
32 Decks, 612 Comments, 53 Reputation

Hey, I know you posted forever ago, but I'm just now looking back at this site - I've been away from it for quite a while. Anyway, I definitely don't need another wincon. There are some issues with the deck, but wincons aren't it. I have lands that can attack, snapcasters, a blue sun's zenith for the decking plan, and my main kill of white sun's zenith. The lands play out naturally, the snapcasters are awesome value, and everything else can be tutored for by Mystical Teachings. Winning has seldom been the issue - surviving long enough in such a diverse metagame to use/cast these wincons is the problem...

Posted 19 February 2013 at 20:05 in reply to #307321 on Modern Teachings


I guess I did miss Golbin Recruiter which I think can be argued to be as good as Goblin Piledriver or better, so it seems fine on the list as well, though still generally much worse than the other 2-drops I've listed...

Posted 13 February 2012 at 21:51 in reply to #234427 on The Best 2-Drops Ever Made


This list is a bit overdone I think. As far as I'm concerned, there is approximately 1 true best 2-drop creature for each color.
Red = Goblin Piledriver (arguably the worst of these two-drops)
White = Stoneforge Mystic
Green = Tarmogoyf
Black = Bob (Dark Confidant)
Blue = Snapcaster Mage (although it's very seldom actually cast w/ only 2 mana and I can see the argument for Phantasmal Image, though it's still miles behind)

Other than this, Demonic Tutor, Time Walk, and Balance are really the only sorceries I can immediately see making it. Mana Drain, and Flash rock the instants. Survival, and Oath of Druids win enchantments (a few others might be ok.. like Bitterblossom). And artifacts goes to Time Vault with honorable mention to Jitte, Ravager, and Null Rod (though the Rod isn't really "powerful" but has a very useful effect that can be good against some decks).

I honestly can't see any other card on this list that even compares with these. I think almost all of them should go for this to be a true "best" list.*

*This does apply to Storm Crow as well, but only because it's soo powerful it needs it's very own list as it is far too broken and makes this discussion too easy.

Posted 13 February 2012 at 21:40 as a comment on The Best 2-Drops Ever Made


Ok, while it certainly seems budgeted, I've still gotta wonder about the Elvish Warrior (and Giant Growth/Bounty of the Hunt really). I mean, 2 mana for a 2/3 seems pretty underwhelming for a deck where all the 1-drops are nearly the same size or even bigger. They hit just as hard anyway, and 3 thoughness doesn't help all that much because it still get's bolted quite easily doesn't compare well against goyfs, Nacatls, etc. I also am not huge on the Giant Growths just because they're an easy source of card disadvantage in that they'll just grab an extra 3 damage from time to time, but do little more. I think a card like Sylvan Library might be helpful in here to help make sure the pressure keeps coming. Just a few thoughts to toss around.

Looks pretty solid for Stompy (especially for the overall low cost) as a whole, though.:)

Posted 08 November 2011 at 07:57 as a comment on realdecks - green stompy deck.


Ha, that's great. At first deck this seemed like a semi-legit deck (semi-legit mostly because it's only really best in pre-ban, pre-rotation standard). Then I realized the Bone Saw. Hahaha. Good stuff.:)

Posted 04 November 2011 at 16:45 as a comment on God-Tier: Saw Blade.


Hey man. Nice deck. Only things I see here are that it appears that you're missing any 6-drops which could make it a bit harder to pod up to some of the big stuff. Any titan (including Wurmcoil) could work just great here. Also, I'm not so sure about Artisan of Kozilek. His ability only triggers as you CAST him, not when you 'pod him into play. Maybe you do actually intend to cast him here, but I'd swap it out if you just mean for it to be a good 'Pod target. Otherwise it looks solid.:)

Posted 31 October 2011 at 04:44 as a comment on Hot chick driving a fast sports car


Seems fairly solid, though I feel like Mulch isn't that great in a Stompy deck like this where you don't have/need much land. I mean, by the time you mulch, you're probably already about curving out and just need more creatures. I get that it can dump Vengvines but it seems a bit unreliable for that purpose. I feel like Lead the Stampede would probably be better here to keep the pressure going. Just an idea.:)

Posted 27 October 2011 at 07:20 as a comment on Manamanah


Ok, cool. Just was wondering since the name of this deck is, well, you know... The same name as the band. haha.

Posted 23 October 2011 at 22:02 in reply to #209069 on Flyleaf


Jw, do you listen to Flyleaf? They're a pretty sweet band, I think.:/

Posted 23 October 2011 at 01:44 as a comment on Flyleaf


Hmm. Interesting. Jw, where did you side in the Metamorph and do you have any ideas for fighting the mirror?

Posted 16 October 2011 at 22:37 in reply to #207311 on Wolf Run Ramp


So, after a great tourney with it... What do you have to say about the deck? Any major changes or cards you'd wished you had brought? Just curious - I've been working on getting many of the cards of this basic type of deck recently and would like to hear your opinion.

Posted 16 October 2011 at 21:04 in reply to #207311 on Wolf Run Ramp


Wow! Way to go man! That's awesome!

Posted 16 October 2011 at 05:16 in reply to #207311 on Wolf Run Ramp


Hey Ethan. I like this deck. Pretty similar actually to my rG deck I made recently (and even before this type of deck won so I proudly wasn't netdecking;) ). The biggest upgrade this had was the 4 Inkmoth Nexus which I hadn't really even considered.
One thing to think about though, is that right now Wurmcoil is decent, but he's maybe not quite as good as you want him to be. Even against red decks, he's a tad slow and they can Ember Hauler block and shoot you before damage so you won't gain the life. One option that MAY be better right now I'm thinking is actually Batterskull. It does essentially the same thing, but for 1 cheaper which could be huge against a red deck. Also, it's much better against decks with Phantasmal Image (which is becoming a staple in control). In terms of protection from removal, it comes out about even with Wurmcoil against red decks "splashing" Ancient Grudge as they'll still get the relevant lifegain portions of the wurm anyway while Batterskull can at least potentially bounce and turn any of your dudes into major threats.

Just an idea. Sorry if it's too late to help, but best of luck to you tomorrow!:)

Posted 14 October 2011 at 22:02 as a comment on Wolf Run Ramp


Both effects trigger at the same time. However, since you are the controller of both effects, you can choose how to stack them so that the exalted triggers resolve first and the angel token follows after, allowing both to happen. Thus, you have a super sizeable 3-drop (potentially 4/4 double-striker or bigger) that is also throwing an extra 4 flying damage at your opponent each attack phase. This means a serious clock while also solving one of the Giest's biggest problems - it's generally small body and ability to easily be blocked/killed.

Posted 14 October 2011 at 18:40 in reply to #207011 on Amor Manes


Wow! I like this deck a lot! I'm honestly not sure how well it would stack up against some things like combo in legacy (doesn't interact too much with them) but man does this look like an incredibly fun deck to play! It's like the perfect deck in many ways - it looks very potent, but not too much that it's broken. In other words, it can be competitive, but still works well enough in the casual scene, too! :) Honestly, the only other main card I might consider off the top of my head is Knight of the Reliquary - it's awesome and just really sweet. I love the card anyway..

Posted 13 October 2011 at 23:51 as a comment on Amor Manes


Originally I'd planned to run Pestermites and a Twin or two as well. As I built the deck, though, I found that in order to keep a good curve for Birthing Pod, they just had to go. The deck can still win pretty effectively without the combo which is good and is more of a surprise quick win.

One of the best things to do is by turn 4 have landed a Pod and a four-drop. Then, if I can drop a 2 drop (assuming I have at least 4 mana total for the turn) I can Pod it into an Exarch which untaps the Pod. Then I can sac the 4-drop into Kiki-Jiki and combo out for the win.:)

I get extra "cushion" from all the other effective beaters and card advantage, though (Grove + Predator/Fires). I'd love to fit in another Pestermite and/or Twin, but I just can't figure what else to really cut. The list seems like it has good game against nearly everything though, which is cool.:)

Sorry to hear about your headache.:P

Posted 13 October 2011 at 21:58 in reply to #206688 on Modern RUG Pod Combo


This deck is meant to stay standard and there is no tribal theme. For both of these reasons, Goblin Guide just isn't right in this deck. Despite that, it's also a really small red splash.
Acidic Slime is actually just like amazing against soo many decks as it always has relevant targets to take out and is a deathtouch creature left behind.

However, B&M is a nice suggestion and I'll really consider that. The problem I find with it, though, is that it's best against other aggro decks - the decks where War&Peace is better still against due to it's color protections. Also, milling 10 against a lot of the new control decks almost just works to draw them cards as they can gain flashback targets as well as providing potential reanimation targets as well.:/ If some Blue/Green decks that don't run much flashback show up, it could be a much better option. Thanks for the ideas.

Posted 13 October 2011 at 21:52 in reply to #206834 on rG Standard Crusher


Oh wow... My bad. Idk how I missed the Thoughtseize... :P Haha. Sorry 'bout that.

Any games with this yet, though? How's Snapcaster seeming to work out for ya?

Posted 12 October 2011 at 06:28 in reply to #206106 on Somebody had to try it..


Here the thing about the Ponder/Preordain debate... Basically, it largely comes down to the type of deck you're running and how many fetchlands you play. If you can reliably shuffle your deck after every Ponder (aka running 10+ fetches and maybe another method or two of shuffling) Ponder can be VERY good. If you don't like any of the 3 cards, it's already done more than Preordain with a shuffle and something random. If you like just 1, draw it and then shuffle away with a fetchland. However, it decks with very few shuffle effects, Preordain is just way better for reasons you mentioned Ethan.

That's my opinion anyway. Regardless, they're both potentially very usefull and a must-have in most combo decks.

Posted 12 October 2011 at 06:25 in reply to #206192 on Somebody had to try it..


This looks nice Ethan. One concern about Snapcaster in Reanimator though is people already intend to sideboard in graveyard hate against the deck - Snapcaster gets much worse when they're already raping your graveyard. :P Game one should be sick, though!:)

One other card to consider could be something like Thoughtsieze as it seems awesome and can pave the way for a Jin-Gitaxias or another target. Maybe this is wrong, as I'm not the Reanimator that WhiteandBlue is.:P

Posted 11 October 2011 at 06:23 as a comment on Somebody had to try it..


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