
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

There are soo many cards that it is incredibly easy to hate. I'll say it one more time... Against an even moderately prepared field, this deck will have a rough time. Against a totally unprepared field lacking fast combo decks, this deck can do excellent. I'm not saying it's a bad deck or a bad list, even. I do still believe a bit more speed would help it *cough* disciple *cough* ;)

As it stands, it's basically an aggro list which is fine, but not incredibly unstoppable. It runs out of gas fairly quick. Tezzeret is the major key to helping prevent that but it still can easily happen.

I love affinity, but there is a reason it's no longer the "boogeyman" it used to be back in the days of the orignal Mirrodin block, even post-clamp.

Oh, and if you need/want more to work the Disciple into comboing with, you could try a red splash for Atog or something like that. Not quite as good as Ravager (ok, nowhere nearly as good) but still pretty sick. If they can't block it on turn 3 or kill it and you even have 1 Disciple out... Ouch.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 22:49 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Hahaha. Yes, I would then actually perhaps concede defeat and say it was an excellent card, rather than a decent but over-hyped card.;) That's awesome though. Props to you and the opposing player, btw. Many wouldn't catch that line of play, but yet it's hilarious to force upon them.:)

Posted 02 May 2011 at 06:15 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


As a random afterthought... While it may not come up often, one more case for Split Second is to prevent them from removing your one card with Surgical Extraction on their own. What I mean is, once you target a card in a graveyard with Surgical Extraction, they could potentially use a spell or ability to remove it from the game (or shuffle it into their library - I'm thinking respond with Entomb into eldrazi or some weird shenanigans), essentially negating the library/hand carnage it would otherwise use. Again, not very probable, but a fun idea to be aware of.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 05:59 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Extraction as a deck for sure would trash Storm/Combo. The card on it's own.. I'm just not sold... Surgical Extraction will often be better, though being "uncounterable" for Extirpate makes it a better option in various matchups (assuming you're running black mana production).

Posted 02 May 2011 at 05:41 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Meh. Have you heard of Extirpate? It's like the same thing but situationally better, occasionally worse as well. I wouldn't say either is hands down better though. But, similar to the Leyline, it sees very minimal sideboard play right now and for good reason. Taking brainstorm won't do enough. Ponder is even worse. In fact, it actually makes their deck 3 cards closer to getting their combo off. It does hurt the deck overall, but it's not terrible for them either. Led usually doesn't reach the graveyard until they're comboing off anyways so it's probably not going to stop them too well either honestly. I think for a while people will try to pack it into decks but it will soon meet the same fate as Extirpate: maxing out as a 2-of in the SB of decks...

Posted 02 May 2011 at 05:17 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Haha, fair enough. I'd say my strength is more for UG but RG is something I'd like to try sometime again soon.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 04:56 in reply to #158645 on Sorry I was so fast...


Kitaki only cost 1W which is incredibly easy to cast in legacy. You basically have Dispatch is all and that's if you draw one of the 3 right away, have the correct mana for it (admittedly not too hard to get), and have the mana open before your upkeep. Oh, plus that's assuming you sided it in...

Leyline is less played for sure, but the point is that it is NOT hard to hate reanimator if you feel there is a need, same as affinity.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 04:54 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything. Mental Misstep will change the face of Legacy, no doubt. The other two are cute but very hard to use effectively or correctly. You can't just shove them into any deck and expect to beat combo with them. Surgical Extraction is fine but unbelievably overrated right now. I just don't understand all the hype. You cast it and fine, but they've already cast their win condition. Make 'em discard it but they'll Misstep you or use FoW.

Graveyard hate is hardly uncommon and hardly impossible to use in ANY deck. Revoker is pretty weak, btw. It is soo easy to get rid of and against a skilled player will maybe slow them down by a turn at best. I've said my part, and if you don't want to believe any of it, fine. However, being prepared and aware of weakness is crucial to both becoming a better deck builder and magic player.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 04:03 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


How does your reanimator fare vs. the black Leline? 1 card that beats the deck basically stone-cold, before play has even begun.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 03:57 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Haha, that is something I did know.:) And you're welcome. Thanks for your help with my decks.:)

Posted 02 May 2011 at 03:50 in reply to #158346 on Phyrexian obliter-hater.


Wall of Tanglecord is very weak against Caw-Blade in any testing I've done with almost any deck. Many "pros" are learning to agree. It was neat tech for a bit, but I just don't like it in my experience. J2N is probably my favorite spot removal I can use here actually. It deals with stuff that's not attacking and the cost difference between that and Condemn is so minor in most situations. Tumble Magnet runs out and just isn't my favorite, though I have been considering it. I actually had Explore originally and wouldn't mind having them back. I love it and it does actually allow for the turn 2 JtMS (Birds on turn 1. Cobra, fetch-land, Explore, Fetch-land, Jace on turn 2). I just don't know what to take out. Ramp usually isn't a huge issue for this deck. I only really typically need to hit 4-5 mana and then any more and it's just good for activating Colonnades. What do you suggest over the duals? I've found they're very helpful since the deck has a bit of trouble with mana consistency when I didn't have as many...

Posted 02 May 2011 at 03:48 in reply to #158641 on Bant!


I think so. Yes. It looks quite fun. Could use some tweaking from testing but it looks like a very good start to a fine deck.:) I love ramp. Haha.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 03:43 in reply to #158645 on Sorry I was so fast...


Well, besides the nice list of hate you already provided? How often do you slam through a turn 2 Kataki, War's Wage?

My point here though is that affinity is a solid deck choice, for sure. However, to me it is similar in nature to Dredge/Reanimator decks in that against an unprepared field they can do lots of damage. When sideboards begin to bring in hate against them, you're doomed. Artifacts are easy to get rid of. Hell, even a quickly powerd out card like Creeping Corosion will rock a deck like this. The biggest reason Affinity builds are fragile though, is that they have little to no defense against those types of cards. Many other aggro builds have awesome "reset buttons" like goblins with Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Matron, and such. Other decks have ways to stop problems by running cards like Force of Will. This deck lacks that ability. In short, it's very narrow and does little to interact with the opponent short of beating down.

So... I feel it's justified to say it is a fragile deck. Good, powerful, fun - no doubt about it, but fragile. Speed is necessary to beat the combo. This deck is somewhat short on that. High Tide is one of the "Slower" combo decks in legacy right now and it consistently goes off by turn four. If you don't win the die roll, that means you've just lost the match. Even post-board, they have hate and Force of Will for yours.

If you find the right field without fast combos and prepared sideboards, this looks awesome. A more average field of combo decks though, and I'm sorry but I'm not seeing it. However, NPH should help eliminate some of the High Tide validity thanks to a certain "free" uncommon - perhaps a misstep on the R&D from Wizards.;)
(Yes, pun intended)

Posted 02 May 2011 at 03:40 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


Umm, the deck is a bit lacking on the ramp/low cmc cards. You have over 10 bombs which is a bit excessive. I like seeing the Karn, though. Seems interesting.

Posted 01 May 2011 at 17:21 as a comment on Sorry I was so fast...


Arc Trail also seems fine in slowing down opposing decks a bit.

Posted 01 May 2011 at 07:23 as a comment on Sorry I was so fast...


Well, the bigger you go, the worse Vengevine gets since he becomes much harder to buy back so I'd drop those. Avenger of Zendikar is the nuts. Primeval is sick with Raging Ravines. Lotus Cobra is great. More Explore helps. More mountains to make Koth's -2 better. Urabrask to help your top end titans. I find I'm not hugely fond of Wurmcoil when you have other big bombs available. Hero of Oxid Ridge becomes more underwhelming too. Umm, Cultivate is wonderful ramp. Gaea's Revenge isn't that great as a maindeck card IMO and I never even really wanted it out of the sideboard in my UG deck... Goblin Ruinblaster seems well placed in the format right now and even fits any haste theme. Umm... Yeah, those are all ideas and you definitely don't need to use all of them. Hope that helps for a start..

Posted 01 May 2011 at 07:22 in reply to #158342 on Sorry I was so fast...


What type of draw gets the turn 3 kill? Jw. I used the sample hand viewer and did not see many likely scenarios (admittedly with a smaller sample size: about 10 hands).
And Wasteland is a valid point, though honestly, with a deck like this, I'd probably most often want them to waste their own land to take out one of mine when I'll still just drop everything anyways... Shattering Spree is sick stuff regardless but I guess I can see your point.
I love affinity but I feel like it's just very fragile and a bit slow vs. combo...

Posted 01 May 2011 at 07:13 in reply to #158570 on Modern Affinity


How fast can this deck kill (goldfishing) and how consistently? I feel like if this can't consistently break the turn 4 or turn 3 barrier, this won't make it in legacy. Sorry man. I know you guys are talking about how good it is, and it really does look solid overall but it can't hold up to some of the combo decks in the format and is too linear to fight them back with disruption, especially not with only 2 Canonist in the SB. I mean, extraction will naturally be a good matchup for it due to it's slow speed and the diversity of threats in Affinity. However, I don't see it consistently beating High Tide or ANT decks.

Main point here: Needs a faster kill and/or better sideboard plans. Vault Skirge seems decent but I don't see the loss of power making it better than Frogmite. Lifegain wont help you too much in many situations. Disciple of the Vault seems like a must. It can increase the clock by miles.

Also, why not have the full four Vault of Whispers when you have a full four Darksteel Citadel? I feel like it there's not enough artifact/land destruction that will really matter that the little bonus in mana consistency would be worth a 2 for 2 swap there.

Sorry if I sound like a prick or something for "bringing down" this deck a bit. It is very good and should be fine vs. a lot of decks for sure, but I just wanted to point out some major flaws, IMO.

Posted 01 May 2011 at 06:22 as a comment on Modern Affinity


Ok, so.. I commented on the RG deck and the new mono black decks you made. I did not comment on the extraction deck for a couple reasons. The biggest one is simply because I have never made an extraction deck and have never had to face one either. The other reason is because I personally do not believe they are all they're cracked up to be by some people and just don't think it's a strong enough path to take in standard play especially. It looks like an interesting deck, but I just don't think it's going to win the majority of it's matches. Prove me wrong on this one - it'd be cool to see a new deck do well.:)

So, my sideboard still seems lacking. I'm not sure what changes to make though. Any ideas for this part of the deck?

Also, I feel like a pair of titans could be great in this deck. Probably a Sun Titan and either 1 Primeval or 1 Frost Titan but I'm not sure which. Any suggestions on stuff to take out?

Posted 01 May 2011 at 05:52 as a comment on Bant!


Ok, I like the deck overall. I really do, so understand that I'm not trying to be a total downer on MBC as you read my following comments.

As standard is right now, I just don't see any reason to run mono black. Yes, Obliterator is awesome. Yes, Gatekeeper is great. And yes, they all have crazy heavy black mana requirements. Does that mean you need to be only black? No! Splashing blue (or red) is just far too easy right now with access to 12 dual lands (yes that is half of your land base)! So, rather than Sign in Blood, you can instead easily play Preordain. Instead of Extraction, you could have something like Mana Leak. Sphere of Suns actually makes splashing blue that much easier. In fact, if you weren't splashing blue, I'd say go with Everflowing Chalice instead anyways.
I know you had mentioned trading your JtMS but you can still play Jace Beleren as well which is a nice option, great card advantage, and preemptively stops opposing Jaces while killing them quite nicely as well.

In short, I have very little problem with most of the cards in this deck, but just see little to no reason not to run blue at the same time. Again, I do like it overall though. I don't think Surgical Extraction is all that good in the main deck, especially as a four of but I have been wrong before I guess...

Posted 30 April 2011 at 09:53 as a comment on Phyrexian obliter-hater.


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