
20 Decks, 78 Comments, 0 Reputation

Took it to FNM... it got stomped. All my pairings were heavy, heavy control. Turned out that I slowed the deck down a bit too much. Ended up boarding the paths, removing the sunlight... adding hellion's to the sideboard. Left the O-Rings in. Sarkhan Vol isn't a strong enough play in this deck since all the creatures have haste already. The +1/+1 is nice, but not necessary. Needs more play testing, but hopefully this will give it back some of its punch while still having a response to baneslaying fanbois. (yes, I know it's a great card... I'm just poor and jealous).

Posted 28 November 2009 at 23:25 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


I hear what you're saying. That's how the deck started out, but it runs into problems against control with Baneslayers or walls of denial. This gives me removal, a bit of life gain, but really i just like the cascade, and is still fast and hits hard. I'm taking it to FNM tonight to see how it does against more competitive decks, but it's been amazing against my friends so far.

Posted 27 November 2009 at 11:59 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


I was more speaking to the fact of the color distribution. This is RWG and so is Naya.

Posted 25 November 2009 at 06:04 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


You want 4 nighthawks... 1 bloodghast? Drop it or get 2 or 3 more. Pick up two more malakirs. You shouldn't need the coat of arms. Also, get 2 or 3 hexmages in there. The sac ability is great for planeswalkers and quest enchantments and it is a 2/1 first strike for BB. Great card.

Posted 24 November 2009 at 20:23 as a comment on Vampire Feast


Main board the bolts instead of duress (put them sideboard). Sideboard doom blade for terminate like arkender said. No reason not to run blightning in this deck. Even in decks it doesn't necessarily compliment... it is such a good card, it just needs to be played. I would put 2 or 3 in here.

Posted 24 November 2009 at 20:18 as a comment on BRG Allies


I see. was just curious. thanks :)

Posted 18 November 2009 at 21:44 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


meant cobras there, not birds... ^^

Posted 15 November 2009 at 22:06 as a comment on Lotus Naya type 2


I'd add in rootbound crag... maybe in place of stomping ground. The taiga is ridiculously good with valakut.... but a bit spendy. I'd drop the chasm's for an extra 2 exploration to make sure you draw it more. It's a cool idea. Good luck.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 22:05 as a comment on Valakut Assault


pacifism = nooooo nooooo noooo nooo nooo. With journey to nowhere out now... pacifism is a thing of the past. It's still good in certain instances, but why leave a creature around to activate abilities when you can take that sucker out of the game? Also, rafiq and finest hour are pretty nice to have. Might want to think about adding them.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 21:57 as a comment on Exalted


Went a little bit of a different route... check out my red/splash green fast aggro instead.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 19:06 as a comment on The wilted, burning, path... Naya


And... you can change the number of cards in deck by changing the number next to the name. You don't have to add them over and over. Just remember to click save. And your deck will be extremely inconsistent with so many 1 of cards. Start working towards playsets.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 18:08 as a comment on Original


Sideboard the oblivion rings... make sure you board Mark of asylum, because I guarantee you if you played me, your birds wouldn't live past your second turn. It's a good start, but you have no ability to protect your cobras and it seems that is what your decks stands on. With as fast as vampires and aggro is in standard, if you lose your cobras, it's pretty much game over.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 17:55 as a comment on Lotus Naya type 2


Ok... I had to tweak it some more after FNM last night. I am absolutely stomping almost everyone I play. My mana curve seems to be just right (before these new changes... haven't play tested this new set-up yet). It's kind jund in it's colors, but it's not running the signature jund cards like maelstrom pulses, thrinax, bituminous blast, etc... still want to keep the speed pretty quick with the deck while having some utility to deal with vampires (my worst match-up).

Posted 14 November 2009 at 13:18 as a comment on Red/ Splash Green Fast Aggro


in order to play mask of riddles you have to have one of three traces and one of 2 masks... so that 's 1/20 times 1/30... a 1 in 60 chance of actually playing it. Not good odds. You should take it out in my opinion.

Posted 14 November 2009 at 00:38 as a comment on Jund Block... (IDK)


Drop two mountains for another two Scalding tarns. No point in not running 4. Especially with the Shrine. I'd drop both the magma spray and punishing fire in exchange for 3 Volcanic Fallouts to better control the field. Lose the lich's mirror. You have a one in sixty chance in drawing it. I'd put in another banefire for it. Not a bad start, though.

Posted 11 November 2009 at 14:50 as a comment on T2.MonoR.Aggro


Yeah I was looking at Rip Clan Crasher, but I'm not sure if I like it enough. I was thinking of maybe putting in another of each of the enchantments, but I'm not sure. I don't really like the idea of cascading into an enchantment that doesn't immediately punch someone in the face.

Posted 10 November 2009 at 14:57 as a comment on Red/ Splash Green Fast Aggro


I would drop 8 mountains and put in 4 arid mesas and 4 Scalding Tarns. This will thin out your mana so you don't draw so much and it will also help build your shrine faster (goes off on turn 4 rather than turn 5). The minotaur is nice, but I'd trade it for Hell's thunder any day. Your deck needs the mountains for electropotence, so if you're constantly sac'ing them, you're not going to get it off enough. Take a look at my mono-red and feel free to leave feedback there. +1, but I would definitely make those changes.

Posted 10 November 2009 at 11:39 as a comment on Mono Red Fun


I'd probably take the islands down to 7 or 8 since you're mostly using white. Also, this is just my opinion, but I don't think this would be very competitive. Not sure if you're aiming for a casual or competitive deck, though.

Posted 09 November 2009 at 21:07 as a comment on AS_DF


Thanks for the comment, Farrom. Right now I want to keep the mana curve as low as possible. I do like the idea of splashing the black in, but for now I'm going to keep it Red/Splash Green. I especially like the fact that I can now sideboard naturalize for some disenchant. Hopefully bloodbraid will make this deck so ridiculously fast that I won't even have to worry about it, but ya never know.

Posted 09 November 2009 at 20:58 as a comment on Red/ Splash Green Fast Aggro


guides: YES. Arid mesa's: yes... and add in the scalding tarn also. Goblin Ruinblaster: sideboard. Instigator: yes, but there isn't enough goblin support just yet to make this viable. Bushwhacker: sure.

Check out my mono red burn.

Posted 09 November 2009 at 20:05 as a comment on zendikar type 2 goblins


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