can't have more than 4 of anything other than basic lands. That rule applies to your sideboard also.

Posted 25 February 2010 at 15:57 as a comment on naya's revenge


Keeping it standard, but thank you for the suggestions.

Posted 08 February 2010 at 16:31 as a comment on lifegain


I think WU is a better way to go, Seth. Check out my USA control... made some final tweaks. Will be playing it at FNM next week.

Posted 04 February 2010 at 22:40 as a comment on Luminarch Ascension v1.0


sparkmage is awful. As is punishing fire. I'd drop the punishing fires and sparkmages entirely, then 1 shrine and 2 quests and 1 lich's mirror. You're slowing the deck down a little too much do all that. I've been thinking about putting in... almost everything puffer suggested.

Don't put in more than 2 more lands. Your highest casting cost is 3. And I wouldn't add more than 2 valakut's. It's great late game, but you need to win by turn 5/6 and then setting down your lich's mirror if you haven't got enough in hand to win. From personal experience I can tell you that Goblin Guide is nearly the best red card in standard right now. Yeah, they may get a land, but if they don't you know their next card and that's good information.

Posted 22 January 2010 at 11:25 as a comment on Lich's Burning Mirror


I would board the bloodchiefs. You don't need them, but they are GREAT against red deck wins that is constantly throwing their creatures into the graveyard. You need 3 Nocturnus and 4 marsh flats. The sac land will help you shuffle your deck and filter out a land if you nocturnus and reveal a land. I'd drop 1 malakir and 1 blade for 2 more nocturnus. Drop the feast of blood for 4 marsh flats. Drop a child of night for another sorin.

Posted 15 January 2010 at 08:10 as a comment on The Vampires of Sleepwalker


Forgot to mention the second thing the mesa and tarns do... they filter out land so you draw into less of it late game which is very, very important for burn decks. My hand is usually empty by turn 5 or 6 and top-decking land is awful if they aren't dead yet.

Posted 15 January 2010 at 08:03 as a comment on ouch!!!!


I would drop punishing fire. the 2 cost for 2 just isn't worth it. Even with the buyback option. Drop two appeals for two more shrines. Try and get a hold of 4 arid mesa's and 4 scalding tarns. I know they are rather spendy, but they do two wonderful things: 1, they help the shrine go off on turn 3. I've had two shrines go off on turn 4 and spent RRR for ball lightning and swung for 22... with 2 7/1 tramples, a ball lightning, and a guide. Not sure I would go with 4 Banefires. It's a good finisher, but expensive burn in the beginning. I think 3 earthquakes would go in nicely. So drop 2 appeals and 1 banefire for 3 earthquakes. I'd drop all the punishing fires for hell's thunder. A lot of decks see you tap 3 and expect ball lightning and have thei disfigure or bolt ready, but a 4/4 flying, haste is harder to deal with. Plus the unearth is a good finisher late game.

Sideboard in some unstable footing (for fog decks), 3 dragon's claw (for mirror match), act of treason (for baneslayer)... and the rest will be mostly up to you. Although shatter is good for eldrazi green. Hope this helps.

Posted 15 January 2010 at 08:01 as a comment on ouch!!!!


definitely lose the raging goblins. And rakka mar isn't that great either. act of treason is a sideboard card. Shrine isn't very effective without the sac lands, so either take those out or put in 4 arid mesa and 4 scalding tarns.

Posted 11 January 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on fast red


3 more bolts... 4 ball lightnings... actually. Just look at my burn deck, lol. It does what you're doing. Raging goblin is terrible. Definitely go for 4 guides and drop the prodigal pyromancers.

Posted 10 January 2010 at 18:25 as a comment on Haste


they still hit the graveyard although they disappear as soon as they get there.

Posted 10 January 2010 at 18:20 as a comment on years long Saproling tweaks


i don't want their fist hitting my face...? Your title confuses me.

Posted 09 January 2010 at 21:46 as a comment on Your face...their fist!


i agree with, jokilla. The only downside is you have to attack every turn, but goblins should be fast enough where you don't start being hurt by that too much.

Posted 09 January 2010 at 14:05 as a comment on Goblin Superman


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